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Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) play a decisive role in galaxy evolution, particularly so when operating in a radiatively inefficient mode, where they launch powerful jets that reshape their surroundings. However, identifying them is difficult, since radio observations commonly have resolutions of between 1 arcsec and 10 arcsec, which is equally sensitive to radio emission from star-forming activity and from AGN. Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations allow one to filter out all but the most compact non-thermal emission from radio survey data. The observational and computational demands to do this in large surveys have been, until recently, too high to make such undertakings feasible. Only the recent advent of wide-field observing techniques have facilitated such observations, and we here present the results from a survey of 217 radio sources in the Lockman Hole/XMM field. We describe in detail some new aspects of the calibration, including primary beam correction, multi-source self-calibration, and mosaicing. As a result, we detected 65 out of the 217 radio sources and were able to construct, for the first time, the source counts of VLBI-detected AGN. They indicate that at least 15%-25% of the sub-mJy radio sources are AGN-driven, consistent with recent findings using other AGN selection techniques. We have used ancillary data to investigate the AGN hosts. We find that among the sources nearby enough to be resolved in the optical images, 88% (23/26) could be classified as early-type or bulge-dominated galaxies. While 50% of these sources are correctly represented by the SED of an early-type galaxy, for the rest the best fit was obtained with a heavily extinct starburst template, an effect we ascribe to a degeneracy in the fit. Overall, the typical hosts of VLBI-detected sources are in good agreement with being early-type or bulge-dominated galaxies.
VLBI observations are a reliable method to identify AGN, since they require high brightness temperatures for a detection to be made. However, because of the tiny fields of view it is unpractical to carry out VLBI observations of many sources using conventional methods. We used an extension of the DiFX software correlator to image with high sensitivity 96 sources in the Chandra Deep Field South, using only 9h of observing time with the VLBA. We detected 20 sources, 8 of which had not been identified as AGN at any other wavelength, despite the comprehensive coverage of this field. The lack of X-ray counterparts to 1/3 of the VLBI-detected sources, despite the sensitivity of co-located X-ray data, demonstrates that X-ray observations cannot be solely relied upon when searching for AGN activity. Surprisingly, we find that sources classified as type 1 QSOs using X-ray data are always detected, in contrast to the 10% radio-loud objects which are found in optically-selected QSOs. We present the continuation of this project with the goal to image 1450 sources in the Lockman Hole/XMM region.
Wide-field surveys are a commonly-used method for studying thousands of objects simultaneously, to investigate, e.g., the joint evolution of star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei. VLBI observations can yield valuable input to such studies because they are able to identify AGN. However, VLBI observations of large swaths of the sky are impractical using standard methods, because the fields of view of VLBI observations are of the order of 10 or less. We have embarked on a project to carry out Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of all 96 known radio sources in one of the best-studied areas in the sky, the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). The challenge was to develop methods which could significantly reduce the amount of observing (and post-processing) time. We have developed an extension to the DiFX software correlator which allows one to correlate hundreds of positions within the primary beams. This extension enabled us to target many sources, at full resolution and high sensitivity, using only a small amount of observing time. The combination of wide fields-of-view and high sensitivity across the field in this survey is unprecedented. We have observed with the VLBA a single pointing containing the Chandra Deep Field South, in which 96 radio sources were known from previous observations with the ATCA. From our input sample, 20 were detected with the VLBA. The majority of objects have flux densities in agreement with arcsec-scale observations, implying that their radio emission comes from very small regions. One VLBI-detected object had earlier been classified as a star-forming galaxy. Comparing the VLBI detections to sources found in sensitive, co-located X-ray observations we find that X-ray detections are not a good indicator for VLBI detections. Wide-field VLBI survey science is now coming of age.
Infrared-faint radio sources (IFRS) are objects that have flux densities of several mJy at 1.4GHz, but that are invisible at 3.6um when using sensitive Spitzer observations with uJy sensitivities. Their nature is unclear and difficult to investigate since they are only visible in the radio. High-resolution radio images and comprehensive spectral coverage can yield constraints on the emission mechanisms of IFRS and can give hints to similarities with known objects. We imaged a sample of 17 IFRS at 4.8GHz and 8.6GHz with the Australia Telescope Compact Array to determine the structures on arcsecond scales. We added radio data from other observing projects and from the literature to obtain broad-band radio spectra. We find that the sources in our sample are either resolved out at the higher frequencies or are compact at resolutions of a few arcsec, which implies that they are smaller than a typical galaxy. The spectra of IFRS are remarkably steep, with a median spectral index of -1.4 and a prominent lack of spectral indices larger than -0.7. We also find that, given the IR non-detections, the ratio of 1.4GHz flux density to 3.6um flux density is very high, and this puts them into the same regime as high-redshift radio galaxies. The evidence that IFRS are predominantly high-redshift sources driven by active galactic nuclei (AGN) is strong, even though not all IFRS may be caused by the same phenomenon. Compared to the rare and painstakingly collected high-redshift radio galaxies, IFRS appear to be much more abundant, but less luminous, AGN-driven galaxies at similar cosmological distances.
How well is the modern-day starburst-AGN connection mirrored in the early Universe? This is starting to be answered by deep wide radio surveys such as ATLAS, which are giving us a new view of high redshift galaxies. For example, we find powerful radio-loud AGNs which look like star-forming spirals in the optical and infrared, a composite which is almost unknown in the modern Universe. We find radio-bright objects which are unexpectedly invisible in the infrared, and which may be very high redshift radio galaxies and quasars. And although the radio-far-infrared correlation for star-forming galaxies has now been extended down to microJy levels, we still cannot reliably distinguish between starburst and AGN. So what do we need to do to ensure that SKA and its pathfinders will be able to understand galaxy evolution in the early Universe?
137 - Enno Middelberg , Uwe Bach 2008
Very Long Baseline Interferometry, or VLBI, is the observing technique yielding the highest-resolution images today. Whilst a traditionally large fraction of VLBI observations is concentrating on Active Galactic Nuclei, the number of observations concerned with other astronomical objects such as stars and masers, and with astrometric applications, is significant. In the last decade, much progress has been made in all of these fields. We give a brief introduction into the technique of radio interferometry, focussing on the particularities of VLBI observations, and review recent results which would not have been possible without VLBI observations.
We have conducted sensitive (1 sigma<30 uJy) 1.4 GHz radio observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array of a field largely coincident with infrared observations of the Spitzer Wide-Area Extragalactic Survey. The field is centred on the European Large Area ISO Survey S1 region and has a total area of 3.9 deg. We describe the observations and calibration, source extraction, and cross-matching to infrared sources. Two catalogues are presented; one of the radio components found in the image and one of radio sources with counterparts in the infrared and extracted from the literature. 1366 radio components were grouped into 1276 sources, 1183 of which were matched to infrared sources. We discover 31 radio sources with no infrared counterpart at all, adding to the class of Infrared-Faint Radio Sources.

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