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This is a brief rebuttal to arXiv:1502.03821, which claims to provide the first observational proof of dark matter interior to the solar circle. We point out that this result is not new, and can be traced back at least a quarter century.
88 - Federico Lelli 2014
Strong bursts of star formation in galaxies may be triggered either by internal or external mechanisms. We study the distribution and kinematics of the HI gas in the outer regions of 18 nearby starburst dwarf galaxies, that have accurate star-formation histories from HST observations of resolved stellar populations. We find that starburst dwarfs show a variety of HI morphologies, ranging from heavily disturbed HI distributions with major asymmetries, long filaments, and/or HI-stellar offsets, to lopsided HI distributions with minor asymmetries. We quantify the outer HI asymmetry for both our sample and a control sample of typical dwarf irregulars. Starburst dwarfs have more asymmetric outer HI morphologies than typical irregulars, suggesting that some external mechanism triggered the starburst. Moreover, galaxies hosting an old burst (>100 Myr) have more symmetric HI morphologies than galaxies hosting a young one (<100 Myr), indicating that the former ones probably had enough time to regularize their outer HI distribution since the onset of the burst. We also investigate the nearby environment of these starburst dwarfs and find that most of them ($sim$80$%$) have at least one potential perturber at a projected distance <200 kpc. Our results suggest that the starburst is triggered either by past interactions/mergers between gas-rich dwarfs or by direct gas infall from the IGM.
UGC 4483 is a nearby Blue Compact Dwarf (BCD) galaxy. HST observations have resolved the galaxy into single stars and this has led to the derivation of its star formation history and to a direct estimate of its stellar mass. We have analysed archival VLA observations of the 21 cm line and found that UGC 4483 has a steeply-rising rotation curve which flattens in the outer parts at a velocity of ~20 km/s. Radial motions of ~5 km/s may also be present. As far as we know, UGC 4483 is the lowest-mass galaxy with a differentially rotating HI disk. The steep rise of the rotation curve indicates that there is a strong central concentration of mass. We have built mass models using the HST information on the stellar mass to break the disk-halo degeneracy: old stars contribute ~50$%$ of the observed rotation velocity at 2.2 disk scale-lengths. Baryons (gas and stars) constitute an important fraction of the total dynamical mass. These are striking differences with respect to typical dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrrs), which usually have slowly-rising rotation curves and are thought to be entirely dominated by dark matter. BCDs appear to be different from non-starbursting dIrrs in terms of their HI and stellar distributions and their internal dynamics. To their high central surface brightnesses and high central HI densities correspond strong central rotation-velocity gradients. This implies that the starburst is closely related with the gravitational potential and the concentration of gas. We discuss the implications of our results on the properties of the progenitors/descendants of BCDs.

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