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We experimentally studied the dynamics of optically excited hotspots in current carrying WSi superconducting nanowires as a function of bias current, bath temperature and excitation wavelength. We discovered that: (1) the hotspot relaxation is a factor of ~ 4 slower in WSi than in NbN; (2) the hotspot relaxation time depends on bias current, and (3) the current dependence of the hotspot relaxation time changes with temperature and wavelength. We explained all of these effects with a model based on quasi particle recombination.
Single-photon detectors (SPDs) at near infrared wavelengths with high system detection efficiency (> 90%), low dark count rate (< 1 counts per second, cps), low timing jitter (< 100 ps), and short reset time (< 100 ns) would enable landmark experiments in a variety of fields. Although some of the existing approaches to single-photon detection fulfill one or two of the above specifications, to date no detector has met all of the specifications simultaneously. Here we report on a fiber-coupled single-photon-detection system employing superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) that closely approaches the ideal performance of SPDs. Our detector system has a system detection efficiency (SDE), including optical coupling losses, greater than 90% in the wavelength range lambda = 1520-1610 nm; device dark count rate (measured with the device shielded from room-temperature blackbody radiation) of ~ 0.01 cps; timing jitter of ~ 150 ps FWHM; and reset time of 40 ns.
101 - F. Najafi , F. Marsili , E. Dauler 2012
We investigated the timing jitter of superconducting nanowire avalanche photodetectors (SNAPs, also referred to as cascade switching superconducting single photon detectors) based on 30-nm-wide nanowires. At bias currents (IB) near the switching current, SNAPs showed sub 35 ps FWHM Gaussian jitter similar to standard 100 nm wide superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. At lower values of IB, the instrument response function (IRF) of the detectors became wider, more asymmetric, and shifted to longer time delays. We could reproduce the experimentally observed IRF time-shift in simulations based on an electrothermal model, and explain the effect with a simple physical picture.
162 - F. Marsili , F. Najafi , E. Dauler 2012
We investigated the reset time of superconducting nanowire avalanche photodetectors (SNAPs) based on 30 nm wide nanowires. We studied the dependence of the reset time of SNAPs on the device inductance and discovered that SNAPs can provide a speed-up relative to SNSPDs with the same area, but with some limitations: (1) reducing the series inductance of SNAPs (necessary for the avalanche formation) could result in the detectors operating in an unstable regime; (2) a trade-off exists between maximizing the bias current margin and minimizing the reset time of SNAPs; and (3) reducing the reset time of SNAPs below ~ 1 ns resulted in afterpulsing.
Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) perform single-photon counting with exceptional sensitivity and time resolution at near-infrared wavelengths. State-of-the-art SNSPDs, based on 100 nm-wide, 4 to 5 nm thick NbN nanowires, are vulnerable to constrictions, which significantly limit their yield. Also, their sensitivity becomes negligible beyond 2 mu m wavelength, which makes them unsuitable for mid-infrared applications. SNSPDs based on few-tens-of-nanometer-wide nanowires are expected to efficiently detect mid-infrared photons and to operate at low bias currents, so constrictions may have less impact on their performance. Prior to this work, SNSPDs based on nanowires narrower than 50-nm had not been demonstrated because: (1) the SNSPD signal is roughly proportional to the nanowire width, so narrow nanowires have poor signal-to-noise ratio; and (2) fabrication at these length scales is extremely challenging. In this letter we report how we addressed these issues and demonstrated single-photon detection (20% detection efficiency at 1550 nm wavelength) with 30- and 20-nm-wide-nanowire detectors.
82 - F Marsili , D Bitauld , A Gaggero 2009
The Parallel Nanowire Detector (PND) is a photon number resolving (PNR) detector which uses spatial multiplexing on a subwavelength scale to provide a single electrical output proportional to the photon number. The basic structure of the PND is the parallel connection of several NbN superconducting nanowires (100 nm-wide, few nm-thick), folded in a meander pattern. PNDs were fabricated on 3-4 nm thick NbN films grown on MgO (TS=400C) substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering in an Ar/N2 gas mixture. The device performance was characterized in terms of speed and sensitivity. PNDs showed a counting rate of 80 MHz and a pulse duration as low as 660ps full width at half maximum (FWHM). Building the histograms of the photoresponse peak, no multiplication noise buildup is observable. Electrical and optical equivalent models of the device were developed in order to study its working principle, define design guidelines, and develop an algorithm to estimate the photon number statistics of an unknown light. In particular, the modeling provides novel insight of the physical limit to the detection efficiency and to the reset time of these detectors. The PND significantly outperforms existing PNR detectors in terms of simplicity, sensitivity, speed, and multiplication noise.
109 - F. Marsili , D. Bitauld , A. Fiore 2008
We present a new photon number resolving detector (PNR), the Parallel Nanowire Detector (PND), which uses spatial multiplexing on a subwavelength scale to provide a single electrical output proportional to the photon number. The basic structure of the PND is the parallel connection of several NbN superconducting nanowires (100 nm-wide, few nm-thick), folded in a meander pattern. Electrical and optical equivalents of the device were developed in order to gain insight on its working principle. PNDs were fabricated on 3-4 nm thick NbN films grown on sapphire (substrate temperature TS=900C) or MgO (TS=400C) substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering in an Ar/N2 gas mixture. The device performance was characterized in terms of speed and sensitivity. The photoresponse shows a full width at half maximum (FWHM) as low as 660ps. PNDs showed counting performance at 80 MHz repetition rate. Building the histograms of the photoresponse peak, no multiplication noise buildup is observable and a one photon quantum efficiency can be estimated to be QE=3% (at 700 nm wavelength and 4.2 K temperature). The PND significantly outperforms existing PNR detectors in terms of simplicity, sensitivity, speed, and multiplication noise.
103 - F. Marsili , D. Bitauld , A. Fiore 2007
We demonstrate high-performance nanowire superconducting single photon detectors (SSPDs) on ultrathin NbN films grown at a temperature compatible with monolithic integration. NbN films ranging from 150nm to 3nm in thickness were deposited by dc magnetron sputtering on MgO substrates at 400C. The superconducting properties of NbN films were optimized studying the effects of deposition parameters on film properties. SSPDs were fabricated on high quality NbN films of different thickness (7 to 3nm) deposited under optimal conditions. Electrical and optical characterizations were performed on the SSPDs. The highest QE value measured at 4.2K is 20% at 1300nm.

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