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146 - Fabien Durand 2015
In this article we characterize measure theoretical eigenvalues of Toeplitz Bratteli-Vershik minimal systems of finite topological rank which are not associated to a continuous eigenfunction. Several examples are provided to illustrate the different situations that can occur.
In this article we give necessary and sufficient conditions that a complex number must satisfy to be a continuous eigenvalue of a minimal Cantor system. Similarly, for minimal Cantor systems of finite rank, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for having a measure theoretical eigenvalue. These conditions are established from the combinatorial information of the Bratteli-Vershik representations of such systems. As an application, from any minimal Cantor system, we construct a strong orbit equivalent system without irrational eigenvalues which shares all measure theoretical eigenvalues with the original system. In a second application a minimal Cantor system is constructed satisfying the so-called maximal continuous eigenvalue group property.
152 - Fabien Durand 2012
In this note we apply a substantial improvement of a result of S. Ferenczi on $S$-adic subshifts to give Bratteli-Vershik representations of these subshifts.
99 - Fabien Durand 2012
The $S$-adic conjecture claims that there exists a condition $C$ such that a sequence has a sub-linear complexity if and only if it is an $S$-adic sequence satisfying Condition $C$ for some finite set $S$ of morphisms. We present an overview of the factor complexity of $S$-adic sequences and we give some examples that either illustrate some interesting properties or that are counter-examples to what could be believed to be a good Condition $C$.
116 - Xavier Bressaud 2012
In this article we study conditions to be a continuous or a measurable eigenvalue of finite rank minimal Cantor systems, that is, systems given by an ordered Bratteli diagram with a bounded number of vertices per level. We prove that continuous eigenvalues always come from the stable subspace associated to the incidence matrices of the Bratteli diagram and we study rationally independent generators of the additive group of continuous eigenvalues. Given an ergodic probability measure, we provide a general necessary condition to be a measurable eigenvalue. Then we consider two families of examples. A first one to illustrate that measurable eigenvalues do not need to come from the stable space. Finally we study Toeplitz type Cantor minimal systems of finite rank. We recover classical results in the continuous case and we prove measurable eigenvalues are always rational but not necessarily continuous.
96 - Fabien Durand 2012
We prove that the uniform recurrence of morphic sequences is decidable. For this we show that the number of derived sequences of uniformly recurrent morphic sequences is bounded. As a corollary we obtain that uniformly recurrent morphic sequences are primitive substitutive sequences.
131 - Fabien Durand 2011
In this paper we prove the decidability of the HD0L ultimate periodicity problem.
226 - Fabien Durand 2011
In this paper I would like to witness the mathematical inventiveness of G. Rauzy through personnal exchanges I had with him. The objects that will emerge will be used to treat the decidability of the HD 0 L $omega$-equivalence and periodicity problems in the primitive case.
A celebrated result of Morse and Hedlund, stated in 1938, asserts that a sequence $x$ over a finite alphabet is ultimately periodic if and only if, for some $n$, the number of different factors of length $n$ appearing in $x$ is less than $n+1$. Attempts to extend this fundamental result, for example, to higher dimensions, have been considered during the last fifteen years. Let $dge 2$. A legitimate extension to a multidimensional setting of the notion of periodicity is to consider sets of $ZZ^d$ definable by a first order formula in the Presburger arithmetic $<ZZ;<,+>$. With this latter notion and using a powerful criterion due to Muchnik, we exhibit a complete extension of the Morse--Hedlund theorem to an arbitrary dimension $d$ and characterize sets of $ZZ^d$ definable in $<ZZ;<,+>$ in terms of some functions counting recurrent blocks, that is, blocks occurring infinitely often.

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