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320 - E. Moreva , G. Brida , M. Gramegna 2015
We show how a property of dualism, which can exist in the entanglement of identical particles, can be tested in the usual photonic Bell measurement apparatus with minor modifications. Two different sets of coincidence measurements on the same experimental setup consisting of a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer demonstrate how the same two-photon state can emerge entanglement in the polarization or the momentum degree of freedom depending on the dynamical variables used for labeling the particles. Our experiment demonstrates how the same source can be used as both a polarization entangled state, as well as a dichotomic momentum entangled state shared between distant users Alice and Bob in accordance to which sets of detectors they access. When the particles become distinguishable by letting the information about one of the variables to be imprinted in yet another (possibly inaccessible) system or degree of freedom, the feature of dualism is expected to vanish. We verify this feature by polarization decoherence (polarization information in environment) or arrival time difference, which both respectively destroy one of the dual forms of entanglement.
Low noise single-photon sources are a critical element for quantum technologies. We present a heralded single-photon source with an extremely low level of residual background photons, by implementing low-jitter detectors and electronics and a fast custom-made pulse generator controlling an optical shutter (a LiNbO3 waveguide optical switch) on the output of the source. This source has a second-order autocorrelation g^{(2)}(0)=0.005(7), and an Output Noise Factor (defined as the ratio of the number of noise photons to total photons at the source output channel) of 0.25(1)%. These are the best performance characteristics reported to date.
We present a complete methodology for testing the performances of quantum tomography protocols. The theory is validated by several numerical examples and by the comparison with experimental results achieved with various protocols for whole families of polarization states of qubits and ququaters including pure, mixed, entangled and separable.
We present a complete and exhaustive theory of signal-to-noise-ratio in bipartite ghost imaging with classical (thermal) and quantum (twin beams) light. The theory is compared with experiment for both twin beams and thermal light in a certain regime of interest.
The knowledge of the density matrix of a quantum state plays a fundamental role in several fields ranging from quantum information processing to experiments on foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum optics. Recently, a method has been suggested and implemented in order to obtain the reconstruction of the diagonal elements of the density matrix exploiting the information achievable with realistic on/off detectors, e.g. silicon avalanche photo-diodes, only able to discriminate the presence or the absence of light. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the theoretical and experimental developments of the on/off method, including its extension to the reconstruction of the whole density matrix.
We present a heralded single-photon source with a much lower level of unwanted background photons in the output channel by using the herald photon to control a shutter in the heralded channel. The shutter is implemented using a simple field programable gate array controlled optical switch.
Generation of two-photon wavepackets, produced by spontaneous parametric down conversion in crystals with linearly chirped quasi-phase matching grating, is analyzed. Although being spectrally broad, two-photon wavepackets produced this way are not Fourier transform limited. In the paper we discuss the temporal compression of the wavepackets, exploiting the insertion of a standard optical fiber in the path of one of the two photons. The effect is analyzed by means of full numerical calculation and the exact dispersion dependencies in both the crystal and the fiber are considered. The study opens the way to the practical realization of this idea.
79 - G. Brida , M. Genovese , A. Meda 2008
We address the reconstruction of the full photon distribution of multimode fields generated by seeded parametric down-conversion (PDC). Our scheme is based on on/off avalanche photodetection assisted by maximum-likelihood (MaxLik) estimation and does not involve photon counting. We present a novel constrained MaxLik method that incorporates the request of finite energy to improve the rate of convergence and, in turn, the overall accuracy of the reconstruction.
We study the frequency-angular lineshape for a phase-matched nonlinear process producing entangled states and show that there is a continuous variety of maximally-entangled states generated for different mismatch values within the natural bandwidth. Detailed considerations are made for two specific methods of polarization entanglement preparation, based on type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) and on SPDC in two subsequent type-I crystals producing orthogonally polarized photon pairs. It turns out that different Bell states are produced at the center of the SPDC line and on its slopes, corresponding to about half-maximum intensity level. These Bell states can be filtered out by either frequency selection or angular selection, or both. Our theoretical calculations are confirmed by a series of experiments, performed for the two above-mentioned schemes of producing polarization-entangled photon pairs and with two kinds of measurements: frequency-selective and angular-selective.
In this paper we present some recent work performed at Carlo Novero lab on Quantum Information and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.

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