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We present the first X-ray spectrum of a Hot dust-obscured galaxy (DOG), namely W1835+4355 at z ~ 2.3. Hot DOGs represent a very rare population of hyperluminous (>= 10^47 erg/s), dust-enshrouded objects at z > 2 recently discovered in the WISE All Sky Survey. The 40 ks XMM-Newton spectrum reveals a continuum as flat (Gamma ~ 0.8) as typically seen in heavily obscured AGN. This, along with the presence of strong Fe Kalpha emission, clearly suggests a reflection-dominated spectrum due to Compton-thick absorption. In this scenario, the observed luminosity of L(2-10 keV) ~ 2 x 10^44 erg/s is a fraction (<10%) of the intrinsic one, which is estimated to be >~ 5 x 10^45 erg/s by using several proxies. The Herschel data allow us to constrain the SED up to the sub-mm band, providing a reliable estimate of the quasar contribution (~ 75%) to the IR luminosity as well as the amount of star formation (~ 2100 Msun/yr). Our results thus provide additional pieces of evidence that associate Hot DOGs with an exceptionally dusty phase during which luminous quasars and massive galaxies co-evolve and a very efficient and powerful AGN-driven feedback mechanism is predicted by models.
759 - L. Di Gesu 2014
In this paper we present the longest exposure (97 ks) XMM-Newton EPIC-pn spectrum ever obtained for the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy 1H 0419-577. With the aim of explaining the broadband emission of this source, we took advantage of the simultaneous coverage in the optical/UV that was provided in the present case by the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor and by a HST-COS observation. Archival FUSE flux measurements in the FUV were also used for the present analysis. We successfully modeled the X-ray spectrum together with the optical/UV fluxes data points using a Comptonization model. We found that a blackbody temperature of $T sim 56$ eV accounts for the optical/UV emission originating in the accretion disk. This temperature serves as input for the Comptonized components that model the X-ray continuum. Both a warm ($T_{rm wc} sim 0.7 $ keV, $tau_{rm wc} sim 7 $) and a hot corona ($T_{rm hc} sim 160 $ keV, $tau_{rm hc} sim 0.5$) intervene to upscatter the disk photons to X-ray wavelengths. With the addition of a partially covering ($C_vsim50%$) cold absorber with a variable opacity ($ {it N}_{rm H}sim [10^{19}- 10^{22}] ,rm cm^{-2}$), this model can well explain also the historical spectral variability of this source, with the present dataset presenting the lowest one (${it N}_{rm H}sim 10^{19} , rm cm^{-2} $). We discuss a scenario where the variable absorber, getting ionized in response to the variations of the X-ray continuum, becomes less opaque in the highest flux states. The lower limit for the absorber density derived in this scenario is typical for the broad line region clouds. Finally, we critically compare this scenario with all the different models (e.g. disk reflection) that have been used in the past to explain the variability of this source
We report the results from a 2011 Suzaku observation of the nearby low-ionization BAL quasar/ULIRG Markarian 231. These data reveal that the X-ray spectrum has undergone a large variation from the 2001 XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX observations. We interpret this finding according to a scenario whereby the X-ray continuum source is obscured by a two-component partial-covering absorber with NH ~10^22 and ~10^24 cm^-2, respectively. The observed spectral change is mostly explained by a progressive appearance of the primary continuum at <10 keV due to the decrease of the covering fraction of the denser absorption component. The properties of the X-ray obscuration in Mrk 231 match well with those of the X-ray shielding gas predicted by the theoretical models for an efficient radiatively-driven acceleration of the BAL wind. In particular, the X-ray absorber might be located at the extreme base of the outflow. We measure a 2-10 keV luminosity of L(2-10) = 3.3 x 10^43 erg s^-1 for the 2011 data set, i.e. an increase of 30% with respect to the 2001 value.
We report on our analysis of XMM-Newton observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO 138-G1 (z = 0.0091). These data reveal a complex spectrum in both its soft and hard portions. The 0.5-2 keV band is characterized by a strong soft-excess component with several emission lines, as commonly observed in other narrow-line AGN. Above 3 keV, a power-law fit yields a very flat slope (Gamma ~0.35), along with the presence of a prominent line-like emission feature around ~6.4 keV. This indicates heavy obscuration along the line of sight to the nucleus. We find an excellent fit to the 3-10 keV continuum with a pure reflection model, which provides strong evidence of a Compton-thick screen, preventing direct detection of the intrinsic nuclear X-ray emission. Although a model consisting of a power law transmitted through an absorber with Nh ~2.5 x 10^{23} cm^-2 also provides a reasonable fit to the hard X-ray data, the equivalent width value of ~800 eV measured for the Fe Kalpha emission line is inconsistent with a primary continuum obscured by a Compton-thin column density. Furthermore, the ratio of 2-10 keV to de-reddened [OIII] fluxes for ESO 138-G1 agrees with the typical values reported for well-studied Compton-thick Seyfert galaxies. Finally, we also note that the upper limits to the 15-150 keV flux provided by Swift/BAT and INTEGRAL/IBIS seem to rule out the presence of a transmitted component of the nuclear continuum even in this very hard X-ray band, hence imply that the column density of the absorber could be as high as 10^{25} cm^-2. This makes ESO 138-G1 a very interesting, heavy Compton-thick AGN candidate for the next X-ray missions with spectroscopic and imaging capabilities above 10 keV.
79 - C. Vignali 2011
We present a long (~76 ks) Chandra observation of IRAS 09104+4109, a hyper-luminous galaxy, optically classified as a Type 2 AGN hosted in a cD galaxy in a cluster at z=0.442. We also report on the results obtained by fitting its broad-band spectral energy distribution. The Compton-thick nature of this source (which has been often referred to as an archetype of Compton-thick Type 2 quasars) was formerly claimed on the basis of its marginal detection in the PDS instrument onboard BeppoSAX, being then disputed using XMM-Newton data. Both Chandra analysis and optical/mid-IR spectral fitting are consistent with the presence of heavy (~1-5 10^{23} cm^{-2}) but not extreme (Compton-thick) obscuration. However, using the mid-IR and the [OIII] emission as proxies of the nuclear hard X-ray luminosity suggests the presence of heavier obscuration. The 54-month Swift BAT map shows excess hard X-ray emission likely related to a nearby (z=0.009) Type 2 AGN, close enough to IRAS 09104+4109 to significantly enhance and contaminate its emission in the early BeppoSAX PDS data.
We report the discovery of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) pair in the interacting galaxy system IRAS 20210+1121 at z = 0.056. An XMM-Newton observation reveals the presence of an obscured (Nh ~ 5 x 10^{23} cm^-2), Seyfert-like (L_{2-10 keV} = 4.7 x 10^{42} erg/s) nucleus in the northern galaxy, which lacks unambiguous optical AGN signatures. Our spectral analysis also provides strong evidence that the IR-luminous southern galaxy hosts a Type 2 quasar embedded in a bright starburst emission. In particular, the X-ray primary continuum from the nucleus appears totally depressed in the XMM-Newton band as expected in case of a Compton-Thick absorber, and only the emission produced by Compton scattering (reflection) of the continuum from circumnuclear matter is seen. As such, IRAS 20210+1121 seems to provide an excellent opportunity to witness a key, early phase in the quasar evolution predicted by the theoretical models of quasar activation by galaxy collisions.
We report results from a 50 ks XMM-Newton observation of the dust-reddened broad-line quasar FTM 0830+3759 (z=0.413) selected from the FIRST/2MASS Red Quasar survey. For this AGN, a very short 9 ks Chandra exposure had suggested a feature-rich X-ray spectrum and HST images revealed a very disturbed host galaxy morphology. Contrary to classical, optically-selected quasars, the X-ray properties of red (i.e. with J-Ks> 1.7 and R-Ks> 4) broad line quasars are still quite unexplored, although there is a growing consensus that, due to moderate obscuration, these objects can offer a unique view of spectral components typically swamped by the AGN light in normal, blue quasars. The XMM-Newton observation discussed here has definitely confirmed the complexity of the X-ray spectrum revealing the presence of a cold (or mildly-ionized) absorber with Nh ~10^{22} cm^-2 along the line of sight to the nucleus and a Compton reflection component accompanied by an intense Fe K emission line in this quasar with a Lum(2-10) ~5 x 10^{44} erg/s. A soft-excess component is also required by the data. The match between the column density derived by our spectral analysis and that expected on the basis of reddening due to the dust suggests the possibility that both absorptions occur in the same medium. FTM 0830+3759 is characterized by an extinction/absorption-corrected X-ray-to-optical flux ratio alphaox = -2.3, that is steeper than expected on the basis of its UV luminosity. These findings indicate that the X-ray properties of FTM 0830+3759 differs from those typically observed for optically-selected broad line quasars with comparable hard X-ray luminosity.
262 - G. Lanzuisi 2009
Recent works have suggested that selection criteria based on MIR colors can be used to reveal a population of dust-enshrouded, extremely luminous quasars at z>1. However the X-ray spectral properties of these intriguing sources still remain largely unexplored. We report on an X-ray spectroscopic study of a sample of 44 very bright mid-IR galaxies with extreme mid-IR to optical flux ratios (MIR/O>2000). The X-ray coverage of the sample is highly inhomogeneous (from snap-shot 5 ks Chandra observations to medium-deep XMM exposures of 70 ks) and, consequently, a sizable fraction of them (~43%) remains undetected in the 0.5-10 keV band. The vast majority (95%) of the detected sources (23) show an absorption column density NH>10e22 cm-2 and, remarkably, we also find that 50% of them can be classified as Type 2 quasars on the basis of their absorption properties and X-ray luminosity. Moreover, most of the X-ray undetected sources show extreme mid-IR colors, consistent with being luminous AGN-powered objects, suggesting they might host heavily obscured (possibly Compton-thick) quasars in X-rays. This demonstrates that our selection criteria applied to a wide area survey is very efficient in finding a large number of Type 2 quasars at z > 1. The existence of this class of very powerful, obscured quasars at high z could have important implications in the context of the formation and cosmological evolution of accreting supermassive black holes and their host galaxies.
149 - L. Ballo 2008
This paper was withdrawn due to a misidentification of the source.
81 - C. Vignali 2008
We present the analysis of four XMM-Newton observations of the narrow-line quasar PG 1543+489 at z=0.400 carried out over a rest-frame time-scale of about three years. The X-ray spectrum is characterized by a broad, relativistic iron K_alpha emission line and a steep photon index, which can be both explained by a ionized reflection model, where the source of X-ray photons is presumably very close to the black hole. If this were the case, strong light-bending effects are expected, and actually they provide the most plausible explanation for the large equivalent width (EW=3.1+/-0.8 keV in the source rest frame) of the iron line. Although the light-bending model provides a good description of the X-ray data of PG 1543+489, it is not possible to rule out an absorption model, where obscuring matter partially covers the X-ray source. However, the apparent lack of variations in the properties of the absorber over the time-scale probed by our observations may indicate that this model is less likely.

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