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93 - B. F. Liu , R. E.Taam , E. Qiao 2015
It is commonly believed that the optical/UV and X-ray emissions in luminous AGN are produced in an accretion disk and an embedded hot corona respectively. The inverse Compton scattering of disk photons by hot electrons in the corona can effectively cool the coronal gas if the mass supply is predominantly via a cool disk like flow as in BHXRBs. Thus, the application of such a model to AGNs fails to produce their observed X-ray emission. As a consequence, a fraction of disk accretion energy is usually assumed to be transferred to the corona. To avoid this assumption, we propose that gas in a vertically extended distribution is supplied to a supermassive black hole by the gravitational capture of interstellar medium or stellar wind material. In this picture, the gas partially condenses to an underlying cool disk as it flows toward the black hole, releasing accretion energy as X-ray emission and supplying mass for the disk accretion. Detailed numerical calculations reveal that the X-ray luminosity can reach a few tens of percent of the bolometric luminosity. The value of $alpha_{rm ox}$ varies from 0.9 to 1.2 for the mass supply rate ranging from 0.03 to 0.1 times the Eddington value. The corresponding photon index in the 2-10 keV energy band varies from 1.9 to 2.3. Such a picture provides a natural extension of the model for low luminosity AGN where condensation is absent at low mass accretion rates and no optically thick disk exists in the inner region.
94 - S. Zhou , F. Liu , S. Prucnal 2015
Chalcogen-hyperdoped silicon shows potential applications in silicon-based infrared photodetectors and intermediate band solar cells. Due to the low solid solubility limits of chalcogen elements in silicon, these materials were previously realized by femtosecond or nanosecond laser annealing of implanted silicon or bare silicon in certain background gases. The high energy density deposited on the silicon surface leads to a liquid phase and the fast recrystallization velocity allows trapping of chalcogen into the silicon matrix. However, this method encounters the problem of surface segregation. In this paper, we propose a solid phase processing by flash-lamp annealing in the millisecond range, which is in between the conventional rapid thermal annealing and pulsed laser annealing. Flash lamp annealed selenium-implanted silicon shows a substitutional fraction of around 70% with an implanted concentration up to 2.3%. The resistivity is lower and the carrier mobility is higher than those of nanosecond pulsed laser annealed samples. Our results show that flash-lamp annealing is superior to laser annealing in preventing surface segregation and in allowing scalability.
We use spectrally-resolved magneto-electroluminescence (EL) measurements to study the energy dependence of hyperfine interactions between polaron and nuclear spins in organic LEDs. Using layered devices based on Bphen/MTDATA -- a well-known exciplex emitter -- we show that the increase in EL emission intensity $I$ due to small applied magnetic fields of order 100 mT is markedly larger at the high-energy blue end of the EL spectrum (dI/I ~11%) than at the low-energy red end (~4%). Concurrently, the widths of the magneto-EL curves increase monotonically from blue to red, revealing an increasing hyperfine coupling between polarons and nuclei and directly providing insight into the energy-dependent spatial extent and localization of polarons.
118 - Z. Y. Zhao , M. F. Liu , X. Li 2014
The multiferroic RMn2O5 family, where R is rare-earth ion or Y, exhibits rich physics of multiferroicity which has not yet well understood, noting that multiferroicity is receiving attentions for promising application potentials. DyMn2O5 is a representative member of this family. The ferroelectric polarization in DyMn2O5 is claimed to have two anti-parallel components: one (PDM) from the symmetric exchange striction between the Dy3+-Mn4+ interactions and the other (PMM) from the symmetric exchange striction between the Mn3+-Mn4+ interactions. We investigate the evolutions of the two components upon a partial substitution of Mn3+ by nonmagnetic Al3+ in order to tailor the Mn-Mn interactions and then to modulate component PMM in DyMn2-x/2Alx/2O5. It is revealed that the ferroelectric polarization can be successfully reversed by the Al-substitution via substantially suppressing the Mn3+-Mn4+ interactions and thus the PMM. The Dy3+-Mn4+ interactions and the polarization component PDM can sustain against the substitution until a level as high as x=0.2. In addition, the independent Dy spin ordering is shifted remarkably down to an extremely low temperature due to the Al3+ substitution. The present work not only confirms the existence of the two anti-parallel polarization components but also unveils the possibility of tailoring them independently.
Observations show that the accretion flows in low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (LLAGNs) probably have a two-component structure with an inner ADAF and an outer truncated accretion disk. As shown by Taam et al. (2012), the truncation radius as a function of mass accretion rate is strongly affected by including the magnetic field within the framework of disk evaporation model, i.e., an increase of the magnetic field results in a smaller truncation radius of the accretion disk. In this work, we calculate the emergent spectrum of an inner ADAF + an outer truncated accretion disk around a supermassive black hole based on the prediction by Taam et al. (2012). It is found that an increase of the magnetic field from $beta=0.8$ to $beta=0.5$ (with magnetic pressure $p_{rm m}=B^2/{8pi}=(1-beta)p_{rm tot}$, $p_{rm tot}=p_{rm gas}+p_{rm m}$) results in an increase of $sim 8.7$ times of the luminosity from the truncated accretion disk. We found that the equipartition of gas pressure to magnetic pressure, i.e., $beta=0.5$, failed to explain the observed anti-correlation between $L_{rm 2-10 keV}/L_{rm Edd}$ and the bolometric correction $kappa_{rm 2-10 keV}$ (with $kappa_{rm 2-10 keV} = L_{rm bol}/L_{rm 2-10 keV}$). The emergent spectra for larger value $beta=0.8$ or $beta=0.95$ can well explain the observed $L_{rm 2-10 keV}/L_{rm Edd}$-$kappa_{rm 2-10 keV}$ correlation. We argue that in the disk evaporation model, the electrons in the corona are assumed to be heated only by a transfer of energy from the ions to electrons via Coulomb collisions, which is reasonable for the accretion with a lower mass accretion rate. Coulomb heating is the dominated heating mechanism for the electrons only if the magnetic field is strongly sub-equipartition, which is roughly consistent with observations.
97 - Z. Y. Zhao , M. F. Liu , X. Li 2013
The electric polarization and its magnetic origins in multiferroic RMn2O5, where R is rare-earth ion, are still issues under debate. In this work, the temperature-dependent electric polarization of DyMn2O5, the most attractive member of this RMn2O5 family, is investigated using the pyroelectric current method upon varying endpoint temperature of the electric cooling, plus the positive-up-negative-down (PUND) technique. It is revealed that DyMn2O5 at low temperature does exhibit the unusual ferrielectricity rather than ferroelectricity, characterized by two interactive and anti-parallel ferroelectric sublattices which show different temperature-dependences. The two ferroelectric sublattices are believed to be generated from the symmetric exchange-striction mechanisms associated with the Mn-Mn spin interactions and Dy-Mn spin interactions, respectively. The path-dependent electric polarization reflects the first-order magnetic transitions in the low temperature regime. The magnetoelectric effect is mainly attributed to the Dy spin order which is sensitive to magnetic field. The present experiments may be helpful for clarifying the puzzling issues on the multiferroicity in DyMn2O5 and probably other RMn2O5 multiferroics.
The geometry of the accretion flow around stellar mass and supermassive black holes depends on the accretion rate. Broad iron emission lines originating from the irradiation of cool matter can indicate that there is an inner disk below a hot coronal flow.These emission lines have been detected in X-ray binaries. Observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, XMM Newton and Suzaku have confirmed the presence of these emission lines also in a large fraction of Seyfert-1 active galactic nuclei (AGN). We investigate the accretion flow geometry for which broad iron emission lines can arise in hard and soft spectral state. We study an ADAF-type coronal flow, where the ions are viscously heated and electrons receive their heat only by collisions from the ions and are Compton cooled by photons from an underlying cool disk. For a strong mass flow in the disk and the resulting strong Compton cooling only a very weak coronal flow is possible. This limitation allows the formation of ADAF-type coronae above weak inner disks in the hard state, but almost rules them out in the soft state. The observed hard X-ray luminosity in the soft state, of up to 10% or more of the total flux, indicates that there is a heating process that directly accelerates the electrons. This might point to the action of magnetic flares of disk magnetic fields reaching into the corona. Such flares have also been proposed by observations of the spectra of X-ray black hole binaries without a thermal cut-off around 200 keV.
117 - T. Makino , F. Liu , T. Yamasaki 2012
All-optical pump-probe detection of magnetization precession has been performed for ferromagnetic EuO thin films at 10 K. We demonstrate that the circularly-polarized light can be used to control the magnetization precession on an ultrafast time scale. This takes place within the 100 fs duration of a single laser pulse, through combined contribution from two nonthermal photomagnetic effects, i.e., enhancement of the magnetization and an inverse Faraday effect. From the magnetic field dependences of the frequency and the Gilbert damping parameter, the intrinsic Gilbert damping coefficient is evaluated to be {alpha} approx 3times10^-3.
415 - J. Y. Liu , B. F. Liu , E. L. Qiao 2012
We investigate the accretion process in high-luminosity AGNs (HLAGNs) in the scenario of the disk evaporation model. Based on this model, the thin disk can extend down to the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) at accretion rates higher than $0.02dot{M}_{rm Edd}$; while the corona is weak since part of the coronal gas is cooled by strong inverse Compton scattering of the disk photons. This implies that the corona cannot produce as strong X-ray radiation as observed in HLAGNs with large Eddington ratio. In addition to the viscous heating, other heating to the corona is necessary to interpret HLAGN. In this paper, we assume that a part of accretion energy released in the disk is transported into the corona, heating up the electrons and thereby radiated away. We for the first time, compute the corona structure with additional heating, taking fully into account the mass supply to the corona and find that the corona could indeed survive at higher accretion rates and its radiation power increases. The spectra composed of bremsstrahlung and Compton radiation are also calculated. Our calculations show that the Compton dominated spectrum becomes harder with the increase of energy fraction ($f$) liberating in the corona, and the photon index for hard X-ray($2-10 rm keV$) is $2.2 < Gamma < 2.7 $. We discuss possible heating mechanisms for the corona. Combining the energy fraction transported to the corona with the accretion rate by magnetic heating, we find that the hard X-ray spectrum becomes steeper at larger accretion rate and the bolometric correction factor ($L_{rm bol}/L_{rm 2-10keV}$) increases with increasing accretion rate for $f<8/35$, which is roughly consistent with the observational results.
111 - F. Liu , T. Makino , T. Yamazaki 2012
We have investigated the ultrafast spin dynamics in EuO thin films by time-resolved Faraday rotation spectroscopy. The photoinduced magnetization is found to be increased in a transient manner, accompanied with subsequent demagnetization. The dynamical magnetization enhancement showed a maximum slightly below the Curie temperature with prolonged tails toward both lower and higher temperatures and dominates the demagnetization counterpart at 55 K. The magnetization enhancement component decays in ~1 ns. The realization of the transient collective ordering is attributable to the enhancement of the f-d exchange interaction.

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