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We study vanadium spinels $A$V$_2$O$_4$ ($A$ = Cd, Mg) in pulsed magnetic fields up to 65 T. A jump in magnetization at $mu_0 H approx$ 40 T is observed in the single-crystal MgV$_2$O$_4$, indicating a field induced quantum phase transition between two distinct magnetic orders. In the multiferroic CdV$_2$O$_4$, the field-induced transition is accompanied by a suppression of the electric polarization. By modeling the magnetic properties in the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling characteristic of vanadium spinels, we show that both features of the field-induced transition can be successfully explained by including the effects of the local trigonal crystal field.
We study magnetic and multiferroic behavior in Ca$_3$Co$_{2-x}$Mn$_{x}$O$_6$ ($x sim$0.97) by high-field measurements of magnetization ($M$), magnetostriction ($L$($H$)/$L$), electric polarization ($P$), and magnetocaloric effect. This study also gives insight into the zero and low magnetic field magnetic structure and magnetoelectric coupling mechanisms. We measured $M$ and $Delta$$L$/$L$ up to pulsed magnetic fields of 92 T, and determined the saturation moment and field. On the controversial topic of the spin states of Co$^{2+}$ and Mn$^{4+}$ ions, we find evidence for $S$ = 3/2 spins for both ions with no magnetic field-induced spin-state crossovers. Our data also indicate that Mn$^{4+}$ spins are quasi-isotropic and develop components in the $ab$-plane in applied magnetic fields of 10 T. These spins cant until saturation at 85 T whereas the Ising Co$^{2+}$ spins saturate by 25 T. Furthermore, our results imply that mechanism for suppression of electric polarization with magnetic fields near 10 T is flopping of the Mn$^{4+}$ spins into the $ab$-plane, indicating that appropriate models must include the coexistence of Ising and quasi-isotropic spins.
112 - C. Martin , E. D. Mun , H. Berger 2012
We report the observation of Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations in single crystals of the Rashba spin-splitting compound BiTeI, from both longitudinal ($R_{xx}(B)$) and Hall ($R_{xy}(B)$) magnetoresistance. Under magnetic field up to 65 T, we resolved unambiguously only one frequency $F = 284.3pm 1.3$ T, corresponding to a Fermi momentum $k_{F} = 0.093pm 0.002$AA$^{-1}$.The amplitude of oscillations is strongly suppressed by tilting magnetic field, suggesting a highly two-dimensional Fermi surface. Combining with optical spectroscopy, we show that quantum oscillations may be consistent with a bulk conduction band having a Rashba splitting momentum $k_{R}=0.046pm$AA$^{-1}$.
In this article we review our studies of the K0.80Fe1.76Se2 superconductor, with an attempt to elucidate the crystal growth details and basic physical properties over a wide range of temperatures and applied magnetic field, including anisotropic magnetic and electrical transport properties, thermodynamic, London penetration depth, magneto-optical imaging and Mossbauer measurements. We find that: (i) Single crystals of similar stoichiometry can be grown both by furnace-cooled and decanted methods; (ii) Single crystalline K0.80Fe1.76Se2 shows moderate anisotropy in both magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity and a small modulation of stoichiometry of the crystal, which gives rise to broadened transitions; (iii) The upper critical field, Hc2(T) is ~ 55 T at 2 K for H||c, manifesting a temperature dependent anisotropy that peaks near 3.6 at 27 K and drops to 2.5 by 18 K; (iv) Mossbauer measurements reveal that the iron sublattice in K0.80Fe1.76Se2 clearly exhibits magnetic order, probably of the first order, from well below Tc to its Neel temperature of Tn = 532 +/- 2 K. It is very important to note that, although, at first glance there is an apparent dilemma posed by these data: high Tc superconductivity in a near insulating, large ordered moment material, analysis indicates that the sample may well consist of two phases with the minority superconducting phase (that does not exhibit magnetic order) being finely distributed, but connected with in an antiferromagnetic, poorly conducting, matrix, essentially making a superconducting aerogel.
We present a new member of the multiferroic oxides, Lu$_2$MnCoO$_6$, which we have investigated using X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, specific heat, magnetization, electric polarization, and dielectric constant measurements. This material possesses an electric polarization strongly coupled to a net magnetization below 35 K, despite the antiferromagnetic ordering of the $S = 3/2$ Mn$^{4+}$ and Co$^{2+}$ spins in an $uparrow uparrow downarrow downarrow$ configuration along the c-direction. We discuss the magnetic order in terms of a condensation of domain boundaries between $uparrow uparrow$ and $downarrow downarrow$ ferromagnetic domains, with each domain boundary producing a net electric polarization due to spatial inversion symmetry breaking. In an applied magnetic field the domain boundaries slide, controlling the size of the net magnetization, electric polarization, and magnetoelectric coupling.
Dilation and thermopower measurements on YbAgGe, a heavy-fermion antiferromagnet, clarify and refine the magnetic field-temperature (H-T) phase diagram and reveal a field-induced phase with T-linear resistivity. On the low-H side of this phase we find evidence for a first-order transition and suggest that YbAgGe at 4.5 T may be close to a quantum critical end point. On the high-H side our results are consistent with a second-order transition suppressed to a quantum critical point near 7.2 T. We discuss these results in light of global phase diagrams proposed for Kondo lattice systems.
Magneto-optical imaging was used to study the local magnetization in polycrystalline NdFeAsO$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1}$ (NFAOF). Individual crystallites up to $sim200times100times30$ $mu m^{3}$ in size could be mapped at various temperatures. The in-grain, persistent current density is about $jsim10^{5}$ A/cm$^{2}$ and the magnetic relaxation rate in a remanent state peaks at about $T_{m}sim38$ K. By comparison with with the total magnetization measured in a bar-shaped, dense, polycrystalline sample, we suggest that NdFeAsO$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1}$ is similar to a layered high-$T_{c}$, compound such as Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$CaCu$_{2}$O$_{8+x}$ and exhibits a $3Dto2D$ crossover in the vortex structure. The 2D Ginzburg parameter is about $Gi^{2D}% simeq10^{-2}$ implying electromagnetic anisotropy as large as $epsilon sim1/30$. Below $T_{m}$, the static and dynamic behaviors are consistent with collective pinning and creep.
We studied single-crystals of the antiferromagnetic compound UNi0.5Sb2 (TN ~ 161 K) by means of measurements of magnetic susceptibility (chi), specific heat (Cp), and electrical resistivity (rho) at ambient pressure, and resistivity under hydrostatic pressures up to 20 kbar, in the temperature range from 1.9 to 300 K. The thermal coefficient of the electrical resistivity (drho/dT) changes drastically from positive below TN to negative above, reflecting the loss of spin-disorder scattering in the ordered phase. Two small features in the rho vs T data centered near 40 and 85 K correlate well in temperature with features in the magnetic susceptibility and are consistent with other data in the literature. These features are quite hysteretic in temperature, i.e., the difference between the warming and cooling cycles are about 10 and 6 K, respectively. The effect of pressure is to raise TN at the approximate rate of 0.76 K/kbar, while progressively suppressing the amplitude of the small features in rho vs T at lower temperatures and increasing the thermal hysteresis.

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