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128 - F. Allaert 2015
Context. Edge-on galaxies can offer important insights in galaxy evolution as they are the only systems where the distribution of the different components can be studied both radially and vertically. The HEROES project was designed to investigate the interplay between the gas, dust, stars and dark matter (DM) in a sample of 7 massive edge-on spiral galaxies. Aims. In this second HEROES paper we present an analysis of the atomic gas content of 6 out of 7 galaxies in our sample. The remaining galaxy was recently analysed according to the same strategy. The primary aim of this work is to constrain the surface density distribution, the rotation curve and the geometry of the gas disks in a homogeneous way. In addition we identify peculiar features and signs of recent interactions. Methods. We construct detailed tilted-ring models of the atomic gas disks based on new GMRT 21-cm observations of NGC 973 and UGC 4277 and re-reduced archival HI data of NGC 5907, NGC 5529, IC 2531 and NGC 4217. Potential degeneracies between different models are resolved by requiring a good agreement with the data in various representations of the data cubes. Results. From our modelling we find that all but one galaxy are warped along the major axis. In addition, we identify warps along the line of sight in three galaxies. A flaring gas layer is required to reproduce the data only for one galaxy, but (moderate) flares cannot be ruled for the other galaxies either. A coplanar ring-like structure is detected outside the main disk of NGC 4217, which we suggest could be the remnant of a recent minor merger event. We also find evidence for a radial inflow of 15 +- 5 km/s in the disk of NGC 5529, which might be related to the ongoing interaction with two nearby companions. (Abridged)
We consider a class of parametrically forced Hamiltonian systems with one-and-a-half degrees of freedom and study the stability of the dynamics when the frequency of the forcing is relatively high or low. We show that, provided the frequency of the forcing is sufficiently high, KAM theorem may be applied even when the forcing amplitude is far away from the perturbation regime. A similar result is obtained for sufficiently low frequency forcing, but in that case we need the amplitude of the forcing to be not too large; however we are still able to consider amplitudes of the forcing which are outside of the perturbation regime. Our results are illustrated by means of numerical simulations for the system of a forced cubic oscillator. In addition, we find numerically that the dynamics are stable even when the forcing amplitude is very large (beyond the range of validity of the analytical results), provided the frequency of the forcing is taken correspondingly low.
102 - G. Gentile , C. Tydtgat , M. Baes 2015
We present the stellar and gaseous kinematics of an Sb galaxy, NGC 3223, with the aim of determining the vertical and radial stellar velocity dispersion as a function of radius, which can help to constrain disk heating theories. Together with the observed NIR photometry, the vertical velocity dispersion is also used to determine the stellar mass-to-light (M/L) ratio, typically one of the largest uncertainties when deriving the dark matter distribution from the observed rotation curve. We find a vertical-to-radial velocity dispersion ratio of sigma_z/sigma_R=1.21+-0.14, significantly higher than expectations from known correlations, and a weakly-constrained Ks-band stellar M/L ratio in the range 0.5-1.7, at the high end of (but consistent with) the predictions of stellar population synthesis models. Such a weak constraint on the stellar M/L ratio, however, does not allow us to securely determine the dark matter density distribution. To achieve this, either a statistical approach or additional data (e.g. integral-field unit) are needed.
We present the analysis of new, deep HI observations of the spiral galaxy NGC 3198, as part of the HALOGAS (Westerbork Hydrogen Accretion in LOcal GAlaxieS) survey, with the main aim of investigating the presence, amount, morphology and kinematics of extraplanar gas. We present models of the HI observations of NGC 3198: the model that matches best the observed data cube features a thick disk with a scale height of ~3 kpc and an HI mass of about 15% of the total HI mass; this thick disk also has a decrease in rotation velocity as a function of height (lag) of 7-15 km/s/kpc (though with large uncertainties). This extraplanar gas is detected for the first time in NGC 3198. Radially, this gas appears to extend slightly beyond the actively star-forming body of the galaxy (as traced by the Halpha emission), but it is not more radially extended than the outer, fainter parts of the stellar disk. Compared to previous studies, thanks to the improved sensitivity we trace the rotation curve out to larger radii. We model the rotation curve in the framework of MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) and we confirm that, with the allowed distance range we assumed, fit quality is modest in this galaxy, but the new outer parts are explained in a satisfactory way.
Recent high-resolution N-body CDM simulations indicate that nonsingular three-parameter models such as the Einasto profile perform better than the singular two-parameter models, e.g. the Navarro, Frenk and White, in fitting a wide range of dark matter haloes. While many of the basic properties of the Einasto profile have been discussed in previous studies, a number of analytical properties are still not investigated. In particular, a general analytical formula for the surface density, an important quantity that defines the lensing properties of a dark matter halo, is still lacking to date. To this aim, we used a Mellin integral transform formalism to derive a closed expression for the Einasto surface density and related properties in terms of the Fox H and Meijer G functions, which can be written as series expansions. This enables arbitrary-precision calculations of the surface density and the lensing properties of realistic dark matter halo models. Furthermore, we compared the Sersic and Einasto surface mass densities and found differences between them, which implies that the lensing properties for both profiles differ.
We have obtained Herschel images at five wavelengths from 100 to 500 micron of a ~5.5x2.5 degree area centred on the local galaxy M31 (Andromeda), our nearest neighbour spiral galaxy, as part of the Herschel guaranteed time project HELGA. The main goals of HELGA are to study the characteristics of the extended dust emission, focusing on larger scales than studied in previous observations of Andromeda at an increased spatial resolution, and the obscured star formation. In this paper we present data reduction and Herschel maps, and provide a description of the far-infrared morphology, comparing it with features seen at other wavelengths. We use high--resolution maps of the atomic hydrogen, fully covering our fields, to identify dust emission features that can be associated to M31 with confidence, distinguishing them from emission coming from the foreground Galactic cirrus. Thanks to the very large extension of our maps we detect, for the first time at far-infrared wavelengths, three arc-like structures extending out to ~21, ~26 and ~31 kpc respectively, in the south-western part of M31. The presence of these features, hosting ~2.2e6 Msol of dust, is safely confirmed by their detection in HI maps. Overall, we estimate a total dust mass of ~5.8e7 Msol, about 78% of which is contained in the two main ring-like structures at 10 and 15 kpc, at an average temperature of 16.5 K. We find that the gas-to-dust ratio declines exponentially as a function of the galacto-centric distance, in agreement with the known metallicity gradient, with values ranging from 66 in the nucleus to ~275 in the outermost region. [Abridged]
We present the analysis of 12 high-resolution galactic rotation curves from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS) in the context of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). These rotation curves were selected to be the most reliable for mass modelling, and they are the highest quality rotation curves currently available for a sample of galaxies spanning a wide range of luminosities. We fit the rotation curves with the simple and standard interpolating functions of MOND, and we find that the simple function yields better results. We also redetermine the value of a0, and find a median value very close to the one determined in previous studies, a0 = (1.22 +- 0.33) x 10^{-8} cm/s^2. Leaving the distance as a free parameter within the uncertainty of its best independently determined value leads to excellent quality fits for 75% of the sample. Among the three exceptions, two are also known to give relatively poor fits also in Newtonian dynamics plus dark matter. The remaining case (NGC 3198), presents some tension between the observations and the MOND fit, which might however be explained by the presence of non-circular motions, by a small distance, or by a value of a0 at the lower end of our best-fit interval, 0.9 x 10^{-8} cm/s^2. The best-fit stellar M/L ratios are generally in remarkable agreement with the predictions of stellar population synthesis models. We also show that the narrow range of gravitational accelerations found to be generated by dark matter in galaxies is consistent with the narrow range of additional gravity predicted by MOND.
227 - G. Gentile , M. Baes , B. Famaey 2010
We present HI observations performed at the GMRT of the nearby dwarf galaxy NGC 1560. This Sd galaxy is well-known for a distinct wiggle in its rotation curve. Our new observations have twice the resolution of the previously published HI data. We derived the rotation curve by taking projection effects into account, and we verified the derived kinematics by creating model datacubes. This new rotation curve is similar to the previously published one: we confirm the presence of a clear wiggle. The main differences are in the innermost ~100 arcsec of the rotation curve, where we find slightly (<~ 5 km/s) higher velocities. Mass modelling of the rotation curve results in good fits using the core-dominated Burkert halo (which however does not reproduce the wiggle), bad fits using the a Navarro, Frenk & White halo, and good fits using MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics), which also reproduces the wiggle.
We present the analysis of 23 published rotation curves of disk galaxies belonging to the Ursa Major group of galaxies, with kinematics free of irregularities. The rotation curves are analysed in the context of MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics). We add an extra component to the rotation curve fits, in addition to the stellar and gaseous disks: a speculative halo of constant density made of, e.g., neutrinos, which would solve the bulk of the problem currently faced by MOND on rich galaxy clusters scales. We find that this additional unseen mass density is poorly constrained (as expected a priori, given that a neutrino halo never dominates the kinematics), but we also find that the best-fit value is non-zero: rho = 3.8 x 10^{-27} g/cm^3, and that a zero-density is marginally excluded with 87% confidence; also, the 95% confidence upper limit for the density is rho = 9.6 x 10^{-27} g/cm^3. These limits are slightly above the expectations from the Tremaine-Gunn phase space constraints on ordinary 2 eV neutrinos, but in accordance with the maximum density expected for one or two species of 5 eV sterile neutrinos.
We summarize the status of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) in galaxy clusters. The observed acceleration is typically larger than the acceleration threshold of MOND in the central regions, implying that some dark matter is necessary to explain the mass discrepancy there. A plausible resolution of this issue is that the unseen mass in MOND is in the form of ordinary neutrinos with masses just below the experimentally detectable limit. In particular, we show that the lensing mass reconstructions of the clusters 1E0657-56 (the bullet cluster) and Cl0024+17 (the ring) do not pose a new challenge to this scenario. However, the mass discrepancy for cool X-ray emitting groups, in which neutrinos cannot cluster, pose a more serious problem, meaning that dark baryons could present a more satisfactory solution to the problem of unseen mass in MOND clusters.

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