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We investigate the effect of active galactic nucleus (AGN) variability on the observed connection between star formation and black hole accretion in extragalactic surveys. Recent studies have reported relatively weak correlations between observed AGN luminosities and the properties of AGN hosts, which has been interpreted to imply that there is no direct connection between AGN activity and star formation. However, AGNs may be expected to vary significantly on a wide range of timescales (from hours to Myr) that are far shorter than the typical timescale for star formation (>~100 Myr). This variability can have important consequences for observed correlations. We present a simple model in which all star-forming galaxies host an AGN when averaged over ~100 Myr timescales, with long-term average AGN accretion rates that are perfectly correlated with the star formation rate (SFR). We show that reasonable prescriptions for AGN variability reproduce the observed weak correlations between SFR and L_AGN in typical AGN host galaxies, as well as the general trends in the observed AGN luminosity functions, merger fractions, and measurements of the average AGN luminosity as a function of SFR. These results imply there may be a tight connection between AGN activity and SFR over galaxy evolution timescales, and that the apparent similarities in rest-frame colors, merger rates, and clustering of AGNs compared to inactive galaxies may be due primarily to AGN variability. The results provide motivation for future deep, wide extragalactic surveys that can measure the distribution of AGN accretion rates as a function of SFR.
Massive black holes (BHs) are at once exotic and yet ubiquitous, residing in the centers of massive galaxies in the local Universe. Recent years have seen remarkable advances in our understanding of how these BHs form and grow over cosmic time, during which they are revealed as active galactic nuclei (AGN). However, despite decades of research, we still lack a coherent picture of the physical drivers of BH growth, the connection between the growth of BHs and their host galaxies, the role of large-scale environment on the fueling of BHs, and the impact of BH-driven outflows on the growth of galaxies. In this paper we review our progress in addressing these key issues, motivated by the science presented at the What Drives the Growth of Black Holes? workshop held at Durham on 26th-29th July 2010, and discuss how these questions may be tackled with current and future facilities.
Using deep 100-160 micron observations in GOODS-S from the GOODS-H survey, combined with HST/WFC3 NIR imaging from CANDELS, we present the first morphological analysis of a complete, FIR selected sample of 52 ULIRGs at z~2. We also make use of a comparison sample of galaxies without Herschel detections but with the same z and magnitude distribution. Our visual classifications of these two samples indicate that the fraction of objects with disk and spheroid morphologies is roughly the same but that there are significantly more mergers, interactions, and irregular galaxies among the ULIRGs. The combination of disk and irregular/interacting morphologies suggests that early stage interactions and minor mergers could play an important role in ULIRGs at z~2. We compare these fractions with those of a z~1 sample across a wide luminosity range and find that the fraction of disks decreases systematically with L_IR while the fraction of mergers and interactions increases, as has been observed locally. At comparable luminosities, the fraction of ULIRGs with various morphological classifications is similar at z~2 and z~1. We investigate the position of the ULIRGs, along with 70 LIRGs, on the specific star formation rate versus redshift plane, and find 52 systems to be starbursts (lie more than a factor of 3 above the main sequence relation). The morphologies of starbursts are dominated by interacting and merging systems (50%). If irregular disks are included as potential minor mergers, then we find that up to 73% of starbursts are involved in a merger or interaction at some level. Although the final coalescence of a major merger may not be required for the high luminosities of ULIRGs at z~2 as is the case locally, the large fraction of interactions at all stages and potential minor mergers suggest that the high star formation rates of ULIRGs are still largely externally triggered at z~2.
We introduce the Mass-Excitation (MEx) diagnostic to identify active galactic nuclei (AGN) in galaxies at intermediate redshift. In the absence of near-infrared spectroscopy, necessary to use traditional nebular line diagrams at z>0.4, we demonstrate that combining [OIII]5007/Hbeta and stellar mass successfully distinguishes between star formation and AGN emission. The MEx classification scheme relies on a novel probabilistic approach splitting galaxies into sub-categories with more confidence than alternative high-z diagnostic diagrams. It recognizes that galaxies near empirical boundaries on traditional diagrams have an uncertain classification and thus a non-zero probability of belonging to more than one category. An outcome of this work is a system of statistical weights that can be used to compute global properties of galaxy samples. We apply the MEx diagram to 2,812 galaxies at 0.3<z<1 in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey North and Extended Groth Strip fields, and compare it to an independent X-ray classification scheme. We identify Compton-thick AGN candidates with large X-ray absorption, which we infer from the luminosity ratio between hard X-ray emission and [OIII]5007, a nearly isotropic tracer of AGN. X-ray stacking of sources that were not detected individually supports the validity of the MEx diagram and yields a very flat spectral slope for the Compton-thick candidates (Gamma~0.4, unambiguously indicating absorbed AGN). We present evidence that composite galaxies, which are difficult to identify with alternative high-redshift diagrams, host the majority of the highly-absorbed AGN. Our findings suggest that the interstellar medium of the host galaxy provides significant absorption in addition to the torus invoked in AGN unified models.
We investigate the correlation between far-infrared (FIR) and radio luminosities in distant galaxies, a lynchpin of modern astronomy. We use data from the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimetre Telescope (BLAST), Spitzer, the Large Apex BOlometer CamerA (LABOCA), the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS). For a catalogue of BLAST 250-micron-selected galaxies, we re-measure the 70--870-micron flux densities at the positions of their most likely 24-micron counterparts, which have a median [interquartile] redshift of 0.74 [0.25, 1.57]. From these, we determine the monochromatic flux density ratio, q_250 = log_10 (S_250micron / S_1400MHz), and the bolometric equivalent, q_IR. At z ~= 0.6, where our 250-micron filter probes rest-frame 160-micron emission, we find no evolution relative to q_160 for local galaxies. We also stack the FIR and submm images at the positions of 24-micron- and radio-selected galaxies. The difference between q_IR seen for 250-micron- and radio-selected galaxies suggests star formation provides most of the IR luminosity in ~< 100-uJy radio galaxies, but rather less for those in the mJy regime. For the 24-micron sample, the radio spectral index is constant across 0 < z < 3, but q_IR exhibits tentative evidence of a steady decline such that q_IR is proportional to (1+z)^(-0.15 +/- 0.03) - significant evolution, spanning the epoch of galaxy formation, with major implications for techniques that rely on the FIR/radio correlation. We compare with model predictions and speculate that we may be seeing the increase in radio activity that gives rise to the radio background.
80 - Kristen Coppin 2009
We report on the identification of the highest redshift submm-selected source currently known: LESSJ033229.4-275619. This source was detected in the Large Apex BOlometer CAmera (LABOCA) Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) Submillimetre Survey (LESS), a sensitive 870-um survey (~1.2-mJy rms) of the full 30x30 ECDFS with the LABOCA camera on the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope. The submm emission is identified with a radio counterpart for which optical spectroscopy provides a redshift of z=4.76. We show that the bolometric emission is dominated by a starburst with a star formation rate of ~1000 Msun/yr, although we also identify a moderate luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) in this galaxy. Thus it has characteristics similar to those of z~2 submm galaxies (SMGs), with a mix of starburst and obscured AGN signatures. This demonstrates that ultraluminous starburst activity is not just restricted to the hosts of the most luminous (and hence rare) QSOs at z~5, but was also occurring in less extreme galaxies at a time when the Universe was less than 10% of its current age. Assuming that we are seeing the major phase of star formation in this galaxy, then we demonstrate that it would be identified as a luminous distant red galaxy at z~3 and that the current estimate of the space density of z>4 SMGs is only sufficient to produce ~10% of the luminous red galaxy population at these early times. However, this leaves open the possibility that some of these galaxies formed through less intense, but more extended star formation events. If the progenitors of all of the luminous red galaxies at z~3 go through an ultraluminous starburst at z>4 then the required volume density of z>4 SMGs will exceed that predicted by current galaxy formation models by more than an order of magnitude.

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