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79 - D. Ootsuki , N. L. Saini , F. Du 2015
We report a photoemission study at room temperature on BaFe2X3 (X = S and Se) and CsFe2Se3 in which two-leg ladders are formed by the Fe sites. The Fe 2p core-level peaks of BaFe2X3 are broad and exhibit two components, indicating that itinerant and localized Fe 3d sites coexist similar to KxFe2-ySe2. The Fe 2p core-level peak of CsFe2Se3 is rather sharp and is accompanied by a charge-transfer satellite. The insulating ground state of CsFe2Se3 can be viewed as a Fe2+ Mott insulator in spite of the formal valence of +2.5. The itinerant versus localized behaviors can be associated with the stability of chalcogen p holes in the two-leg ladder structure.
161 - B. Parise , P. Bergman , F. Du 2012
Context: Hydrogen peroxide (HOOH) was recently detected toward rho Oph A. Subsequent astrochemical modeling that included reactions in the gas phase and on the surface of dust grains was able to explain the observed abundance, and highlighted the importance of grain chemistry in the formation of HOOH as an intermediate product in water formation. This study also predicted that the hydroperoxyl radical HO2, the precursor of HOOH, should be detectable. Aims: We aim at detecting the hydroperoxyl radical HO2 in rho Oph A. Methods: We used the IRAM 30m and the APEX telescopes to target the brightest HO2 lines at about 130 and 260 GHz. Results: We detect five lines of HO2 (comprising seven individual molecular transitions). The fractional abundance of HO2 is found to be about 1e-10, a value similar to the abundance of HOOH. This observational result is consistent with the prediction of the above mentioned astrochemical model, and thereby validates our current understanding of the water formation on dust grains. Conclusions: This detection, anticipated by a sophisticated gas-grain chemical model, demonstrates that models of grain chemistry have improved tremendously and that grain surface reactions now form a crucial part of the overall astrochemical network.
225 - B. Parise , F. Du , F.-C. Liu 2012
Although water is an essential and widespread molecule in star-forming regions, its chemical formation pathways are still not very well constrained. Observing the level of deuterium fractionation of OH, a radical involved in the water chemical network, is a promising way to infer its chemical origin. We aim at understanding the formation mechanisms of water by investigating the origin of its deuterium fractionation. This can be achieved by observing the abundance of OD towards the low-mass protostar IRAS16293-2422, where the HDO distribution is already known. Using the GREAT receiver on board SOFIA, we observed the ground-state OD transition at 1391.5 GHz towards the low-mass protostar IRAS16293-2422. We also present the detection of the HDO 111-000 line using the APEX telescope. We compare the OD/HDO abundance ratio inferred from these observations with the predictions of chemical models. The OD line is detected in absorption towards the source continuum. This is the first detection of OD outside the solar system. The SOFIA observation, coupled to the observation of the HDO 111-000 line, provides an estimate of the abundance ratio OD/HDO ~ 17-90 in the gas where the absorption takes place. This value is fairly high compared with model predictions. This may be reconciled if reprocessing in the gas by means of the dissociative recombination of H2DO+ further fractionates OH with respect to water. The present observation demonstrates the capability of the SOFIA/GREAT instrument to detect the ground transition of OD towards star-forming regions in a frequency range that was not accessible before. Dissociative recombination of H2DO+ may play an important role in setting a high OD abundance. Measuring the branching ratios of this reaction in the laboratory will be of great value for chemical models.
112 - B. Parise , A. Belloche , F. Du 2010
Context: In the last years, the H2D+ and D2H+ molecules have gained great attention as probes of cold and depleted dense molecular cloud cores. These ions are at the basis of molecular deuterium fractionation, a common characteristic observed in star forming regions. H2D+ is now routinely observed, but the search for its isotopologue D2H+ is still difficult because of the high frequency of its ground para transition (692 GHz). Aims: We have observed molecular transitions of H2D+ and D2H+ in a cold prestellar core to characterize the roots of deuterium chemistry. Methods: Thanks to the sensitive multi-pixel CHAMP+ receiver on the APEX telescope where the required excellent weather conditions are met, we not only successfully detect D2H+ in the H-MM1 prestellar core located in the L1688 cloud, but also obtain information on the spatial extent of its emission. We also detect H2D+ at 372 GHz in the same source. We analyse these detections using a non-LTE radiative transfer code and a state-of-the-art spin-dependent chemical model. Results: This observation is the first secure detection of D2H+ in space. The emission is moreover extended over several pixels of the CHAMP+ array, i.e. on a scale of at least 40, corresponding to ~ 4800 AU. We derive column densities on the order of 1e12-1e13 cm-2 for both molecules in the LTE approximation depending on the assumed temperature, and up to two orders of magnitude higher based on a non-LTE analysis. Conclusions: Our modeling suggests that the level of CO depletion must be extremely high (>10, and even >100 if the temperature of the core is around 10 K) at the core center, in contradiction with CO depletion levels directly measured in other cores. Observation of the H2D+ spatial distribution and direct measurement of the CO depletion in H-MM1 will be essential to confirm if present chemical models investigating the basis of deuterium [...].

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