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158 - G. Ghisellini 2015
The very existence of more than a dozen of high-redshift (z>4) blazars indicates that a much larger population of misaligned powerful jetted AGN was already in place when the Universe was <1.5 Gyr old. Such parent population proved to be very elusive, and escaped direct detection in radio surveys so far. High redshift blazars themselves seem to be failing in producing extended radio-lobes, raising questions about the connection between such class and the vaster population of radio-galaxies. We show that the interaction of the jet electrons with the intense cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation explains the lack of extended radio emission in high redshift blazars and in their parent population, helping to explain the apparently missing misaligned counterparts of high redshift blazars. On the other hand, the emission from the more compact and more magnetised hot spots are less affected by the enhanced CMB energy density. By modelling the spectral energy distribution of blazar lobes and hot spots we find that most of them should be detectable by low frequency deep radio observations, e.g., by LOw-Frequency ARray for radio astronomy (LOFAR) and by relatively deep X-ray observations with good angular resolution, e.g., by the Chandra satellite. At high redshifts, the emission of a misaligned relativistic jet, being de-beamed, is missed by current large sky area surveys. The isotropic flux produced in the hot spots can be below ~1 mJy and the isotropic lobe radio emission is quenched by the CMB cooling. Consequently, even sources with very powerful jets can go undetected in current radio surveys, and misclassified as radio-quiet AGNs.
96 - G. Tagliaferri 2015
The most powerful blazars are the flat spectrum radio quasars whose emission is dominated by a Compton component peaking between a few hundred keV and a few hundred MeV. We selected two bright blazars, PKS 2149-306 at redshift z=2.345 and S5 0836+710 at z=2.172, in order to observe them in the hard X-ray band with the NuSTAR satellite. In this band the Compton component is rapidly rising almost up to the peak of the emission. Simultaneous soft-X-rays and UV-optical observations were performed with the Swift satellite, while near-infrared (NIR) data were obtained with the REM telescope. To study their variability, we repeated these observations for both sources on a timescale of a few months. While no fast variability was detected during a single observation, both sources were found to be variable in the X-ray band, up to 50%, between the two observations, with larger variability at higher energies. No variability was detected in the optical/NIR band. These data together with Fermi-LAT, WISE and other literature data are then used to study the overall spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of these blazars. Although the jet non-thermal emission dominates the SED, it leaves the UV band unhidden, allowing us to detect the thermal emission of the disc and to estimate the mass of the black hole. The non-thermal emission is well reproduced by a one-zone leptonic model. The non-thermal radiative processes are synchrotron, self-Compton and external Compton using seed photons from both the broad-line region (BLR) and the torus. We find that our data are better reproduced if we assume that the location of the dissipation region of the jet, R_diss, is in-between the torus, (at R_torus), and the BLR (R_torus>R_diss>R_BLR). The observed variability is explained by changing a minimum number of model parameters by a very small amount.
Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) are a powerful probe of the high redshift Universe. We present a tool to estimate the detection rate of high-z GRBs by a generic detector with defined energy band and sensitivity. We base this on a population model that reproduces the observed properties of GRBs detected by Swift, Fermi and CGRO in the hard X-ray and gamma-ray bands. We provide the expected cumulative distributions of the flux and fluence of simulated GRBs in different energy bands. We show that scintillator detectors, operating at relatively high energies (e.g. tens of keV to the MeV), can detect only the most luminous GRBs at high redshifts due to the link between the peak spectral energy and the luminosity (Ep-Liso) of GRBs. We show that the best strategy for catching the largest number of high-z bursts is to go softer (e.g. in the soft X-ray band) but with a very high sensitivity. For instance, an imaging soft X-ray detector operating in the 0.2-5 keV energy band reaching a sensitivity, corresponding to a fluence of ~10^-8 erg cm^-2, is expected to detect ~40 GRBs yr^-1 sr^-1 at z>5 (~3 GRBs yr^-1 sr^-1 at z>10). Once high-z GRBs are detected the principal issue is to secure their redshift. To this aim we estimate their NIR afterglow flux at relatively early times and evaluate the effectiveness of following them up and construct usable samples of events with any forthcoming GRB mission dedicated to explore the high-z Universe.
The radio-loud quasar SDSS J013127.34-032100.1at a redshift z=5.18 is one of the most distant radio-loud objects. The radio to optical flux ratio (i.e. the radio-loudness) of the source is large, making it a promising blazar candidate. Its overall spectral energy distribution, completed by the X-ray flux and spectral slope derived through Target of Opportunity Swift/XRT observations, is interpreted by a non-thermal jet plus an accretion disc and molecular torus model. We estimate that its black hole mass is (1.1+-0.2)1e10 Msun. for an accretion efficiency eta=0.08, scaling roughly linearly with eta. Although there is a factor ~2 of systematic uncertainty, this black hole mass is the largest found at these redshifts in a radio loud object. We derive a viewing angle between 3 and 5 degrees. This implies that there must be other (hundreds) sources with the same black hole mass of SDSS J013127.34-032100.1, but whose jets are pointing away from Earth. We discuss the problems posed by the existence of such large black hole masses at such redshifts, especially in jetted quasars. In fact, if they are associated to rapidly spinning black holes, the accretion efficiency is high, implying a slower pace of black hole growth with respect to radio-quiet quasars.
92 - G. Ghisellini 2014
Theoretical models for the production of relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei predict that jet power arises from the spin and mass of the central black hole, as well as the magnetic field near the event horizon. The physical mechanism mechanism underlying the contribution from the magnetic field is the torque exerted on the rotating black hole by the field amplified by the accreting material. If the squared magnetic field is proportional to the accretion rate, then there will be a correlation between jet power and accretion luminosity. There is evidence for such a correlation, but inadequate knowledge of the accretion luminosity of the limited and inhomogeneous used samples prevented a firm conclusion. Here we report an analysis of archival observations of a sample of blazars (quasars whose jets point towards Earth) that overcomes previous limitations. We find a clear correlation between jet power as measured through the gamma-ray luminosity, and accretion luminosity as measured by the broad emission lines, with the jet power dominating over the disk luminosity, in agreement with numerical simulations. This implies that the magnetic field threading the black hole horizon reaches the maximum value sustainable by the accreting matter.
We have selected SDSS J222032.50+002537.5 and SDSS J142048.01+120545.9 as best blazar candidates out of a complete sample of extremely radio-loud quasars at z>4, with highly massive black holes. We observed them and a third serendipitous candidate with similar features (PMN J2134-0419) in the X-rays with the Swift/XRT telescope, to confirm their blazar nature. We observed strong and hard X-ray fluxes (i.e. $alpha_X<0.6$, where $F( u)propto u^{-alpha_X}$ in the 0.3-10keV observed energy range, ~1-40keV rest frame) in all three cases. This allowed us to classify our candidates as real blazars, being characterized by large Lorentz factors (~13) and very small viewing angles (~3deg). All three sources have black hole masses exceeding 10^9Msun and their classification provides intriguing constraints on supermassive black hole formation and evolution models. We confirm our earlier suggestion that there are different formation epochs of extremely massive black holes hosted in jetted (z~4) and non-jetted systems (z~2.5).
139 - F. Nappo 2014
About 15% of Gamma Ray Bursts have precursors, i.e. emission episodes preceding the main event, whose spectral and temporal properties are similar to the main emission. We propose that precursors have their own fireball, producing afterglow emission due to the dissipation of the kinetic energy via external shock. In the time lapse between the precursor and the main event, we assume that the central engine is not completely turned off, but it continues to eject relativistic material at a smaller rate, whose emission is below the background level. The precursor fireball generates a first afterglow by the interaction with the external circumburst medium. Matter injected by the central engine during the quasi-quiescent phase replenishes the external medium with material in relativistic motion. The fireball corresponding to the main prompt emission episode crashes with this moving material, producing a second afterglow, and finally catches up and merges with the first precursor fireball. We apply this new model to GRB 091024, an event with a precursor in the prompt light curve and two well defined bumps in the optical afterglow, obtaining an excellent agreement with the existing data.
The radio-loud quasar SDSS J114657.79+403708.6 at a redshift z=5.0 is one of the most distant radio-loud objects. The IR-optical luminosity and spectrum suggest that its black hole has a very large mass: M=(5+-1)x 1e9 Msun. The radio-loudness (ratio of the radio to optical flux) of the source is large (around 100), suggesting that the source is viewed at small angles from the jet axis, and could be a blazar. The X-ray observations fully confirm this hypothesis, due to the high level and hardness of the flux. This makes SDSS J114657.79+403708.6 the third most distant blazar known, after Q0906+693 (z=5.47) and B2 1023+25 (z=5.3). Among those, SDSS J114657.79+403708.6 has the largest black hole mass, setting interesting constraints on the mass function of heavy (larger than one billion solar masses) black holes at high redshifts.
We present the analysis of the extraordinarily bright Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) 130427A under the hypothesis that the GRB central engine is an accretion-powered magnetar. In this framework, initially proposed to explain GRBs with precursor activity, the prompt emission is produced by accretion of matter onto a newly-born magnetar, and the observed power is related to the accretion rate. The emission is eventually halted if the centrifugal forces are able to pause accretion. We show that the X-ray and optical afterglow is well explained as the forward shock emission with a jet break plus a contribution from the spin-down of the magnetar. Our modelling does not require any contribution from the reverse shock, that may still influence the afterglow light curve at radio and mm frequencies, or in the optical at early times. We derive the magnetic field ($Bsim 10^{16}$ G) and the spin period ($Psim 20$ ms) of the magnetar and obtain an independent estimate of the minimum luminosity for accretion. This minimum luminosity results well below the prompt emission luminosity of GRB 130427A, providing a strong consistency check for the scenario where the entire prompt emission is the result of continuous accretion onto the magnetar. This is in agreement with the relatively long spin period of the magnetar. GRB 130427A was a well monitored GRB showing a very standard behavior and, thus, is a well-suited benchmark to show that an accretion-powered magnetar gives a unique view of the properties of long GRBs.
214 - G. Ghisellini 2013
We discuss how the interaction between the electrons in a relativistic jet and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) affects the observable properties of radio-loud AGN at early epochs. At high z the magnetic energy density in the radio lobes of powerful radio-loud quasars can be exceeded by the energy density of the CMB (because of its (1+z)^4 dependance). In this case, relativistic electrons cool preferentially by scattering off CMB photons, rather than by synchrotron. Thus, sources sharing the same intrinsic properties have different extended radio and X-ray luminosities when located at different z: more distant sources are less luminous in radio and more luminous in X-rays than their closer counterparts. Instead, in compact regions where the local magnetic field still exceeds the CMB in terms of energy density, synchrotron radiation would be unaffected by the presence of the CMB. Such regions include the compact inner jet and the so-called hot spots in the radio lobes. The decrease in radio luminosity is larger in misaligned sources, whose radio flux is dominated by the extended isotropic component. These sources can fail detection in current flux limited radio surveys, and therefore they are possibly under-represented in the associated samples. As the cooling time is longer for lower energy electrons, the radio luminosity deficit due to the CMB photons is less important at low radio frequencies. Therefore objects not detected so far in current surveys at a few GHz could be picked up by low frequency deep surveys, such as LOFAR and SKA. Until then, we can estimate the number of high redshift radio-loud AGNs through the census of their aligned proxies, i.e., blazars. Indeed, their observed radio emission arises in the inner and strongly magnetized compact core of the relativistic jet, and not affected by inverse Compton scattering off CMB photons.

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