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63 - F. Shankar 2012
There is mounting evidence that a significant fraction of Black Holes (BHs) today live in late-type galaxies, including bulge-less galaxies and those hosting pseudobulges, and are significantly undermassive with respect to the scaling relations followed by their counterpart BHs in classical bulges of similar stellar (or even bulge) mass. Here we discuss the predictions of two state-of-the-art hierarchical galaxy formation models in which BHs grow via mergers and, in one, also via disk instability. Our aim is to understand if the wealth of new data on local BH demography is consistent with standard models. We follow the merger trees of representative subsamples of BHs and compute the fractional contributions of different processes to the final BH mass. We show that the model in which BHs always closely follow the growth of their host bulges, also during late disk instabilities (i.e., bars), produces too narrow a distribution of BHs at fixed stellar mass to account for the numerous low-mass BHs now detected in later-type galaxies. Models with a looser connection between BH growth and bar instability instead predict the existence of a larger number of undermassive BHs, in better agreement with the observations. The scatter in the updated local BH-bulge mass relation (with no restriction on galaxy type) appears to be quite large when including later-type systems, but it can still be managed to be reproduced within current hierarchical models. However, the fuelling of BHs during the late bar-instability mode needs to be better quantified/improved to properly fit the data. We conclude discussing how the possibly large number of BHs in later type galaxies demands for an in-depth revision of the local BH mass function and its modelling.
For early-type galaxies, the correlations between stellar mass and size, velocity dispersion, surface brightness, color, axis ratio and color-gradient all indicate that two mass scales, M* = 3 x 10^10 Msun and M* = 2 x 10^11 Msun, are special. The smaller scale could mark the transition between wet and dry mergers, or it could be related to the interplay between SN and AGN feedback, although quantitative measures of this transition may be affected by morphological contamination. At the more massive scale, mean axis ratios and color gradients are maximal, and above it, the colors are redder, the sizes larger and the velocity dispersions smaller than expected based on the scaling at lower M*. In contrast, the color-sigma relation, and indeed, most scaling relations with sigma, are not curved: they are well-described by a single power law, or in some cases, are almost completely flat. When major dry mergers change masses, sizes, axis ratios and color gradients, they are expected to change the colors or velocity dispersions much less. Therefore, the fact that scaling relations at sigma > 150 km/s show no features, whereas the size-M*, b/a-M*, color-M* and color gradient-M* relations do, suggests that M* = 2 x 10^11 Msun is the scale above which major dry mergers dominate the assembly histories of early-type galaxies.
The color-magnitude relation of early-type galaxies differs slightly but significantly from a pure power-law, curving downwards at low and upwards at large luminosities (Mr>-20.5 and Mr<-22.5). This remains true of the color-size relation, and is even more apparent with stellar mass (M* < 3x10^10 Msun and M* > 2x10^11 Msun). The upwards curvature at the massive end does not appear to be due to stellar population effects. In contrast, the color-sigma relation is well-described by a single power law. Since major dry mergers change neither the colors nor sigma, but they do change masses and sizes, the clear features observed in the scaling relations with M*, but not with sigma > 150 km/s, suggest that M* > 2x10^11 Msun is the scale above which major dry mergers dominate the assembly history. We discuss three models of the merger histories since z ~ 1 which are compatible with our measurements. In all three models, dry mergers are responsible for the flattening of the color-M* relation at M* > 3x10^10 Msun - wet mergers only matter at smaller masses. At M* > 2 x 10^11 Msun, the merger histories in one model are dominated by major rather than minor dry mergers, as suggested by the axis ratio and color gradient trends. In another, although both major and minor mergers occur at the high mass end, the minor mergers contribute primarily to the formation of the ICL, rather than to the mass growth of the central massive galaxy. A final model assumes that the reddest objects were assembled by a mix of major and minor dry mergers.

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