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The structure of the International Trade Network (ITN), whose nodes and links represent world countries and their trade relations respectively, affects key economic processes worldwide, including globalization, economic integration, industrial production, and the propagation of shocks and instabilities. Characterizing the ITN via a simple yet accurate model is an open problem. The traditional Gravity Model (GM) successfully reproduces the volume of trade between connected countries, using macroeconomic properties such as GDP, geographic distance, and possibly other factors. However, it predicts a network with complete or homogeneous topology, thus failing to reproduce the highly heterogeneous structure of the ITN. On the other hand, recent maximum-entropy network models successfully reproduce the complex topology of the ITN, but provide no information about trade volumes. Here we integrate these two currently incompatible approaches via the introduction of an Enhanced Gravity Model (EGM) of trade. The EGM is the simplest model combining the GM with the network approach within a maximum-entropy framework. Via a unified and principled mechanism that is transparent enough to be generalized to any economic network, the EGM provides a new econometric framework wherein trade probabilities and trade volumes can be separately controlled by any combination of dyadic and country-specific macroeconomic variables. The model successfully reproduces both the global topology and the local link weights of the ITN, parsimoniously reconciling the conflicting approaches. It also indicates that the probability that any two countries trade a certain volume should follow a geometric or exponential distribution with an additional point mass at zero volume.
Several real-world systems can be represented as multi-layer complex networks, i.e. in terms of a superposition of various graphs, each related to a different mode of connection between nodes. Hence, the definition of proper mathematical quantities aiming at capturing the level of complexity of those systems is required. Various attempts have been made to measure the empirical dependencies between the layers of a multiplex, for both binary and weighted networks. In the simplest case, such dependencies are measured via correlation-based metrics: we show that this is equivalent to the use of completely homogeneous benchmarks specifying only global constraints, such as the total number of links in each layer. However, these approaches do not take into account the heterogeneity in the degree and strength distributions, which are instead a fundamental feature of real-world multiplexes. In this work, we compare the observed dependencies between layers with the expected values obtained from reference models that appropriately control for the observed heterogeneity in the degree and strength distributions. This leads to novel multiplexity measures that we test on different datasets, i.e. the International Trade Network (ITN) and the European Airport Network (EAN). Our findings confirm that the use of homogeneous benchmarks can lead to misleading results, and furthermore highlight the important role played by the distribution of hubs across layers.
Quantitative scaling relationships among body mass, temperature and metabolic rate of organisms are still controversial, while resolution may be further complicated through the use of different and possibly inappropriate approaches to statistical analysis. We propose the application of a modelling strategy based on Akaikes information criteria and non-linear model fitting (nlm). Accordingly, we collated and modelled available data at intraspecific level on the individual standard metabolic rate of Antarctic microarthropods as a function of body mass (M), temperature (T), species identity (S) and high rank taxa to which species belong (G) and tested predictions from Metabolic Scaling Theory. We also performed allometric analysis based on logarithmic transformations (lm). Conclusions from lm and nlm approaches were different. Best-supported models from lm incorporated T, M and S. The estimates of the allometric scaling exponent b linking body mass and metabolic rate indicated no interspecific difference and resulted in a value of 0.696 +/- 0.105 (mean +/- 95% CI). In contrast, the four best-supported nlm models suggested that both the scaling exponent and activation energy significantly vary across the high rank taxa to which species belong, with mean values of b ranging from about 0.6 to 0.8. We therefore reached two conclusions: 1) published analyses of arthropod metabolism based on logarithmic data may be biased by data transformation; 2) non-linear models applied to Antarctic microarthropod metabolic rate suggest that intraspecific scaling of standard metabolic rate in Antarctic microarthropods is highly variable and can be characterised by scaling exponents that greatly vary within taxa, which may have biased previous interspecific comparisons that neglected intraspecific variability.
We derive a class of generalized statistics, unifying the Bose and Fermi ones, that describe any system where the first-occupation energies or probabilities are different from subsequent ones, as in presence of thresholds, saturation, or aging. The statistics completely describe the structural correlations of weighted networks, which turn out to be stronger than expected and to determine significant topological biases. Our results show that the null behavior of weighted networks is different from what previously believed, and that a systematic redefinition of weighted properties is necessary.
In this chapter we discuss how the results developed within the theory of fractals and Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) can be fruitfully exploited as ingredients of adaptive network models. In order to maintain the presentation self-contained, we first review the basic ideas behind fractal theory and SOC. We then briefly review some results in the field of complex networks, and some of the models that have been proposed. Finally, we present a self-organized model recently proposed by Garlaschelli et al. [Nat. Phys. 3, 813 (2007)] that couples the fitness network model defined by Caldarelli et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 258702 (2002)] with the evolution model proposed by Bak and Sneppen [Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 4083 (1993)] as a prototype of SOC. Remarkably, we show that the results obtained for the two models separately change dramatically when they are coupled together. This indicates that self-organized networks may represent an entirely novel class of complex systems, whose properties cannot be straightforwardly understood in terms of what we have learnt so far.
Here we provide a detailed analysis, along with some extensions and additonal investigations, of a recently proposed self-organised model for the evolution of complex networks. Vertices of the network are characterised by a fitness variable evolving through an extremal dynamics process, as in the Bak-Sneppen model representing a prototype of Self-Organized Criticality. The network topology is in turn shaped by the fitness variable itself, as in the fitness network model. The system self-organizes to a nontrivial state, characterized by a power-law decay of dynamical and topological quantities above a critical threshold. The interplay between topology and dynamics in the system is the key ingredient leading to an unexpected behaviour of these quantities.
We focus on the problem of how wealth is distributed among the units of a networked economic system. We first review the empirical results documenting that in many economies the wealth distribution is described by a combination of log--normal and power--law behaviours. We then focus on the Bouchaud--Mezard model of wealth exchange, describing an economy of interacting agents connected through an exchange network. We report analytical and numerical results showing that the system self--organises towards a stationary state whose associated wealth distribution depends crucially on the underlying interaction network. In particular we show that if the network displays a homogeneous density of links, the wealth distribution displays either the log--normal or the power--law form. This means that the first--order topological properties alone (such as the scale--free property) are not enough to explain the emergence of the empirically observed emph{mixed} form of the wealth distribution. In order to reproduce this nontrivial pattern, the network has to be heterogeneously divided into regions with variable density of links. We show new results detailing how this effect is related to the higher--order correlation properties of the underlying network. In particular, we analyse assortativity by degree and the pairwise wealth correlations, and discuss the effects that these properties have on each other.

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