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Social networking sites supporting federated identities offer a convenient and increasingly popular mechanism for cross-site authentication. Unfortunately, they also exacerbate many privacy and tracking risks. We propose Crypto-Book, an anonymizing layer enabling cross-site authentication while reducing these risks. Crypto-Book relies on a set of independently managed servers that collectively assign each social network identity a public/private keypair. Only an identitys owner learns all the private key shares, and can therefore construct the private key, while all participants can obtain any users public key, even if the corresponding private key has yet to be retrieved. Having obtained an appropriate key set, a user can then leverage anonymous authentication techniques such as linkable ring signatures to log into third-party web sites while preserving privacy. We have implemented a prototype of Crypto-Book and demonstrate its use with three applications: a Wiki system, an anonymous group communication system, and a whistleblower submission system. Our results show that for anonymity sets of size 100, Crypto-Book login takes 0.56s for signature generation by the client, 0.38s for signature verification on the server, and requires 5.6KB of communication bandwidth.
Despite the attempts of well-designed anonymous communication tools to protect users from tracking or identification, flaws in surrounding software (such as web browsers) and mistakes in configuration may leak the users identity. We introduce Nymix, an anonymity-centric operating system architecture designed top-to-bottom to strengthen identity- and tracking-protection. Nymixs core contribution is OS support for nym-browsing: independent, parallel, and ephemeral web sessions. Each web session, or pseudonym, runs in a unique virtual machine (VM) instance evolving from a common base state with support for long-lived sessions which can be anonymously stored to the cloud, avoiding de-anonymization despite potential confiscation or theft. Nymix allows a user to safely browse the Web using various different transports simultaneously through a pluggable communication model that supports Tor, Dissent, and a private browsing mode. In evaluations, Nymix consumes 600 MB per nymbox and loads within 15 to 25 seconds.
P2P overlays provide a framework for building distributed applications consisting of few to many resources with features including self-configuration, scalability, and resilience to node failures. Such systems have been successfully adopted in large-scale services for content delivery networks, file sharing, and data storage. In small-scale systems, they can be useful to address privacy concerns and for network applications that lack dedicated servers. The bootstrap problem, finding an existing peer in the overlay, remains a challenge to enabling these services for small-scale P2P systems. In large networks, the solution to the bootstrap problem has been the use of dedicated services, though creating and maintaining these systems requires expertise and resources, which constrain their usefulness and make them unappealing for small-scale systems. This paper surveys and summarizes requirements that allow peers potentially constrained by network connectivity to bootstrap small-scale overlays through the use of existing public overlays. In order to support bootstrapping, a public overlay must support the following requirements: a method for reflection in order to obtain publicly reachable addresses, so peers behind network address translators and firewalls can receive incoming connection requests; communication relaying to share public addresses and communicate when direct communication is not feasible; and rendezvous for discovering remote peers, when the overlay lacks stable membership. After presenting a survey of various public overlays, we identify two overlays that match the requirements: XMPP overlays, such as Google Talk and Live Journal Talk, and Brunet, a structured overlay based upon Symphony. We present qualitative experiences with prototypes that demonstrate the ability to bootstrap small-scale private structured overlays from public Brunet or XMPP infrastructures.
Online social networking has quickly become one of the most common activities of Internet users. As social networks evolve, they encourage users to share more information, requiring the users, in turn, to place more trust into social networks. Peer-to-peer (P2P) overlays provide an environment that can return ownership of information, trust, and control to the users, away from centralized third-party social networks. In this paper, we present a novel concept, social profile overlays, which enable users to share their profile only with trusted peers in a scalable, reliable, and private manner. Each users profile consists of a unique private, secure overlay, where members of that overlay have a friendship with the overlay owner. Profile data is made available without regard to the online state of the profile owner through the use of the profile overlays distributed data store. Privacy and security are enforced through the use of a public key infrastructure (PKI), where the role of certificate authority (CA) is handled by the overlay owner and each member of the overlay has a CA-signed certificate. All members of the social network join a common public or directory overlay facilitating friend discovery and bootstrap connections into profile overlays. We define interfaces and present tools that can be used to implement this system, as well as explore some of the challenges related to it.
Centralized Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) when used in distributed systems have performance constraints as all traffic must traverse through a central server. In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift towards the use of P2P in VPNs to alleviate pressure placed upon the central server by allowing participants to communicate directly with each other, relegating the server to handling session management and supporting NAT traversal using relays when necessary. Another, less common, approach uses unstructured P2P systems to remove all centralization from the VPN. These approaches currently lack the depth in security options provided by other VPN solutions, and their scalability constraints have not been well studied. In this paper, we propose and implement a novel VPN architecture, which uses a structured P2P system for peer discovery, session management, NAT traversal, and autonomic relay selection and a central server as a partially-automated public key infrastructure (PKI) via a user-friendly web interface. Our model also provides the first design and implementation of a P2P VPN with full tunneling support, whereby all non-P2P based Internet traffic routes through a trusted third party and does so in a way that is more secure than existing full tunnel techniques. To verify our model, we evaluate our reference implementation by comparing it quantitatively to other VPN technologies focusing on latency, bandwidth, and memory usage. We also discuss some of our experiences with developing, maintaining, and deploying a P2P VPN.
Structured P2P overlays provide a framework for building distributed applications that are self-configuring, scalable, and resilient to node failures. Such systems have been successfully adopted in large-scale Internet services such as content delivery networks and file sharing; however, widespread adoption in small/medium scales has been limited due in part to security concerns and difficulty bootstrapping in NAT-constrained environments. Nonetheless, P2P systems can be designed to provide guaranteed lookup times, NAT traversal, point-to-point overlay security, and distributed data stores. In this paper we propose a novel way of creating overlays that are both secure and private and a method to bootstrap them using a public overlay. Private overlay nodes use the public overlays distributed data store to discover each other, and the public overlays connections to assist with NAT hole punching and as relays providing STUN and TURN NAT traversal techniques. The security framework utilizes groups, which are created and managed by users through a web based user interface. Each group acts as a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) relying on the use of a centrally-managed web site providing an automated Certificate Authority (CA). We present a reference implementation which has been used in a P2P VPN (Virtual Private Network). To evaluate our contributions, we apply our techniques to an overlay network modeler, event-driven simulations using simulated time delays, and deployment in the PlanetLab wide-area testbed.

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