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Broad Absorption Lines indicate gas outflows with velocities from thousands km/s to about 0.2 the speed of light, which may be present in all quasars and may play a major role in the evolution of the host galaxy. The variability of absorption patterns can provide informations on changes of the density and velocity distributions of the absorbing gas and its ionization status. We collected 23 photometrical and spectro-photometrical observations at the 1.82m Telescope of the Asiago Observatory since 2003, plus other 5 spectra from the literature. We analysed the evolution in time of the equivalent width of the broad absorption feature and two narrow absorption systems, the correlation among them and with the R band magnitude. We performed a structure function analysis of the equivalent width variations. We present an unprecedented monitoring of a broad absorption line quasar based on 28 epochs in 14 years. The shape of broad absorption feature shows a relative stability, while its equivalent width slowly declines until it sharply increases during 2011. In the same time the R magnitude stays almost constant until it sharply increases during 2011. The equivalent width of the narrow absorption redwards of the systemic redshift only shows a decline. The broad absorption behaviour suggests changes of the ionisation status as the main cause of variability. We show for the first time a correlation of this variability with the R band flux. The different behaviour of the narrow absorption system might be due to recombination time delay. The structure function of the absorption variability has a slope comparable with typical optical variability of quasars. This is consistent with variations of the 200 A ionising flux originating in the inner part of the accretion disk.
Variability, both in X-ray and optical/UV, affects the well-known anti-correlation between the $alpha_{ox}$ spectral index and the UV luminosity of active galactic nuclei, contributing part of the dispersion around the average correlation (intra-source dispersion), in addition to the differences among the time-average $alpha_{ox}$ values from source to source (inter-source dispersion). We want to evaluate the intrinsic $alpha_{ox}$ variations in individual objects, and their effect on the dispersion of the $alpha_{ox}-L_{UV}$ anti-correlation. We use simultaneous UV/X-ray data from Swift observations of a low-redshift sample, to derive the epoch-dependent $alpha_{ox}(t)$ indices. We correct for the host galaxy contribution by a spectral fit of the optical/UV data. We compute ensemble structure functions to analyse variability of multi-epoch data. We find a strong intrinsic $alpha_{ox}$ variability, which makes an important contribution ($sim40%$ of the total variance) to the dispersion of the $alpha_{ox}-L_{UV}$ anti-correlation (intra-source dispersion). The strong X-ray variability and weaker UV variability of this sample are comparable to other samples of low-z AGNs, and are neither due to the high fraction of strongly variable NLS1s, nor to dilution of the optical variability by the host galaxies. Dilution affects instead the slope of the anti-correlation, which steepens, once corrected, becoming similar to higher luminosity sources. The structure function of $alpha_{ox}$ increases with the time lag up to $sim$1 month. This indicates the important contribution of the intermediate-long timescale variations, possibly generated in the outer parts of the accretion disk.
The X-ray variability of the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) has been most often investigated with studies of individual, nearby, sources, and only a few ensemble analyses have been applied to large samples in wide ranges of luminosity and redshift. We want to determine the ensemble variability properties of two serendipitously selected AGN samples extracted from the catalogues of XMM-Newton and Swift, with redshift between ~0.2 and ~4.5, and X-ray luminosities, in the 0.5-4.5 keV band, between ~10^43 erg/s and ~10^46 erg/s. We use the structure function (SF), which operates in the time domain, and allows for an ensemble analysis even when only a few observations are available for individual sources and the power spectral density (PSD) cannot be derived. SF is also more appropriate than fractional variability and excess variance, because such parameters are biased by the duration of the monitoring time interval in the rest-frame, and thus by cosmological time dilation. We find statistically consistent results for the two samples, with the SF described by a power law of the time lag, approximately as SF propto tau^0.1. We do not find evidence of the break in the SF, at variance with the case of lower luminosity AGNs. We confirm a strong anti-correlation of the variability with X-ray luminosity, accompanied by a change of the slope of the SF. We find evidence in support of a weak, intrinsic, average increase of X-ray variability with redshift. The change of amplitude and slope of the SF with X-ray luminosity provides new constraints on both single oscillator models and multiple subunits models of variability.
The observed relation between the X-ray radiation from AGNs, originating in the corona, and the optical/UV radiation from the disk is usually described by the anticorrelation between the UV to X-ray slope alpha_ox and the UV luminosity. Many factors can affect this relation, including: enhanced X-ray emission associated with the jets of radio-loud AGNs; X-ray absorption associated with the UV Broad Absorption Line (BAL) outflows; other X-ray absorption not associated with BALs; intrinsic X-ray weakness; UV and X-ray variability, and non-simultaneity of UV and X-ray observations. The separation of these effects provides information about the intrinsic alpha_ox-L_UV relation and its dispersion, constraining models of disk-corona coupling. We extract simultaneous data from the second XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue and the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor Serendipitous UV Source Survey Catalog, and derive the single-epoch alpha_ox indices. We use ensemble structure functions to analyse multi-epoch data. We confirm the anticorrelation of alpha_ox with L_UV, and do not find any evidence of a dependence of alpha_ox on z. The dispersion in our simultaneous data (0.12) is not significantly smaller than in previous non-simultaneous studies, suggesting that artificial alpha_ox variability introduced by non-simultaneity is not the main cause of dispersion. Intrinsic alpha_ox variability, i.e., the true variability of the X-ray to optical ratio, is instead important, and accounts for ~30% of the total variance, or more. Inter-source dispersion, due to intrinsic differences in the average alpha_ox values from source to source, is also important. The dispersion introduced by variability is mostly caused by the long timescale variations, which are expected to be driven by the optical variations.
Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (LLAGNs) are contaminated by the light of their host galaxies, thus they cannot be detected by the usual colour techniques. For this reason their evolution in cosmic time is poorly known. Variability is a property shared by virtually all active galactic nuclei, and it was adopted as a criterion to select them using multi epoch surveys. Here we report on two variability surveys in different sky areas, the Selected Area 57 and the Chandra Deep Field South.
The cosmological evolution of X-ray-selected and optically selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) show different behaviours interpreted in terms of two different populations. The difference is evident mainly for low luminosity AGNs (LLAGNs), many of which are lost by optical photometric surveys. We are conducting a spectroscopical study of a composite sample of AGN candidates selected in SA57 following different searching techniques, to identify low luminosity AGNs and break down the sample into different classes of objects. AGN candidates were obtained through optical variability and/or X-ray emission. Of special interest are the extended variable objects, which are expected to be galaxies hosting LLAGNs. Among the 26 classified objects a fair number (9) show typical AGN spectra. 10 objects show Narrow Emission Line Galaxy spectra, and in most of them (8/10) optical variability suggests the presence of LLAGNs.
The maximum number density of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), as deduced from X-ray studies, occurs at z<~1, with lower luminosity objects peaking at smaller redshifts. Optical studies lead to a different evolutionary behaviour, with a number density peaking at z~2 independently of the intrinsic luminosity, but this result is limited to active nuclei brighter than the host galaxy. A selection based on optical variability can detect low luminosity AGNs (LLAGNs), where the host galaxy light prevents the identification by non-stellar colours. We want to collect X-ray data in a field where it exists an optically-selected sample of variable galaxies, i.e. variable objects with diffuse appearance, to investigate the X-ray and optical properties of the population of AGNs, particularly of low luminosity ones, where the host galaxy is visible. We observed a field of 0.2 deg^2 in the Selected Area 57, for 67ks with XMM-Newton. We detected X-ray sources, and we correlated the list with a photographic survey of SA 57, complete to B_J~23 and with available spectroscopic data. We obtained a catalogue of 140 X-ray sources to limiting fluxes 5x10^-16, 2x10^-15 erg/cm^2/s in the 0.5-2 keV and 2-10 keV respectively, 98 of which are identified in the optical bands. The X-ray detection of part of the variability-selected candidates confirms their AGN nature. Diffuse variable objects populate the low luminosity side of the sample. Only 25/44 optically-selected QSOs are detected in X-rays. 15% of all QSOs in the field have X/O<0.1.

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