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Let C_n denote the representation category of a finite supergroup generated by purely odd n-dimensional vector space. We compute the Brauer-Picard group BrPic(C_n) of C_n. This is done by identifying BrPic(C_n) with the group of braided tensor autoequivalences of the Drinfeld center of C_n and studying the action of the latter group on the categorical Lagrangian Grassmannian of C_n. We show that this action corresponds to the action of a projective symplectic group on a classical Lagrangian Grassmannian.
We analyze the action of the Brauer-Picard group of a pointed fusion category on the set of Lagrangian subcategories of its center. Using this action we compute the Brauer-Picard groups of pointed fusion categories associated to several classical finite groups. As an application, we construct new examples of weakly group-theoretical fusion categories.
Let C be a fusion category faithfully graded by a finite group G and let D be the trivial component of this grading. The center Z(C) of C is shown to be canonically equivalent to a G-equivariantization of the relative center Z_D(C). We use this result to obtain a criterion for C to be group-theoretical and apply it to Tambara-Yamagami fusion categories. We also find several new series of modular categories by analyzing the centers of Tambara-Yamagami categories. Finally, we prove a general result about existence of zeroes in S-matrices of weakly integral modular categories.
144 - Deepak Naidu , Dmitri Nikshych , 2009
We describe all fusion subcategories of the representation category of a twisted quantum double of a finite group. In view of the fact that every group-theoretical braided fusion category can be embedded into a representation category of a twisted quantum double of a finite group, this gives a complete description of all group-theoretical braided fusion categories. We describe the lattice and give formulas for some invariants of the fusion subcategories of representation category of a twisted quantum double of a finite group. We also give a characterization of group-theoretical braided fusion categories as equivariantizations of pointed categories.
We classify Lagrangian subcategories of the representation category of a twisted quantum double of a finite group. In view of results of 0704.0195v2 this gives a complete description of all braided tensor equivalent pairs of twisted quantum doubles of finite groups. We also establish a canonical bijection between Lagrangian subcategories of the representation category of a twisted quantum double of a finite group G and module categories over the category of twisted G-graded vector spaces such that the dual tensor category is pointed. This can be viewed as a quantum version of V. Drinfelds characterization of homogeneous spaces of a Poisson-Lie group in terms of Lagrangian subalgebras of the double of its Lie bialgebra. As a consequence, we obtain that two group-theoretical fusion categories are weakly Morita equivalent if and only if their centers are equivalent as braided tensor categories.
We characterize a natural class of modular categories of prime power Frobenius-Perron dimension as representation categories of twisted doubles of finite p-groups. We also show that a nilpotent braided fusion category C admits an analogue of the Sylow decomposition. If the simple objects of C have integral Frobenius-Perron dimensions then C is group-theoretical. As a consequence, we obtain that semisimple quasi-Hopf algebras of prime power dimension are group-theoretical. Our arguments are based on a reconstruction of twisted group doubles from Lagrangian subcategories of modular categories (this is reminiscent to the characterization of doubles of quasi-Lie bialgebras in terms of Manin pairs).

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