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120 - A. Bonchi 2012
We have studied the dependence of the AGN nuclear radio (1.4 GHz) luminosity on both the AGN 2-10 keV X-ray and the host-galaxy K-band luminosity. A complete sample of 1268 X-ray selected AGN (both type 1 and type 2) has been used, which is the largest catalogue of AGN belonging to statistically well defined samples where radio, X and K band information exists. At variance with previous studies, radio upper limits have been statistically taken into account using a Bayesian Maximum Likelihood fitting method. It resulted that a good fit is obtained assuming a plane in the 3D L_R-L_X-L_K space, namely logL_R= xi_X logL_X + xi_K logL_K + xi_0, having a ~1 dex wide (1 sigma) spread in radio luminosity. As already shown, no evidence of bimodality in the radio luminosity distribution was found and therefore any definition of radio loudness in AGN is arbitrary. Using scaling relations between the BH mass and the host galaxy K-band luminosity, we have also derived a new estimate of the BH fundamental plane (in the L_5GHz -L_X-M_BH space). Our analysis shows that previous measures of the BH fundamental plane are biased by ~0.8 dex in favor of the most luminous radio sources. Therefore, many AGN studies, where the BH fundamental plane is used to investigate how AGN regulate their radiative and mechanical luminosity as a function of the accretion rate, or many AGN/galaxy co-evolution models, where radio-feedback is computed using the AGN fundamental plane, should revise their conclusions.
We studied the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) radio emission from a compilation of hard X-ray selected samples, all observed in the 1.4 GHz band. A total of more than 1600 AGN with 2-10 keV de-absorbed luminosities higher than 10^42 erg/s were used. For a sub-sample of about 50 zlsim 0.1 AGN it was possible to reach a ~80% fraction of radio detections and therefore, for the first time, it was possible to almost completely measure the probability distribution function of the ratio between the radio and the X-ray luminosity Rx=log[L(1.4)/Lx]. The probability distribution function of Rx was functionally fitted as dependent on the X-ray luminosity and redshift, P(Rx|Lx,z). It roughly spans over 6 decades (-7<Rx<-1), and does not show any sign of bi-modality. It resulted that the probability of finding large values of the Rx ratio increases with decreasing X-ray luminosities and (possibly) with increasing redshift. No statistical significant difference was found between the radio properties of the X-ray absorbed and unabsorbed AGN. The measure of the probability distribution function of Rx allowed us to compute the kinetic luminosity function and the kinetic energy density which, at variance with what assumed in many galaxy evolution models, is observed to decrease of about a factor of five at redshift below 0.5. About half of the kinetic energy density results to be produced by the more radio quiet (Rx<-4) AGN. In agreement with previous estimates, the AGN efficiency in converting the accreted mass energy into kinetic power is, on average, ~5x10-3.
We present a catalog of optical spectroscopic identifications of sources detected by Spitzer at 3.6 or 24 micron down to 10 and 280 microJy, respectively, in the SWIRE/XMM-Newton/ELAIS-S1 field and classified via line width analysis and diagnostic diagrams. A total of 1376 sources down to R~24.2 mag have been identified (1362 detected at 3.6 micron, 419 at 24 micron, and 405 at both) by low-resolution optical spectroscopy carried out with FORS2, VIMOS, and EFOSC2 at the Very Large Telescope and 3.6m ESO telescopes. The spectroscopic campaigns have been carried out over the central 0.6 square degrees area of ELAIS-S1 which, in particular, has also been observed by XMM-Newton and Chandra. We find the first direct optical spectroscopic evidence that the fraction of active galactic nuclei (AGN; mostly AGN2) increases with increasing F(24 micron)/F(R) ratio, reaching values of 70(+/-20)% in the range 316<F(24 micron)F(R)<1000. We present an IRAC-MIPS color-color diagram able to separate AGN1 from obscured AGN2 candidates. After having corrected for the spectroscopic incompleteness of our sample, it results that the AGN fraction at F(24 micron)=0.8 mJy is ~22(+/-7)% and decreases slowly to ~19(+/-5)% down to F(24 micron)=0.3 mJy.
We present optical identifications and a multi-band catalogue of a sample of 478 X-ray sources in the XMM and Chandra surveys of the central 0.6 deg^2 of the ELAIS-S1 field. The optical/infrared counterpart of each X-ray source was identified using R and IRAC 3.6 um bands. This method was complemented by the precise positions obtained through Chandra observations. Approximately 94% of the counterparts are detected in the R band, while the remaining are blank fields in the optical down to R~24.5, but have a near-infrared counterpart detected by IRAC within 6 arcsec from the XMM centroid. The multi-band catalogue contains photometry in ten photometric bands (B to the MIPS 24 um). We determined redshift and classification for 237 sources (~50% of the sample) brighter than R=24. We classified 47% of the sources with spectroscopic redshift as broad-line active galactic nuclei (BL AGNs) with z=0.1-3.5, while sources without broad-lines are about 46% of the spectroscopic sample and are found up to z=2.6. We identified 11 type 2 QSOs among the sources with X/O>8, with z=0.9-2.6, high 2-10 keV luminosity (log(L2-10keV)>=43.8 erg/s) and hard X-ray colors suggesting large absorbing columns at the rest frame (logN_H up to 23.6 cm^-2). BL AGNs show on average blue optical-to-near-infrared colors, softer X-ray colors and X-ray-to-optical colors typical of optically selected AGNs. Conversely, narrow-line sources show redder optical colors, harder X-ray flux ratio and span a wider range of X-ray-to-optical colors. On average the SEDs of high-luminosity BL AGNs resemble the power-law typical of unobscured AGNs. The SEDs of NOT BL AGNs are dominated by the galaxy emission in the optical/near-infrared, and show a rise in the mid-infrared which suggests the presence of an obscured active nucleus.
73 - F. La Franca 2007
Context: The counts of galaxies and AGN in the mid infra-red (MIR) bands are important instruments for studying their cosmological evolution. However, the classic spectral line ratios techniques can become misleading when trying to properly separate AGN from starbursts or even from apparently normal galaxies. Aims: We use X-ray band observations to discriminate AGN activity in previously classified MIR-selected starburst galaxies and to derive updated AGN1 and (Compton thin) AGN2 counts at 15 um. Methods: XMM observations of the ELAIS-S1 15um sample down to flux limits ~2x10^-15 erg cm^-2 s^-1 (2-10 keV band) were used. We classified as AGN all those MIR sources with a unabsorbed 2-10 keV X-ray luminosity higher that ~10^42 erg/s. Results: We find that at least about 13(+/-6) per cent of the previously classified starburst galaxies harbor an AGN. According to these figures, we provide an updated estimate of the counts of AGN1 and (Compton thin) AGN2 at 15 um. It turns out that at least 24% of the extragalactic sources brighter than 0.6 my at 15 um are AGN (~13% contribution to the extragalactic background produced at fluxes brighter than 0.6 mJy).

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