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Deep radio observations at 1.4GHz for the Extended Chandra Deep Field South were performed in June through September of 2007 and presented in a first data release (Miller et al. 2008). The survey was made using six separate pointings of the Very Large Array (VLA) with over 40 hours of observation per pointing. In the current paper, we improve on the data reduction to produce a second data release (DR2) mosaic image. This DR2 image covers an area of about a third of a square degree and reaches a best rms sensitivity of 6 uJy and has a typical sensitivity of 7.4 uJy per 2.8 by 1.6 beam. We also present a more comprehensive catalog, including sources down to peak flux densities of five or more times the local rms noise along with information on source sizes and relevant pointing data. We discuss in some detail the consideration of whether sources are resolved under the complication of a radio image created as a mosaic of separate pointings each suffering some degree of bandwidth smearing, and the accurate evaluation of the flux densities of such sources. Finally, the radio morphologies and optical/near-IR counterpart identifications (Bonzini et al. 2012) are used to identify 17 likely multiple-component sources and arrive at a catalog of 883 radio sources, which is roughly double the number of sources contained in the first data release.
We report 20 and 6 cm VLA deep observations of the CDF-S including the Extended CDF-S. We discuss the radio properties of 266 cataloged radio sources, of which 198 are above a 20 cm completeness level reaching down to 43 microJy at the center of the field. Survey observations made at 6 cm over a more limited region covers the original CDF-S to a comparable level of sensitivity as the 20 cm observations. Of 266 cataloged radio sources, 52 have X-ray counterparts in the CDF-S and a further 37 in the E-CDF-S area not covered by the 1 Megasecond exposure. Using a wide range of material, we have found optical or infrared counterparts for 254 radio sources, of which 186 have either spectroscopic or photometric redshifts (Paper II). Three radio sources have no apparent counterpart at any other wavelength. Measurements of the 20 cm radio flux density at the position of each CDF-S X-ray source detected a further 30 radio sources above a conservative 3-sigma detection limit. X-ray and sub-mm observations have been traditionally used as a measure of AGN and star formation activity, respectively. These new observations probe the faint end of both the star formation and radio galaxy/AGN population, as well as the connection between the formation and evolution of stars and SMBHs. Both of the corresponding gravitational and nuclear fusion driven energy sources can lead to radio synchrotron emission. AGN and radio galaxies dominate at high flux densities. Although emission from star formation becomes more prominent at the microjansky levels reached by deep radio surveys, even for the weakest sources, we still find an apparent significant contribution from low luminosity AGN as well as from star formation.
We present the optical and infrared identifications of the 266 radio sources detected at 20 cm with the Very Large Array in the Chandra Deep Field South (Kellermann et al. 2008). Using deep i-band Advanced Camera for Surveys, R-band Wide Field Imager, K-band SOFI/NTT, K-band ISAAC/VLT and Spitzer imaging data, we are able to find reliable counterparts for 254 (~95%) VLA sources. Twelve radio sources remain unidentified and three of them are ``empty fields. Using literature and our own data we are able to assign redshifts to 186 (~70%) radio sources: 108 are spectroscopic redshifts and 78 reliable photometric redshifts. Based on the rest frame colors and morphological distributions of the host galaxies we find evidences for a change in the submillijansky radio source population: a) above ~ 0.08 mJy early-type galaxies are dominating; b) at flux densities below ~0.08 mJy, starburst galaxies become dominant.
269 - Neal A. Miller 2008
We have observed the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (E-CDF-S) using a mosaic of six deep Very Large Array (VLA) pointings at 1.4GHz. In this paper, we present the survey strategy, description of the observations, and the first data release. The observations were performed during June through September of 2007 and included from 15 to 17 ``classic VLA antennas and 6 to 11 that had been retrofitted for the Expanded VLA (EVLA). The first data release consists of a 34.1 x 34.1 image and the attendant source catalog. The image achieves an rms sensitivity of 6.4 uJy per 2.8 x 1.6 beam in its deepest regions, with a typical sensitivity of 8 uJy. The catalog is conservative in that it only lists sources with peak flux densities greater than seven times the local rms noise, yet it still contains 464 sources. Nineteen of these are complex sources consisting of multiple components. Cross matching of the catalog to prior surveys of the E-CDF-S confirms the linearity of the flux density calibration, albeit with a slight possible offset (a few percent) in scale. Improvements to the data reduction and source catalog are ongoing, and we intend to produce a second data release in January 2009.

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