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Reverberation-mapping-based scaling relations are often used to estimate the masses of black holes from single-epoch spectra of AGN. While the radius-luminosity relation that is the basis of these scaling relations is determined using reverberation mapping of the H$beta$ line in nearby AGN, the scaling relations are often extended to use other broad emission lines, such as MgII, in order to get black hole masses at higher redshifts when H$beta$ is redshifted out of the optical waveband. However, there is no radius-luminosity relation determined directly from MgII. Here, we present an attempt to perform reverberation mapping using MgII in the well-studied nearby Seyfert 1, NGC 5548. We used Swift to obtain UV grism spectra of NGC 5548 once every two days from April to September 2013. Concurrent photometric UV monitoring with Swift provides a well determined continuum lightcurve that shows strong variability. The MgII emission line, however, is not strongly correlated with the continuum variability, and there is no significant lag between the two. We discuss these results in the context of using MgII scaling relations to estimate high-redshift black hole masses.
The quiescent spectrum of neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries typically consists of two components - a thermal component associated with emission from the neutron star surface, and a non-thermal power-law component whose origin is not well understood. Spectral fitting of neutron star atmosphere models to the thermal component is one of the leading methods for measuring the neutron star radius. However, it has been known for years that the X-ray spectra of quiescent neutron stars vary between observations. While most quiescent variability is explained through a variable power-law component, the brightest and best-studied object, Cen X-4, requires a change in the thermal component and such thermal variability could be a problem for measuring neutron star radii. In this paper, we significantly increase the number of sources whose quiescent spectra have been studied for variability. We examine 9 potential quiescent neutron stars with luminosities <1E34 erg/s over the course of multiple Chandra observations of the globular clusters NGC 6440 and Terzan 5 and find no strong evidence for variability in the effective temperature in 7 of the 9 sources. Two sources show a potential change in temperature, though this depends on the exact model fitted. CX1 in NGC 6440 is equally well fit by a variable thermal component or a variable power law. Therefore, the results are inconclusive and we cannot exclude or require thermal variability in that source. CX5 in NGC 6440 shows a potential change in temperature, though this depends on whether a power-law is included in the spectral fit or not. This suggests that thermal variability may not be widespread among quiescent neutron stars with luminosities < 1E34 erg/s, and hence thermal radiation remains a promising means to constraining neutron star radii.
We study the X-ray properties of a sample of 14 optically-selected low-mass AGN whose masses lie within the range 1E5 -2E6 M(solar) with XMM-Newton. Only six of these low-mass AGN have previously been studied with sufficient quality X-ray data, thus, we more than double the number of low-mass AGN observed by XMM-Newton with the addition of our sample. We analyze their X-ray spectral properties and variability and compare the results to their more massive counterparts. The presence of a soft X-ray excess is detectable in all five objects which were not background dominated at 2-3 keV. Combined with previous studies, this gives a total of 8 low-mass AGN with a soft excess. The low-mass AGN exhibit rapid, short-term variability (hundreds to thousands of seconds) as well as long-term variability (months to years). There is a well-known anti-correlation between black hole mass and variability amplitude (normalized excess variance). Comparing our sample of low-mass AGN with this relation we find that all of our sample lie below an extrapolation of the linear relation. Such a flattening of the relation at low masses (below about 1E6 M(solar)) is expected if the variability in all AGN follows the same shape power spectrum with a break frequency that is dependent on mass. Finally, we also found two objects that show significant absorption in their X-ray spectrum, indicative of type 2 objects, although they are classified as type 1 AGN based on optical spectra.
Luminous accreting stellar mass and supermassive black holes produce power-law continuum X-ray emission from a compact central corona. Reverberation time lags occur due to light travel time-delays between changes in the direct coronal emission and corresponding variations in its reflection from the accretion flow. Reverberation is detectable using light curves made in different X-ray energy bands, since the direct and reflected components have different spectral shapes. Larger, lower frequency, lags are also seen and are identified with propagation of fluctuations through the accretion flow and associated corona. We review the evidence for X-ray reverberation in active galactic nuclei and black hole X-ray binaries, showing how it can be best measured and how it may be modelled. The timescales and energy-dependence of the high frequency reverberation lags show that much of the signal is originating from very close to the black hole in some objects, within a few gravitational radii of the event horizon. We consider how these signals can be studied in the future to carry out X-ray reverberation mapping of the regions closest to black holes.
The recent detection of X-ray reverberation lags, especially in the Fe Kalpha line region, around Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) has opened up the possibility of studying the time-resolved response (reflection) of hard X-rays from the accretion disk around supermassive black holes. Here, we use general relativistic transfer functions for reflection of X-rays from a point source located at some height above the black hole to study the time lags expected as a function of frequency and energy in the Fe Kalpha line region. We explore the models and the dependence of the lags on key parameters such as the height of the X-ray source, accretion disk inclination, black hole spin and black hole mass. We then compare these models with the observed frequency and energy dependence of the Fe Kalpha line lag in NGC 4151. Assuming the optical reverberation mapping mass of $4.6times10^7~M_odot$ we get a best fit to the lag profile across the Fe Kalpha line in the frequency range $(1-2)times10^{-5}$ Hz for an X-ray source located at a height $h = 7^{+2.9}_{-2.6}~R_G$ with a maximally spinning black hole and an inclination $i < 30^circ$.
The quasi-persistent neutron star low-mass X-ray binary MXB 1659-29 went into quiescence in 2001, and we have followed its quiescent X-ray evolution since. Observations over the first 4 years showed a rapid drop in flux and temperature of the neutron star atmosphere, interpreted as cooling of the neutron star crust which had been heated during the 2.5 year outburst. However, observations taken approximately 1400 and 2400 days into quiescence were consistent with each other, suggesting the crust had reached thermal equilibrium with the core. Here we present a new Chandra observation of MXB 1659-29 taken 11 years into quiescence and 4 years since the last Chandra observation. This new observation shows an unexpected factor of ~3 drop in count rate and change in spectral shape since the last observation, which cannot be explained simply by continued cooling. Two possible scenarios are that either the neutron star temperature has remained unchanged and there has been an increase in the column density, or, alternatively the neutron star temperature has dropped precipitously and the spectrum is now dominated by a power-law component. The first scenario may be possible given that MXB 1659-29 is a near edge-on system, and an increase in column density could be due to build-up of material in, and a thickening of, a truncated accretion disk during quiescence. But, a large change in disk height may not be plausible if standard accretion disk theory holds during quiescence. Alternatively, the disk may be precessing, leading to a higher column density during this latest observation.
Reverberation lags have recently been discovered in a handful of nearby, variable AGN. Here, we analyze a ~100 ksec archival XMM-Newton observation of the highly variable AGN, ESO 113-G010 in order to search for lags between hard, 1.5 - 4.5 keV, and soft, 0.3 - 0.9 keV, energy X-ray bands. At the lowest frequencies available in the lightcurve (<1.5E-4 Hz), we find hard lags where the power-law dominated hard band lags the soft band (where the reflection fraction is high). However, at higher frequencies in the range (2-3)E-4 Hz we find a soft lag of -325 +/- 89 s. The general evolution from hard to soft lags as the frequency increases is similar to other AGN where soft lags have been detected. We interpret this soft lag as due to reverberation from the accretion disk, with the reflection component responding to variability from the X-ray corona. For a black hole mass of 7E6 M(solar) this corresponds to a light-crossing time of ~9 R_g/c, however, dilution effects mean that the intrinsic lag is likely longer than this. Based on recent black hole mass-scaling for lag properties, the lag amplitude and frequency are more consistent with a black hole a few times more massive than the best estimates, though flux-dependent effects could easily add scatter this large.
A number of studies have revealed variability from neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries during quiescence. Such variability is not well characterised, or understood, but may be a common property that has been missed due to lack of multiple observations. One such source where variability has been observed is Aql X-1. Here, we analyse 14 Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of Aql X-1 in quiescence, covering a period of approximately 2 years. There is clear variability between the epochs, with the most striking feature being a flare-like increase in the flux by a factor of 5. Spectral fitting is inconclusive as to whether the power-law and/or thermal component is variable. We suggest that the variability and flare-like behaviour during quiescence is due to accretion at low rates which might reach the neutron star surface.
Current X-ray observatories make it possible to follow the evolution of transient and variable X-ray binaries across a broad range in luminosity and source behavior. In such studies, it can be unclear whether evolution in the low energy portion of the spectrum should be attributed to evolution in the source, or instead to evolution in neutral photoelectric absorption. Dispersive spectrometers make it possible to address this problem. We have analyzed a small but diverse set of X-ray binaries observed with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer across a range in luminosity and different spectral states. The column density in individual photoelectric absorption edges remains constant with luminosity, both within and across source spectral states. This finding suggests that absorption in the interstellar medium strongly dominates the neutral column density observed in spectra of X-ray binaries. Consequently, evolution in the low energy spectrum of X-ray binaries should properly be attributed to evolution in the source spectrum. We discuss our results in the context of X-ray binary spectroscopy with current and future X-ray missions.
A number of neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries have recently been discovered to show broad, asymmetric Fe K emission lines in their X-ray spectra. These lines are generally thought to be the most prominent part of a reflection spectrum, originating in the inner part of the accretion disk where strong relativistic effects can broaden emission lines. We present a comprehensive, systematic analysis of Suzaku and XMM-Newton spectra of 10 neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries, all of which display broad Fe K emission lines. Of the 10 sources, 4 are Z sources, 4 are atolls and 2 are accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars (also atolls). The Fe K lines are well fit by a relativistic line model for a Schwarzschild metric, and imply a narrow range of inner disk radii (6 - 15 GM/c^2) in most cases. This implies that the accretion disk extends close to the neutron star surface over a range of luminosities. Continuum modeling shows that for the majority of observations, a blackbody component (plausibly associated with the boundary layer) dominates the X-ray emission from 8 - 20 keV. Thus it appears likely that this spectral component produces the majority of the ionizing flux that illuminates the accretion disk. Therefore, we also fit the spectra with a blurred reflection model, wherein a blackbody component illuminates the disk. This model fits well in most cases, supporting the idea that the boundary layer is illuminating a geometrically thin disk.

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