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430 - Shaozhi Li , E. A. Nowadnick , 2015
We use determinant quantum Monte Carlo to study the single particle properties of quasiparticles and phonons in a variant of the two-dimensional Holstein model that includes an additional non-linear electron-phonon (e-ph) interaction. We find that a small positive non-linear interaction reduces the effective coupling between the electrons and the lattice, suppresses charge-density wave (CDW) correlations, and hardens the effective phonon frequency. Conversely, a small negative non-linear interaction can enhance the e-ph coupling resulting in heavier quasiparticles, an increased tendency towards a CDW phase at all fillings, and a softened phonon frequency. An effective linear model with a renormalized interaction strength and phonon frequency can qualitatively capture this physics; however, the quantitative effects of the non-linearity on both the electronic and phononic degrees of freedom cannot be captured by such a model. These results are significant for typical non-linear coupling strengths found in real materials, indicating that non-linearity can have a significant influence on the physics of many e-ph coupled systems.
We present electron and phonon spectral functions calculated from determinant quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model on a square lattice. By tuning the relative electron-electron ($e$-$e$) and electron-phonon ($e$-$ph$) interaction strengths, we show the electron spectral function evolving between antiferromagnetic insulating, metallic, and charge density wave insulating phases. The phonon spectra concurrently gain a strong momentum dependence and soften in energy upon approaching the charge density wave phase. In particular, we study how the $e$-$e$ and $e$-$ph$ interactions renormalize the spectra, and analyze how the interplay of these interactions influence the spectral renormalizations. We find that the presence of both interactions suppresses the amount of renormalization at low energy, thus allowing the emergence of a metallic phase. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering the influence of multiple interactions in spectroscopically determining any one interaction strength in strongly correlated materials.
High-temperature superconductivity (HTSC) mysteriously emerges upon doping holes or electrons into insulating copper oxides with antiferromagnetic (AFM) order. It has been thought that the large energy scale of magnetic excitations, compared to phonon energies for example, lies at the heart of an electronically-driven superconducting phase at high temperatures. However, despite extensive studies, little information is available for comparison of high-energy magnetic excitations of hole- and electron-doped superconductors to assess a possible correlation with the respective superconducting transition temperatures. Here, we use resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Cu L3-edge to reveal high-energy collective excitations in the archetype electron-doped cuprate Nd2-xCexCuO4 (NCCO). Surprisingly, despite the fact that the spin stiffness is zero and the AFM correlations are short-ranged, magnetic excitations harden significantly across the AFM-HTSC phase boundary, in stark contrast with the hole-doped cuprates. Furthermore, we find an unexpected and highly dispersive mode in superconducting NCCO that is undetected in the hole-doped compounds, which emanates from the zone center with a characteristic energy comparable to the pseudogap, and may signal a quantum phase distinct from superconductivity. The uncovered asymmetry in the high-energy collective excitations with respect to hole and electron doping provides additional constraints for modeling the HTSC cuprates.
How coherent quasiparticles emerge by doping quantum antiferromagnets is a key question in correlated electron systems, whose resolution is needed to elucidate the phase diagram of copper oxides. Recent resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) experiments in hole-doped cuprates have purported to measure high-energy collective spin excitations that persist well into the overdoped regime and bear a striking resemblance to those found in the parent compound, challenging the perception that spin excitations should weaken with doping and have a diminishing effect on superconductivity. Here we show that RIXS at the Cu L3-edge indeed provides access to the spin dynamical structure factor once one considers the full influence of light polarization. Further we demonstrate that high-energy spin excitations do not correlate with the doping dependence of Tc, while low-energy excitations depend sensitively on doping and show ferromagnetic correlations. This suggests that high-energy spin excitations are marginal to pairing in cuprate superconductors.
We have performed numerical studies of the Hubbard-Holstein model in two dimensions using determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC). Here we present details of the method, emphasizing the treatment of the lattice degrees of freedom, and then study the filling and behavior of the fermion sign as a function of model parameters. We find a region of parameter space with large Holstein coupling where the fermion sign recovers despite large values of the Hubbard interaction. This indicates that studies of correlated polarons at finite carrier concentrations are likely accessible to DQMC simulations. We then restrict ourselves to the half-filled model and examine the evolution of the antiferromagnetic structure factor, other metrics for antiferromagnetic and charge-density-wave order, and energetics of the electronic and lattice degrees of freedom as a function of electron-phonon coupling. From this we find further evidence for a competition between charge-density-wave and antiferromagnetic order at half-filling.
Recent evidence for a charge-Kondo effect in superconducting samples of Pb$_{1-x}$Tl$_x$Te [1] has brought renewed attention to the possibility of negative U superconductivity in this material, associated with valence fluctuations on the Tl impurity sites [2]. Here, we use indium as an electron-donor to counterdope Pb$_{.99}$Tl$_{.01}$Te and study the effect of the changing chemical potential on the Kondo-like physics and on the superconducting critical temperature, $T_c$. We find that, as the chemical potential moves away from the value where superconductivity, Kondo-like physics, and chemical potential pinning are expected, both $T_c$ and the low-temperature resistance anomaly are suppressed. This provides further evidence that both the superconductivity and the Kondo-like behavior are induced by the same source, as anticipated in the negative U model.
We employed a scanning Hall probe microscope to detect the hopping of individual vortices between pinning sites along grain boundaries in YBCO thin films in the presence of an applied current. Detecting the motion of individual vortices allowed us to probe the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of the grain boundary with voltage sensitivity below a femto-volt. We find a very sharp onset of dissipation with V~I^n with an unprecedented high exponent of n~290 that shows essentially no dependence on temperature or grain boundary angle. Our data have no straightforward explanation within the existing grain boundary transport models.

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