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The onset and nature of the earliest geomagnetic field is important for understanding the evolution of the core, atmosphere and life on Earth. A record of the early geodynamo is preserved in ancient silicate crystals containing minute magnetic inclusions. These data indicate the presence of a geodynamo during the Paleoarchean, between 3.4 and 3.45 billion years ago. While the magnetic field sheltered Earths atmosphere from erosion at this time, standoff of the solar wind was greatly reduced, and similar to that during modern extreme solar storms. These conditions suggest that intense radiation from the young Sun may have modified the atmosphere of the young Earth by promoting loss of volatiles, including water. Such effects would have been more pronounced if the field were absent or very weak prior to 3.45 billion years ago, as suggested by some models of lower mantle evolution. The frontier is thus trying to obtain geomagnetic field records that are >>3.45 billion-years-old, as well as constraining solar wind pressure for these times. In this review we suggest pathways for constraining these parameters and the attendant history of Earths deep interior, hydrosphere and atmosphere. In particular, we discuss new estimates for solar wind pressure for the first 700 million years of Earth history, the competing effects of magnetic shielding versus solar ion collection, and bounds on the detection level of a geodynamo imposed by the presence of external fields. We also discuss the prospects for constraining Hadean-Paleoarchean magnetic field strength using paleointensity analyses of zircons.
Magnetic Towers represent one of two fundamental forms of MHD outflows. Driven by magnetic pressure gradients, these flows have been less well studied than magneto-centrifugally launched jets even though magnetic towers may well be as common. Here we present new results exploring the behavior and evolution of magnetic tower outflows and demonstrate their connection with pulsed power experimental studies and purely hydrodynamic jets which might represent the asymptotic propagation regimes of magneto-centrifugally launched jets. High-resolution AMR MHD simulations (using the AstroBEAR code) provide insights into the underlying physics of magnetic towers and help us constrain models of their propagation. Our simulations have been designed to explore the effects of thermal energy losses and rotation on both tower flows and their hydro counterparts. We find these parameters have significant effects on the stability of magnetic towers, but mild effects on the stability of hydro jets. Current-driven perturbations in the Poynting Flux Dominated (PDF) towers are shown to be amplified in both the cooling and rotating cases. Our studies of the long term evolution of the towers show that the formation of weakly magnetized central jets within the tower are broken up by these instabilities becoming a series of collimated clumps which magnetization properties vary over time. In addition to discussing these results in light of laboratory experiments, we address their relevance to astrophysical observations of young star jets and outflow from highly evolved solar type stars.
Modern theoretical models of astrophysical jets combine accretion, rotation, and magnetic fields to launch and collimate supersonic flows from a central source. Near the source, magnetic field strengths must be large enough to collimate the jet requiring that the Poynting flux exceeds the kinetic-energy flux. The extent to which the Poynting flux dominates kinetic energy flux at large distances from the engine distinguishes two classes of models. In magneto-centrifugal launch (MCL) models, magnetic fields dominate only at scales $lesssim 100$ engine radii, after which the jets become hydrodynamically dominated (HD). By contrast, in Poynting flux dominated (PFD) magnetic tower models, the field dominates even out to much larger scales. To compare the large distance propagation differences of these two paradigms, we perform 3-D ideal MHD AMR simulations of both HD and PFD stellar jets formed via the same energy flux. We also compare how thermal energy losses and rotation of the jet base affects the stability in these jets. For the conditions described, we show that PFD and HD exhibit observationally distinguishable features: PFD jets are lighter, slower, and less stable than HD jets. Unlike HD jets, PFD jets develop current-driven instabilities that are exacerbated as cooling and rotation increase, resulting in jets that are clumpier than those in the HD limit. Our PFD jet simulations also resemble the magnetic towers that have been recently created in laboratory astrophysical jet experiments.
We present 3D-MHD AMR simulations of Poynting flux dominated (PFD) jets formed by injection of magnetic energy. We compare their evolution with a hydrodynamic jet which is formed by injecting kinetic energy with the same energy flux than the PFD jets. We predict characteristic emission distributions for each of these jets. Current-driven perturbations in PFD jets are amplified by both cooling and rotation for the regimes studied: Shocks and thermal pressure support are weakened by cooling, making the jets more susceptible to kinking. Rotation amplifies the toroidal magnetic field which also exacerbates the kink instability.
In this paper we explore the relationship between protostellar outflows and turbulence in molecular clouds. Using 3-D numerical simulations we focus on the hydrodynamics of multiple outflows interacting within a parsec scale volume. We explore the extent to which transient outflows injecting directed energy and momentum into a sub-volume of a molecular cloud can be converted into random turbulent motions. We show that turbulence can readily be sustained by these interactions and show that it is possible to broadly characterize an effective driving scale of the outflows. We compare the velocity spectrum obtained in our studies to that of isotropically forced hydrodynamic turbulence finding that in outflow driven turbulence a power law is indeed achieved. However we find a steeper spectrum (beta ~ 3) is obtained in outflow driven turbulence models than in isotropically forced simulations (beta ~ 2). We discuss possible physical mechanisms responsible for these results as well and their implications for turbulence in molecular clouds where outflows will act in concert with other processes such as gravitational collapse.
Observations suggest that many, if not all, post AGB systems evolve through an aspherical outflow phase. Such outflows require a sufficient engine rotational energy which binaries can provide. Via common envelope evolution, binaries can directly eject equatorial outflows or produce poloidal outflows from magnetized accretion disks around the primary or secondary. We discuss how accretion driven magnetohydrodynamic outflow models all make similar predictions for the outflow power and speed and we distinguish between the launch vs. propagation regimes of such outflows. We suggest that the high velocity bipolar outflows observed in planetary nebulae (PNe) and the lower velocity but higher power bipolar outflows observed in pre-PNe (pPNe) are kinematically consistent with time dependent accretion onto a white dwarf (WD) within a depleting envelope. Since the WD primary core is always present in all post-AGB systems, accretion onto this core is potentially common. Previous work has focused on core accretion from sub-stellar companions, but low mass stellar companions may be more important, and further work is needed.

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