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We study the very long-range bond-percolation problem on a linear chain with both sites and bonds dilution. Very long range means that the probability $p_{ij}$ for a connection between two occupied sites $i,j$ at a distance $r_{ij}$ decays as a power law, i.e. $p_{ij} = rho/[r_{ij}^alpha N^{1-alpha}]$ when $ 0 le alpha < 1$, and $p_{ij} = rho/[r_{ij} ln(N)]$ when $alpha = 1$. Site dilution means that the occupancy probability of a site is $0 < p_s le 1$. The behavior of this model results from the competition between long-range connectivity, which enhances the percolation, and site dilution, which weakens percolation. The case $alpha=0$ with $p_s =1 $ is well-known, being the exactly solvable mean-field model. The percolation order parameter $P_infty$ is investigated numerically for different values of $alpha$, $p_s$ and $rho$. We show that in the ranges $ 0 le alpha le 1$ and $0 < p_s le 1$ the percolation order parameter $P_infty$ depends only on the average connectivity $gamma$ of sites, which can be explicitly computed in terms of the three parameters $alpha$, $p_s$ and $rho$.
We investigate the critical properties of Ising models on a Regularized Apollonian Network (RAN), here defined as a kind of Apollonian Network (AN) in which the connectivity asymmetry associated to its corners is removed. Different choices for the coupling constants between nearest neighbors are considered, and two different order parameters are used to detect the critical behaviour. While ordinary ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic models on RAN do not undergo a phase transition, some anti-ferrimagnetic models show an interesting infinite order transition. All results are obtained by an exact analytical approach based on iterative partial tracing of the Boltzmann factor as intermediate steps for the calculation of the partition function and the order parameters.

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