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We analyse cosmological hydrodynamic simulations that include observationally-constrained prescriptions for galactic outflows. If these simulated winds accurately represent winds in the real Universe, then material previously ejected in winds provides the dominant source of gas infall for new star formation at redshifts z<1. This recycled wind accretion, or wind mode, provides a third physically distinct accretion channel in addition to the hot and cold modes emphasised in recent theoretical studies. Because of the interaction between outflows and gas in and around halos, the recycling timescale of wind material (t_rec) is shorter in higher-mass systems, which reside in denser gaseous environments. In these simulations, this differential recycling plays a central role in shaping the present-day galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF). If we remove all particles that were ever ejected in a wind, then the predicted GSMFs are much steeper than observed; galaxy masses are suppressed both by the direct removal of gas and by the hydrodynamic heating of their surroundings, which reduces subsequent infall. With wind recycling included, the simulation that incorporates our favoured momentum-driven wind scalings reproduces the observed GSMF for stellar masses 10^9 < M < 5x10^10 Msolar. At higher masses, wind recycling leads to excessive galaxy masses and excessive star formation rates relative to observations. In these massive systems, some quenching mechanism must suppress the re-accretion of gas ejected from star-forming galaxies. In short, as has long been anticipated, the form of the GSMF is governed by outflows; the unexpected twist here for our simulated winds is that it is not primarily the ejection of material but how the ejected material is re-accreted that governs the GSMF.
We study the formation of galaxies in a (50 Mpc/h)^3 cosmological simulation (2x288^3 particles), evolved using the entropy conserving SPH code Gadget-2. Most of the baryonic mass in galaxies of all masses is originally acquired through filamentary cold mode accretion of gas that was never shock heated to its halo virial temperature, confirming the key feature of our earlier results obtained with a different SPH code (Keres et al. 2005). Atmospheres of hot, virialized gas develop in halos above ~2.5e11 Msun, a transition mass that is nearly constant from z=3 to z=0. Cold accretion persists in halos above the transition mass, especially at z>=2. It dominates the growth of galaxies in low mass halos at all times, and it is the main driver of the cosmic star formation history. Satellite galaxies have accretion rates similar to central galaxies of the same baryonic mass at high redshifts, but they have less accretion than comparable central galaxies at low redshift. Relative to our earlier results, the Gadget-2 simulations predict much lower rates of hot mode accretion from the virialized gas component of massive halos. At z<=1, typical hot accretion rates in halos above 5e12 Msun are below 1 Msun/yr, even though our simulation does not include AGN heating or other forms of preventive feedback. The inner density profiles of hot gas in these halos are shallow, with long associated cooling times. The cooling recipes typically used in semi-analytic models can overestimate the accretion rates in these halos by orders of magnitude, so such models may overemphasize the role of preventive feedback in producing observed galaxy masses and colors. A fraction of the massive halos develop cuspy profiles and significant cooling rates between z=1 and z=0, a redshift trend similar to the observed trend in the frequency of cooling flow clusters.
183 - Duv{s}an Kerev{s} 2009
We compare the properties of galaxies that form in a cosmological simulation without strong feedback to observations at z=0. We confirm previous findings that models without strong feedback overproduce the observed galaxy baryonic mass function, especially at the low and high mass extremes. Through post-processing we investigate what kinds of feedback would be required to reproduce observed galaxy masses and star formation rates. To mimic an extreme form of preventive feedback (e.g., AGN radio mode) we remove all baryonic mass that was originally accreted via hot mode from shock-heated gas. This does not bring the high mass end of the galaxy mass function into agreement with observations because much of the stellar mass in these systems formed at high redshift from baryons that originally accreted via cold mode onto lower mass progenitors. An efficient ejective feedback mechanism, such as supernova driven winds, must reduce the masses of these progenitors. Feedback must also reduce the masses of lower mass z=0 galaxies, which assemble at lower redshifts and have much lower star formation rates. If we monotonically re-map galaxy masses to reproduce the observed mass function, but retain the simulations predicted star formation rates, we obtain fairly good agreement with the observed sequence of star-forming galaxies but fail to recover the observed population of passive, low star formation rate galaxies. Suppressing all hot mode accretion improves agreement for high mass galaxies but worsens the agreement at intermediate masses. Reproducing these z=0 observations requires a feedback mechanism that dramatically suppresses star formation in a fraction of galaxies, increasing with mass, while leaving star formation rates of other galaxies essentially unchanged.

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