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152 - Franz E. Bauer (1 , 2 , 3 2014
We report on observations of NGC1068 with NuSTAR, which provide the best constraints to date on its $>10$~keV spectral shape. We find no strong variability over the past two decades, consistent with its Compton-thick AGN classification. The combined NuSTAR, Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Swift-BAT spectral dataset offers new insights into the complex reflected emission. The critical combination of the high signal-to-noise NuSTAR data and a spatial decomposition with Chandra allow us to break several model degeneracies and greatly aid physical interpretation. When modeled as a monolithic (i.e., a single N_H) reflector, none of the common Compton-reflection models are able to match the neutral fluorescence lines and broad spectral shape of the Compton reflection. A multi-component reflector with three distinct column densities (e.g., N_H~1.5e23, 5e24, and 1e25 cm^{-2}) provides a more reasonable fit to the spectral lines and Compton hump, with near-solar Fe abundances. In this model, the higher N_H components provide the bulk of the Compton hump flux while the lower N_H component produces much of the line emission, effectively decoupling two key features of Compton reflection. We note that ~30% of the neutral Fe Kalpha line flux arises from >2 (~140 pc), implying that a significant fraction of the <10 keV reflected component arises from regions well outside of a parsec-scale torus. These results likely have ramifications for the interpretation of poorer signal-to-noise observations and/or more distant objects [Abridged].
SN 1996cr, located in the Circinus Galaxy (3.7 Mpc, z ~ 0.001) was non-detected in X-rays at ~ 1000 days yet brightened to ~ 4 x 10^{39} erg/s (0.5-8 keV) after 10 years (Bauer et al. 2008). A 1-D hydrodynamic model of the ejecta-CSM interaction produces good agreement with the measured X-ray light curves and spectra at multiple epochs. We conclude that the progenitor of SN 1996cr could have been a massive star, M > 30 M_solar, which went from an RSG to a brief W-R phase before exploding within its ~ 0.04 pc wind-blown shell (Dwarkadas et al. 2010). Further analysis of the deep Chandra HETG observations allows line-shape fitting of a handful of bright Si and Fe lines in the spectrum. The line shapes are well fit by axisymmetric emission models with an axis orientation ~ 55 degrees to our line-of-sight. In the deep 2009 epoch the higher ionization Fe XXVI emission is constrained to high lattitudes: the Occam-est way to get the Fe H-like emission coming from high latitude/polar regions is to have more CSM at/around the poles than at mid and lower lattitudes, along with a symmetric ejecta explosion/distribution. Similar CSM/ejecta characterization may be possible for other SNe and, with higher-throughput X-ray observations, for gamma-ray burst remnants as well.

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