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We use the homotopy Brouwer theory of Handel to define a Poincar{e} index between two orbits for an orientation preserving fixed point free homeomorphism of the plane. Furthermore, we prove that this index is almost additive.
114 - Frederic Le Roux 2012
Homotopy Brouwer theory is a tool to study the dynamics of surface homeomorphisms. We introduce and illustrate the main objects of homotopy Brouwer theory, and provide a proof of Handels fixed point theorem. These are the notes of a mini-course held during the workshop Superficies en Montevideo in March 2012.
265 - Frederic Le Roux 2012
Let $M$ be a triangulable compact manifold. We prove that, among closed subgroups of $homeo_{0}(M)$ (the identity component of the group of homeomorphisms of $M$), the subgroup consisting of volume preserving elements is maximal.
366 - Frederic Le Roux 2011
We describe the structure of the free actions of the Klein bottle group by orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the plane. This group is generated by two elements $a,b$, where the conjugate of $b$ by $a$ equals the inverse of $b$. The main result is that $a$ must act properly discontinuously, while $b$ cannot act properly discontinuously. As a corollary, we describe some torsion free groups that cannot act freely on the plane. We also find some properties which are reminiscent of Brouwer theory for the infinite cyclic group $Z$, in particular that every free action is virtually wandering.
In this paper it is proved that there is no minimal action (i.e. every orbit is dense) of Z^2 on the plane. The proof uses the non-existence of minimal homeomorphisms on the infinite annulus (Le Calvez-Yoccozs theorem), and the theory of Brouwer homeomorphisms.
151 - Frederic Le Roux 2009
In 1980, Albert Fathi asked whether the group of area-preserving homeomorphisms of the 2-disc that are the identity near the boundary is a simple group. In this paper, we show that the simplicity of this group is equivalent to the following fragmentation property in the group of compactly supported, area preserving diffeomorphisms of the plane: there exists a constant m such that every element supported on a disc D is the product of at most m elements supported on topological discs whose area are half the area of D.
We prove that the family of measured dynamical systems which can be realised as uniquely ergodic minimal homeomorphisms on a given manifold (of dimension at least two) is stable under measured extension. As a corollary, any ergodic system with an irrational eigenvalue is isomorphic to a uniquely ergodic minimal homeomorphism on the two-torus. The proof uses the following improvement of Weiss relative version of Jewett-Krieger theorem: any extension between two ergodic systems is isomorphic to a skew-product on Cantor sets.

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