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We studied spherically symmetric solutions in scalar-torsion gravity theories in which a scalar field is coupled to torsion with a derivative coupling. We obtained the general field equations from which we extracted a decoupled master equation, the solution of which leads to the specification of all other unknown functions. We first obtained an exact solution which represents a new wormhole-like solution dressed with a regular scalar field. Then, we found large distance linearized spherically symmetric solutions in which the space asymptotically is AdS.
We holographically investigate the effects of a dipole coupling between a fermion field and a $U(1)$ gauge field on the dual fermionic sector in the charged gravity bulk with hyperscaling violation. We analytically study the features of the ultraviolet and infrared Greens functions of the dual fermionic system and we show that as the dipole coupling and the hyperscaling violation exponent are varied, the fluid possess Fermi, marginal Fermi, non-Fermi liquid phases and also an additional Mott insulating phase. We find that the increase of the hyperscaling violation exponent which effectively reduces the dimensionality of the system makes it harder for the Mott gap to be formed. We also show that the observed duality between zeros and poles in the presence of a dipole moment coupling still persists in theories with hyperscaling violation.
We consider a holographic fermionic system in which the fermions are interacting with a U(1) gauge field in the presence of a dilaton field in a gravity bulk of a charged black hole with hyperscaling violation. Using both analytical and numerical methods, we investigate the properties of the infrared and ultaviolet Greens functions of the holographic fermionic system. Studying the spectral functions of the system, we find that as the hyperscaling violation exponent is varied, the fermionic system possesses Fermi, non-Fermi, marginal-Fermi and log-oscillating liquid phases. Various liquid phases of the fermionic system with hyperscaling violation are also generated with the variation of the fermionic mass. We also explore the properties of the flat band and the Fermi surface of the non-relativistic fermionic fixed point dual to the hyperscaling violation gravity.
We consider a gravitating system consisting of a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity with a self-interacting potential and an U(1) electromagnetic field. Solving the coupled Einstein-Maxwell-scalar system we find exact hairy charged black hole solutions with the scalar field regular everywhere. We go to the zero temperature limit and we study the effect of the scalar field on the near horizon geometry of an extremal black hole. We find that except a critical value of the charge of the black hole there is also a critical value of the charge of the scalar field beyond of which the extremal black hole is destabilized. We study the thermodynamics of these solutions and we find that if the space is flat then at low temperature the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole is thermodynamically preferred, while if the space is AdS the hairy charged black hole is thermodynamically preferred at low temperature.
We discuss the zeroes and poles of the determinant of the retarded Green function ($det G_R$) at zero frequency in a holographic system of charged massless fermions interacting via a dipole coupling. For large negative values of the dipole coupling constant $p$, $det G_R$ possesses only poles pointing to a Fermi liquid phase. We show that a duality exists relating systems of opposite $p$. This maps poles of $det G_R$ at large negative $p$ to zeroes of $det G_R$ at large positive $p$, indicating that the latter corresponds to a Mott insulator phase. This duality suggests that the properties of a Mott insulator can be studied by mapping the system to a Fermi liquid. Finally, for small values of $p$, $det G_R$ contains both poles and zeroes (pseudo-gap phase).
We study the entanglement entropy as a probe of the proximity effect of a superconducting system by using the gauge/gravity duality in a fully back-reacted gravity system. While the entanglement entropy in the superconducting phase is less than the entanglement entropy in the normal phase, we find that near the contact interface of the superconducting to normal phase the entanglement entropy has a different behavior due to the leakage of Cooper pairs to the normal phase. We verify this behavior by calculating the conductivity near the boundary interface.
We present a new family of asymptotically AdS four-dimensional black hole solutions with scalar hair of a gravitating system consisting of a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity with a self-interacting potential. For a certain profile of the scalar field we solve the Einstein equations and we determine the scalar potential. Thermodynamically we show that there is a critical temperature below which there is a phase transition of a black hole with hyperbolic horizon to the new hairy black hole configuration.
We consider a six-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell system compactified in an axisymmetric two-dimensional space with one capped regularized conical brane of codimension one. We study the cosmological evolution which is induced on the regularized brane as it moves in between known static bulk and cap solutions. Looking at the resulting Friedmann equation, we see that the brane cosmology at high energies is dominated by a five-dimensional rho^2 energy density term. At low energies, we obtain a Friedmann equation with a term linear to the energy density with, however, negative coefficient in the small four-brane radius limit (i.e. with negative effective Newtons constant). We discuss ways out of this problem.

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