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Three-dimensional microwave cavities have recently been combined with superconducting qubits in the circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) architecture. These cavities should have less sensitivity to dielectric and conductor losses at surfaces and interfaces, which currently limit the performance of planar resonators. We expect that significantly (>10^3) higher quality factors and longer lifetimes should be achievable for 3D structures. Motivated by this principle, we have reached internal quality factors greater than 0.5x10^9 and intrinsic lifetimes of 0.01 seconds for multiple aluminum superconducting cavity resonators at single photon energies and millikelvin temperatures. These improvements could enable long lived quantum memories with submicrosecond access times when strongly coupled to superconducting qubits.
We study the photon shot noise dephasing of a superconducting transmon qubit in the strong-dispersive limit, due to the coupling of the qubit to its readout cavity. As each random arrival or departure of a photon is expected to completely dephase the qubit, we can control the rate at which the qubit experiences dephasing events by varying textit{in situ} the cavity mode population and decay rate. This allows us to verify a pure dephasing mechanism that matches theoretical predictions, and in fact explains the increased dephasing seen in recent transmon experiments as a function of cryostat temperature. We investigate photon dynamics in this limit and observe large increases in coherence times as the cavity is decoupled from the environment. Our experiments suggest that the intrinsic coherence of small Josephson junctions, when corrected with a single Hahn echo, is greater than several hundred microseconds.
We present low temperature tunneling density-of-states measurements in Al films in high parallel magnetic fields. The thickness range of the films, t=6-9 nm, was chosen so that the orbital and Zeeman contributions to their parallel critical fields were comparable. In this quasi-spin paramagnetically limited configuration, the field produces a significant suppression of the gap, and at high fields the gapless state is reached. By comparing measured and calculated tunneling spectra we are able to extract the value of the antisymmetric Fermi-liquid parameter G^0 and thereby deduce the quasiparticle density dependence of the effective parameter G^0_{eff} across the gapless state.

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