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The position of a reaction front, propagating into a metastable state, fluctuates because of the shot noise of reactions and diffusion. A recent theory [B. Meerson, P.V. Sasorov, and Y. Kaplan, Phys. Rev. E 84, 011147 (2011)] gave a closed analytic expression for the front diffusion coefficient in the weak noise limit. Here we test this theory in stochastic simulations involving reacting and diffusing particles on a one-dimensional lattice. We also investigate a small noise-induced systematic shift of the front velocity compared to the prediction from the spatially continuous deterministic reaction-diffusion equation.
We consider population dynamics on a network of patches, each of which has a the same local dynamics, with different population scales (carrying capacities). It is reasonable to assume that if the patches are coupled by very fast migration the whole system will look like an individual patch with a large effective carrying capacity. This is called a well-mixed system. We show that, in general, it is not true that the well-mixed system has the same dynamics as each local patch. Different global dynamics can emerge from coupling, and usually must be figured out for each individual case. We give a general condition which must be satisfied for well-mixed systems to have the same dynamics as the constituent patches.
Many populations in nature are fragmented: they consist of local populations occupying separate patches. A local population is prone to extinction due to the shot noise of birth and death processes. A migrating population from another patch can dramatically delay the extinction. What is the optimal migration rate that minimizes the extinction risk of the whole population? Here we answer this question for a connected network of model habitat patches with different carrying capacities.
We investigate clustering of malignant glioma cells. emph{In vitro} experiments in collagen gels identified a cell line that formed clusters in a region of low cell density, whereas a very similar cell line (which lacks an important mutation) did not cluster significantly. We hypothesize that the mutation affects the strength of cell-cell adhesion. We investigate this effect in a new experiment, which follows the clustering dynamics of glioma cells on a surface. We interpret our results in terms of a stochastic model and identify two mechanisms of clustering. First, there is a critical value of the strength of adhesion; above the threshold, large clusters grow from a homogeneous suspension of cells; below it, the system remains homogeneous, similarly to the ordinary phase separation. Second, when cells form a cluster, we have evidence that they increase their proliferation rate. We have successfully reproduced the experimental findings and found that both mechanisms are crucial for cluster formation and growth.
Thermal wall is a convenient idealization of a rapidly vibrating plate used for vibrofluidization of granular materials. The objective of this work is to incorporate the Knudsen temperature jump at thermal wall in the Navier-Stokes hydrodynamic modeling of dilute granular gases of monodisperse particles that collide nearly elastically. The Knudsen temperature jump manifests itself as an additional term, proportional to the temperature gradient, in the boundary condition for the temperature. Up to a numerical pre-factor of order unity, this term is known from kinetic theory of elastic gases. We determine the previously unknown numerical pre-factor by measuring, in a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, steady-state temperature profiles of a gas of elastically colliding hard disks, confined between two thermal walls kept at different temperatures, and comparing the results with the predictions of a hydrodynamic calculation employing the modified boundary condition. The modified boundary condition is then applied, without any adjustable parameters, to a hydrodynamic calculation of the temperature profile of a gas of inelastic hard disks driven by a thermal wall. We find the hydrodynamic prediction to be in very good agreement with MD simulations of the same system. The results of this work pave the way to a more accurate hydrodynamic modeling of driven granular gases.
Recently we considered a stochastic discrete model which describes fronts of cells invading a wound cite{KSS}. In the model cells can move, proliferate, and experience cell-cell adhesion. In this work we focus on a continuum description of this phenomenon by means of a generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation (GCH) with a proliferation term. As in the discrete model, there are two interesting regimes. For subcritical adhesion, there are propagating pulled fronts, similarly to those of Fisher-Kolmogorov equation. The problem of front velocity selection is examined, and our theoretical predictions are in a good agreement with a numerical solution of the GCH equation. For supercritical adhesion, there is a nontrivial transient behavior, where density profile exhibits a secondary peak. To analyze this regime, we investigated relaxation dynamics for the Cahn-Hilliard equation without proliferation. We found that the relaxation process exhibits self-similar behavior. The results of continuum and discrete models are in a good agreement with each other for the different regimes we analyzed.
106 - Evgeniy Khain 2007
We consider dense rapid shear flow of inelastically colliding hard disks. Navier-Stokes granular hydrodynamics is applied accounting for the recent finding cite{Luding,Khain} that shear viscosity diverges at a lower density than the rest of constitutive relations. New interpolation formulas for constitutive relations between dilute and dense cases are proposed and justified in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. A linear stability analysis of the uniform shear flow is performed and the full phase diagram is presented. It is shown that when the inelasticity of particle collision becomes large enough, the uniform sheared flow gives way to a two-phase flow, where a dense solid-like striped cluster is surrounded by two fluid layers. The results of the analysis are verified in event-driven MD simulations, and a good agreement is observed.

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