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In young dense clusters repeated collisions between massive stars may lead to the formation of a very massive star (above 100 Msun). In the past the study of the long-term evolution of merger remnants has mostly focussed on collisions between low-mass stars (up to about 2 Msun) in the context of blue-straggler formation. The evolution of collision products of more massive stars has not been as thoroughly investigated. In this paper we study the long-term evolution of a number of stellar mergers formed by the head-on collision of a primary star with a mass of 5-40 Msun with a lower mass star at three points in its evolution in order to better understand their evolution. We use smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) calculations to model the collision between the stars. The outcome of this calculation is reduced to one dimension and imported into a stellar evolution code. We follow the subsequent evolution of the collision product through the main sequence at least until the onset of helium burning. We find that little hydrogen is mixed into the core of the collision products, in agreement with previous studies of collisions between low-mass stars. For collisions involving evolved stars we find that during the merger the surface nitrogen abundance can be strongly enhanced. The evolution of most of the collision products proceeds analogously to that of normal stars with the same mass, but with a larger radius and luminosity. However, the evolution of collision products that form with a hydrogen depleted core is markedly different from that of normal stars with the same mass. They undergo a long-lived period of hydrogen shell burning close to the main-sequence band in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and spend the initial part of core helium burning as compact blue supergiants.
Subdwarf B stars show chemical peculiarities that cannot be explained by diffusion theory alone. Both mass loss and turbulence have been invoked to slow down atomic diffusion in order to match observed abundances. The fact that some sdB stars show pulsations gives upper limits on the amount of mass loss and turbulent mixing allowed. Consequently, non-adiabatic asteroseismology has the potential to decide which process is responsible for the abundance anomalies. We compute for the first time seismic properties of sdB models with atomic diffusion included consistently during the stellar evolution. The diffusion equations with radiative forces are solved for H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Fe and Ni. We examine the effects of various mass-loss rates and mixed surface masses on the abundances and mode stability. It is shown that the mass-loss rates needed to simulate the observed He abundances (10^{-14}<=Mdot [Msun/yr]<=10^{-13}) are not consistent with observed pulsations. We find that for pulsations to be driven the rates should be Mdot<=10^{-15} Msun/yr. On the other hand, weak turbulent mixing of the outer 10^{-6} Msun can explain the He abundance anomalies while still allowing pulsations to be driven. The origin of the turbulence remains unknown but the presence of pulsations gives tight constraints on the underlying turbulence model.
It has become clear in recent years that globular clusters are not simple stellar populations, but may host chemically distinct sub-populations, typically with an enhanced helium abundance. These helium-rich populations can make up a substantial fraction of all cluster stars. One of the proposed formation channels for blue straggler stars is the physical collision and merger of two stars. In the context of multiple populations, collisions between stars with different helium abundances should occur and contribute to the observed blue straggler population. This will affect the predicted blue straggler colour and luminosity function. We quantify this effect by calculating models of mergers resulting from collisions between stars with different helium abundances and using these models to model a merger population. We then compare these results to four observed clusters, NGC 1851, NGC 2808, NGC 5634 and NGC 6093. As in previous studies our models deviate from the observations, particularly in the colour distributions. However, our results are consistent with observations of multiple populations in these clusters. In NGC 2808, our best fitting models include normal and helium enhanced populations, in agreement with helium enhancement inferred in this cluster. The other three clusters show better agreement with models that do not include helium enhancement. We discuss future prospects to improve the modelling of blue straggler populations and the role that the models we present here can play in such a study.
The carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars constitute approximately one fifth of the metal-poor ([Fe/H] ~< -2) population but their origin is not well understood. The most widely accepted formation scenario, invokes mass-transfer of carbon-rich material from a thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TPAGB) primary star to a less massive main-sequence companion which is seen today. Recent studies explore the possibility that an initial mass function biased toward intermediate-mass stars is required to reproduce the observed CEMP fraction in stars with metallicity [Fe/H] < -2.5. These models also implicitly predict a large number of nitrogen-enhanced metal-poor (NEMP) stars which is not seen. We investigate whether the observed CEMP and NEMP to extremely metal-poor (EMP) ratios can be explained without invoking a change in the initial mass function. We confirm earlier findings that with current detailed TPAGB models the large observed CEMP fraction cannot be accounted for. We find that efficient third dredge up in low-mass (less than 1.25Msun), low-metallicity stars may offer at least a partial explanation to the large observed CEMP fraction while remaining consistent with the small observed NEMP fraction.
We investigate the formation of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars via the scenario of mass transfer from a carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) primary to a low-mass companion in a binary system. We explore the extent to which material accreted from a companion star becomes mixed with that of the recipient, focusing on the effects of thermohaline mixing and gravitational settling. We have created a new set of asymptotic giant branch models in order to determine what the composition of material being accreted in these systems will be. We then model a range of CEMP systems by evolving a grid of models of low-mass stars, varying the amount of material accreted by the star (to mimic systems with different separations) and also the composition of the accreted material (to mimic accretion from primaries of different mass). We find that with thermohaline mixing alone, the accreted material can become mixed with between 16 and 88 per cent of the pristine stellar material of the accretor, depending on the mass accreted and the composition of the material. If we include the effects of gravitational settling, we find that thermohaline mixing can be inhibited and, in the case that only a small quantity of material is accreted, can be suppressed almost completely.

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