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We have discovered that Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are bright around 1.5 {mu}m even when not directly lit by sunlight, based on observations from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Subaru Telescope. The observations were conducted with non-sidereal tracking on Jupiter outside of the field of view to reduce the stray light subtraction uncertainty due to the close proximity of Jupiter. Their eclipsed luminosity was $10^{-6}$-$10^{-7}$ of their uneclipsed brightness, which is low enough that this phenomenon has been undiscovered until now. In addition, Europa in eclipse was <1/10 of the others at 1.5 {mu}m, a potential clue to the origin of the source of luminosity. Likewise, Ganymede observations were attempted at 3.6 {mu}m by the Spitzer Space Telescope but it was not detected, suggesting a significant wavelength dependence. The reason why they are luminous even when in the Jovian shadow is still unknown, but forward-scattered sunlight by haze in the Jovian upper atmosphere is proposed as the most plausible candidate. If this is the case, observations of these Galilean satellites while eclipsed by the Jovian shadow provide us a new technique to investigate Jovian atmospheric composition, and investigating the transmission spectrum of Jupiter by this method is important for investigating the atmosphere of extrasolar giant planets by transit spectroscopy.
152 - T.D. Rawle 2013
We present Submillimeter Array (SMA) [CII] 158um and Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) $^{12}$CO(1-0) line emission maps for the bright, lensed, submillimeter source at $z=5.2430$ behind Abell 773: HLSJ091828.6+514223 (HLS0918). We combine these measurements with previously reported line profiles, including multiple $^{12}$CO rotational transitions, [CI], water and [NII], providing some of the best constraints on the properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) in a galaxy at $z>5$. HLS0918 has a total far-infrared (FIR) luminosity L_FIR(8-1000um) = (1.6$pm$0.1)x10^14 L_sun/mu, where the total magnification mu_total = 8.9$pm$1.9, via a new lens model from the [CII] and continuum maps. Despite a HyLIRG luminosity, the FIR continuum shape resembles that of a local LIRG. We simultaneously fit all of the observed spectral line profiles, finding four components which correspond cleanly to discrete spatial structures identified in the maps. The two most redshifted spectral components occupy the nucleus of a massive galaxy, with a source plane separation <1 kpc. The reddest dominates the continuum map (de-magnified L_FIR = (1.1$pm$0.2)x10^13 L_sun), and excites strong water emission in both nuclear components via a powerful FIR radiation field from the intense star formation. A third star-forming component is most likely a region of a merging companion (dV ~ 500 km/s) exhibiting generally similar gas properties. The bluest component originates from a spatially distinct region, and photo-dissociation region (PDR) analysis suggests that it is lower density, cooler and forming stars less vigorously than the other components. Strikingly, it has very strong [NII] emission which may suggest an ionized, molecular outflow. This comprehensive view of gas properties and morphology in HLS0918 previews the science possible for a large sample of high-redshift galaxies once ALMA attains full sensitivity.
267 - T. D. Rawle 2012
Using far-infrared imaging from the Herschel Lensing Survey, we derive dust properties of spectroscopically-confirmed cluster member galaxies within two massive systems at z~0.3: the merging Bullet Cluster and the more relaxed MS2137.3-2353. Most star-forming cluster sources (~90%) have characteristic dust temperatures similar to local field galaxies of comparable infrared (IR) luminosity (T_dust ~ 30K). Several sub-LIRG (L_IR < 10^11 L_sun) Bullet Cluster members are much warmer (T_dust > 37K) with far-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) shapes resembling LIRG-type local templates. X-ray and mid-infrared data suggest that obscured active galactic nuclei do not contribute significantly to the infrared flux of these warm dust galaxies. Sources of comparable IR-luminosity and dust temperature are not observed in the relaxed cluster MS2137, although the significance is too low to speculate on an origin involving recent cluster merging. Warm dust galaxies are, however, statistically rarer in field samples (> 3sigma), indicating that the responsible mechanism may relate to the dense environment. The spatial distribution of these sources is similar to the whole far-infrared bright population, i.e. preferentially located in the cluster periphery, although the galaxy hosts tend towards lower stellar masses (M_* < 10^10 M_sun). We propose dust stripping and heating processes which could be responsible for the unusually warm characteristic dust temperatures. A normal star-forming galaxy would need 30-50% of its dust removed (preferentially stripped from the outer reaches, where dust is typically cooler) to recover a SED similar to a warm dust galaxy. These progenitors would not require a higher IR-luminosity or dust mass than the currently observed normal star-forming population.
101 - T.D. Rawle 2012
We present far-infrared (FIR) analysis of 68 Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) at 0.08 < z < 1.0. Deriving total infrared luminosities directly from Spitzer and Herschel photometry spanning the peak of the dust component (24-500um), we calculate the obscured star formation rate (SFR). 22(+6.2,-5.3)% of the BCGs are detected in the far-infrared, with SFR= 1-150 M_sun/yr. The infrared luminosity is highly correlated with cluster X-ray gas cooling times for cool-core clusters (gas cooling time <1 Gyr), strongly suggesting that the star formation in these BCGs is influenced by the cluster-scale cooling process. The occurrence of the molecular gas tracing Ha emission is also correlated with obscured star formation. For all but the most luminous BCGs (L_TIR > 2x10^11 L_sun), only a small (<0.4 mag) reddening correction is required for SFR(Ha) to agree with SFR_FIR. The relatively low Ha extinction (dust obscuration), compared to values reported for the general star-forming population, lends further weight to an alternate (external) origin for the cold gas. Finally, we use a stacking analysis of non-cool-core clusters to show that the majority of the fuel for star formation in the FIR-bright BCGs is unlikely to originate form normal stellar mass loss.
120 - M. Rex , T. D. Rawle , E. Egami 2010
The Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) takes advantage of gravitational lensing by massive galaxy clusters to sample a population of high-redshift galaxies which are too faint to be detected above the confusion limit of current far-infrared/submillimeter telescopes. Measurements from 100-500 micron bracket the peaks of the far-infrared spectral energy distributions of these galaxies, characterizing their infrared luminosities and star formation rates. We introduce initial results from our science demonstration phase observations, directed toward the Bullet cluster (1E0657-56). By combining our observations with LABOCA 870 micron and AzTEC 1.1 mm data we fully constrain the spectral energy distributions of 19 MIPS 24 micron selected galaxies which are located behind the cluster. We find that their colors are best fit using templates based on local galaxies with systematically lower infrared luminosities.This suggests that our sources are not like local ultra-luminous infrared galaxies in which vigorous star formation is contained in a compact highly dust-obscured region. Instead, they appear to be scaled
333 - E. Egami , M. Rex , T. D. Rawle 2010
The Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) will conduct deep PACS and SPIRE imaging of ~40 massive clusters of galaxies. The strong gravitational lensing power of these clusters will enable us to penetrate through the confusion noise, which sets the ultimate limit on our ability to probe the Universe with Herschel. Here, we present an overview of our survey and a summary of the major results from our Science Demonstration Phase (SDP) observations of the Bullet Cluster (z=0.297). The SDP data are rich, allowing us to study not only the background high-redshift galaxies (e.g., strongly lensed and distorted galaxies at z=2.8 and 3.2) but also the properties of cluster-member galaxies. Our preliminary analysis shows a great diversity of far-infrared/submillimeter spectral energy distributions (SEDs), indicating that we have much to learn with Herschel about the properties of galaxy SEDs. We have also detected the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect increment with the SPIRE data. The success of this SDP program demonstrates the great potential of the Herschel Lensing Survey to produce exciting results in a variety of science areas.
We study the mid-infrared (MIR) properties of galaxies in 30 massive galaxy clusters at 0.02<z<0.40, using panoramic Spitzer/MIPS 24micron and NIR data. This is the largest sample of clusters to date with MIR data covering not only the cluster cores, but extending into the infall regions. We revisit the Butcher-Oemler effect, measuring the fraction of massive infrared-luminous galaxies (K<K*+1.5, L_IR>5x10^10L_sun) within r_200, finding a steady increase in the fraction with redshift from ~3% at z=0.02 to ~10% by z=0.30, and an rms cluster-to-cluster scatter about this trend of 0.03. The best-fit redshift evolution model is of the form f_SF ~ (1+z)^5.7, which is stronger redshift evolution than that of L*_IR in both clusters and the field. We find that, statistically, this excess is associated with galaxies found at large cluster-centric radii, implying that the MIR Butcher-Oemler effect can be explained by a combination of both the global decline in star-formation in the universe since z~1 and enhanced star formation in the infall regions of clusters at intermediate redshifts. This picture is supported by a simple infall model based on the Millennium Simulation semi-analytic galaxy catalogs, whereby star-formation in infalling galaxies is instantaneously quenched upon their first passage through the cluster, in that the observed radial trends of f_SF trace those inferred from the simulations. We also find that f_SF does not depend on simple indicators of the dynamical state of clusters, including the offset between the brightest cluster galaxy and the peak of the X-ray emission. This is consistent with the picture described above in that most new star-formation in clusters occurs in the infall regions, and is thus not sensitive to the details of cluster-cluster mergers in the core regions.
We present Spitzer/IRS mid-infrared spectra for 15 gravitationally lensed, 24 micron--selected galaxies, and combine the results with 4 additional very faint galaxies with IRS spectra in the literature. The median intrinsic 24 micron flux density of the sample is 130 microJy, enabling a systematic survey of the spectral properties of the very faint 24 micron sources that dominate the number counts of Spitzer cosmological surveys. Six of the 19 galaxy spectra (32%) show the strong mid-IR continuua expected of AGN; X-ray detections confirm the presence of AGN in three of these cases, and reveal AGNs in two other galaxies. These results suggest that nuclear accretion may contribute more flux to faint 24 micron--selected samples than previously assumed. Almost all the spectra show some aromatic (PAH) emission features; the measured aromatic flux ratios do not show evolution from z=0. In particular, the high S/N mid-IR spectrum of SMM J163554.2+661225 agrees remarkably well with low--redshift, lower--luminosity templates. We compare the rest-frame 8 micron and total infrared luminosities of star--forming galaxies, and find that the behavior of this ratio with total IR luminosity has evolved modestly from z=2 to z=0. Since the high aromatic--to--continuum flux ratios in these galaxies rule out a dominant contribution by AGN, this finding implies systematic evolution in the structure and/or metallicity of infrared sources with redshift. It also has implications for the estimates of star forming rates inferred from 24 micron measurements, in the sense that at z ~2, a given observed frame 24 micron luminosity corresponds to a lower bolometric luminosity than would be inferred from low-redshift templates of similar luminosity at the corresponding rest wavelength.

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