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176 - Jingfu Zhang , Dieter Suter 2015
Hybrid systems consisting of different types of qubits are promising for building quantum computers if they combine useful properties of their constituent qubits. However, they also pose additional challenges if one type of qubits is more susceptible to environmental noise than the others. Dynamical decoupling can help to protect such systems by reducing the decoherence due to the environmental noise, but the protection must be designed such that it does not interfere with the control fields driving the logical operations. Here, we test such a protection scheme on a quantum register consisting of the electronic and nuclear spins of a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. The results show that processing is compatible with protection: The dephasing time was extended almost to the limit given by the longitudinal relaxation time of the electron spin.
Experimental determination of an unknown quantum state usually requires several incompatible measurements. However, it is also possible to determine the full quantum state from a single, repeated measurement. For this purpose, the quantum system whose state is to be determined is first coupled to a second quantum system (the assistant) in such a way that part of the information in the quantum state is transferred to the assistant. The actual measurement is then performed on the enlarged system including the original system and the assistant. We discuss in detail the requirements of this procedure and experimentally implement it on a simple quantum system consisting of nuclear spins.
299 - Xinhua Peng , Dieter Suter 2008
Finding the factors of an integer can be achieved by various experimental techniques, based on an algorithm developed by Schleich et al., which uses specific properties of Gauss{}sums. Experimental limitations usually require truncation of these series, but if the truncation parameter is too small, it is no longer possible to distinguish between factors and so-called ghost factors. Here, we discuss two techniques for distinguishing between true factors and ghost factors while keeping the number of terms in the sum constant or only slowly increasing. We experimentally test these modified algorithms in a nuclear spin system, using NMR.

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