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We compare subhalo mass and velocity functions obtained from different simulations with different subhalo finders among each other, and with predictions from the new semi-analytical model of Jiang & van den Bosch (2014). We find that subhalo mass functions (SHMFs) obtained using different subhalo finders agree with each other at the level of ~ 20 percent, but only at the low mass end. At the massive end, subhalo finders that identify subhaloes based purely on density in configuration space dramatically underpredict the subhalo abundances by more than an order of magnitude. These problems are much less severe for subhalo velocity functions (SHVFs), indicating that they arise from issues related to assigning masses to the subhaloes, rather than from detecting them. Overall the predictions from the semi-analytical model are in excellent agreement with simulation results obtained using the more advanced subhalo finders that use information in six dimensional phase-space. In particular, the model accurately reproduces the slope and host-mass-dependent normalization of both the subhalo mass and velocity functions. We find that the SHMFs and SHVFs have power-law slopes of 0.82 and 2.6, respectively, significantly shallower than what has been claimed in several studies in the literature.
208 - Fangzhou Jiang 2014
We present a new, semi-analytical model describing the evolution of dark matter subhaloes. The model uses merger trees constructed using the method of Parkinson et al. (2008) to describe the masses and redshifts of subhaloes at accretion, which are subsequently evolved using a simple model for the orbit-averaged mass loss rates. The model is extremely fast, treats subhaloes of all orders, accounts for scatter in orbital properties and halo concentrations, and uses a simple recipe to convert subhalo mass to maximum circular velocity. The model accurately reproduces the average subhalo mass and velocity functions in numerical simulations. The inferred subhalo mass loss rates imply that an average dark matter subhalo loses in excess of 80 percent of its infall mass during its first radial orbit within the host halo. We demonstrate that the total mass fraction in subhaloes is tightly correlated with the `dynamical age of the host halo, defined as the number of halo dynamical times that have elapsed since its formation. Using this relation, we present universal fitting functions for the evolved and unevolved subhalo mass and velocity functions that are valid for any host halo mass, at any redshift, and for any {Lambda}CDM cosmology.
Halo merger trees describe the hierarchical mass assembly of dark matter haloes, and are the backbone for modeling galaxy formation and evolution. Merger trees constructed using Monte Carlo algorithms based on the extended Press-Schechter (EPS) formalism are complementary to those extracted from N-body simulations, and have the advantage that they are not trammeled by limited numerical resolution and uncertainties in identifying (sub)haloes and linking them between snapshots. This paper compares multiple EPS-based merger tree algorithms to simulation results using four diagnostics: progenitor mass function (PMF), mass assembly history (MAH), merger rate per descendant halo, and the unevolved subhalo mass function (USMF). In general, algorithms based on spherical collapse yield major-merger rates that are too high by a factor of two, resulting in MAHs that are systematically offset. Assuming ellipsoidal collapse solves most of these issues, but the particular algorithm investigated here that incorporates ellipsoidal collapse dramatically overpredicts the minor-merger rate for massive haloes. The only algorithm in our comparison that yields MAHs, merger rates, and USMFs in good agreement with simulations, is that by Parkinson et al. (2008). However, this is not a true EPS-based algorithm as it draws its progenitor masses from a PMF calibrated against simulations, rather than `predicted by EPS. Finally we emphasize that the benchmarks used to test the EPS algorithms are obtained from simulations and are hampered by significant uncertainties themselves. In particular, MAHs and halo merger rates obtained from simulations by different authors reveal discrepancies that easily exceed 50 percent, even when based on the same simulation. Given this status quo, merger trees constructed using the Parkinson et al. algorithm are as accurate as those extracted from N-body simulations.
Recent studies have identified a population of compact quiescent galaxies at zsim2. These galaxies are very rare today and establishing the existence of a nearby analog could allow us to study its structure in greater detail than is possible at high redshift. Here we present such a local analog, NGC 5845, which has a dynamical mass of M_dyn = 4.3pm0.6times10^10 M_sun and an effective radius of only r_e = 0.45pm0.05kpc. We study the structure and kinematics with HST/WFPC2 data and previously published spatially resolved kinematics. We find that NGC 5845 is similar to compact quiescent galaxies at zsim2 in terms of size versus dynamical mass (r_e-M_dyn), effective velocity dispersion versus size (sigma_e-r_e), and effective velocity dispersion versus dynamical mass (sigma_e-M_dyn). The galaxy has a prominent rotating disk evident in both the photometry and the kinematics: it extends to well beyond geq1/3 effective radius and contribute to geq1/4 of the total light of the galaxy. Our results lend support to the idea that a fraction of zsim2 compact galaxies have prominent disks and positive mass-to-light ratio gradients, although we caution that NGC 5845 may have had a different formation history than the more massive compact quiescent galaxies at zsim2.
We make use of the images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 to present an analysis of r band surface brightness profiles and radial color gradients (g - r, u - r) in 111 nearby early-type galaxies (ETGs). With Stripe 82 images, we are able to pay special attentions to the low-surface-brightness areas (LSB areas) of the galaxies. The LSB areas make a difference to the Sersic fittings and concentration indices, making both the indices less than the typical values for ETGs. There are about 60% negative color gradients (red-core) within 1.5Re , much more than the approximately 10% positive ones (blue-core) within the same radius. However, taking into account of the LSB areas, we find that the color gradients are not necessarily monotonic: about one third of the red-core (or blue-core) galaxies have positive (or negative) color gradients in the outer areas. So LSB areas not only make ETGs Sersic profiles deviate from de Vaucouleur ones and shift to the disk end, but also reveal that quite a number of ETGs have opposite color gradients in inner and outer areas. These outcomes remind us the necessity of double-Sersic fitting. These LSB phenomena may be interpreted by mergers and thus different metallicity in the outer areas. Isophotal parameters are also discussed briefly in this paper: more disky nearby ETGs are spotted than boxy ones.

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