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We have conducted a 4030-square-deg near-infrared proper motion survey using multi-epoch data from the Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS). We find 2778 proper motion candidates, 647 of which are not listed in SIMBAD. After comparison to DSS images, we find that 107 of our proper motion candidates lack counterparts at B-, R-, and I-bands and are thus 2MASS-only detections. We present results of spectroscopic follow-up of 188 targets that include the infrared-only sources along with selected optical-counterpart sources with faint reduced proper motions or interesting colors. We also establish a set of near-infrared spectroscopic standards with which to anchor near-infrared classifications for our objects. Among the discoveries are six young field brown dwarfs, five red L dwarfs, three L-type subdwarfs, twelve M-type subdwarfs, eight blue L dwarfs, and several T dwarfs. We further refine the definitions of these exotic classes to aid future identification of similar objects. We examine their kinematics and find that both the blue L and red L dwarfs appear to be drawn from a relatively old population. This survey provides a glimpse of the kinds of research that will be possible through time-domain infrared projects such as the UKIDSS Large Area Survey, various VISTA surveys, and WISE, and also through z- or y-band enabled, multi-epoch surveys such as Pan-STARRS and LSST.
100 - Adam J. Burgasser 2010
We confirm the substellar nature of ULAS J141623.94+134836.3, a common proper motion companion to the blue L dwarf SDSS J141624.08+134826.7 identified by Burningham et al. and Scholz. Low-resolution 0.8-2.4 micron spectroscopy obtained with IRTF/SpeX shows strong H2O and CH4 absorption bands, consistent with a T7.5 spectral type, and we see possible indications of NH3 absorption in the 1.0-1.3 micron region. More importantly, the spectrum of ULAS J1416+1348 shows a broadened Y-band peak and highly suppressed K-band flux, both indicative of high surface gravity and/or subsolar metallicity. These traits are verified through spectral model fits, from which we derive atmospheric parameters Teff = 650+/-60 K, log g = 5.2+/-0.4 cgs, [M/H] <= -0.3 and Kzz = 10^4 cm^2/s, the temperature being significantly warmer than that estimated by Burningham et al. These fits also indicate a model-dependent spectroscopic distance of 10.6(+3.0,-2.8) pc for ULAS J1416+1348, formally consistent with the 7.9+/-1.7 pc astrometric distance for SDSS J1416+1348 from Scholz. The common peculiarities of these two co-spatial, co-moving sources suggest that their unusual blue colors - and those of other blue L and T dwarfs in general - arise from age or metallicity, rather than cloud properties alone.
103 - Dagny L. Looper 2008
We present the discovery of two nearby L dwarfs from our 2MASS proper motion search, which uses multi-epoch 2MASS observations covering ~4700 square degrees of sky. 2MASS J18212815+1414010 and 2MASS J21481628+4003593 were overlooked by earlier surveys due to their faint optical magnitudes and their proximity to the Galactic Plane (10 degrees < |b| < 15 degrees). Assuming that both dwarfs are single, we derive spectrophotometric distances of ~10 pc, thus increasing the number of known L dwarfs within 10 pc to 10. In the near-infrared, 2MASS J21481628+4003593 shows a triangular-shaped H-band spectrum, strong CO absorption, and a markedly red J-Ks color (2.38+/-0.06) for its L6 optical spectral type. 2MASS J18212815+1414010 also shows a triangular-shaped H-band spectrum and a slightly red J-Ks color (1.78+/-0.05) for its L4.5 optical spectral type. Both objects show strong silicate absorption at 9-11 microns. Cumulatively, these features imply an unusually dusty photosphere for both of these objects. We examine several scenarios to explain the underlying cause for their enhanced dust content and find that a metal-rich atmosphere or a low-surface gravity are consistent with these results. 2MASS J18212815+1414010 may be young (and therefore have a low-surface gravity) based on its low tangential velocity of 10 km/s. On the other hand, 2MASS J21481628+4003593 has a high tangential velocity of 62 km/s and is therefore likely old. Hence, high metallicity and low-surface gravity may lead to similar effects.
353 - Dagny L. Looper 2007
We report the discovery of a fifth candidate substellar system in the ~5-10 Myr TW Hydrae Association - DENIS J124514.1-442907. This object has a NIR spectrum remarkably similar to that of 2MASS J1139511-315921, a known TW Hydrae brown dwarf, with low surface gravity features such as a triangular-shaped H-band, deep H2O absorption, weak alkali lines, and weak hydride bands. We find an optical spectral type of M9.5 and estimate a mass of <24 M_Jup, assuming an age of ~5-10 Myr. While the measured proper motion for DENIS J124514.1-442907 is inconclusive as a test for membership, its position in the sky is coincident with the TW Hydrae Association. A more accurate proper motion measurement, higher resolution spectroscopy for radial velocity, and a parallax measurement are needed to derive the true space motion and to confirm its membership.
Optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of the newly discovered peculiar L dwarf 2MASS J11263991-5003550 are presented. Folkes et al. identified this source as a high proper motion L9+/-1 dwarf based on its strong H2O absorption at 1.4 micron. We find that the optical spectrum of 2MASS J1126-5003 is in fact consistent with that of a normal L4.5 dwarf with notably enhanced FeH absorption at 9896 A. However, its near-infrared spectrum is unusually blue, with strong H2O and weak CO bands similar in character to several recently identified ``blue L dwarfs. Using 2MASS J1126-5003 as a case study, and guided by trends in the condensate cloud models of Burrows et al. and Marley et al., we find that the observed spectral peculiarities of these sources can be adequately explained by the presence of thin and/or large-grained condensate clouds as compared to normal field L dwarfs. Atypical surface gravities or metallicities alone cannot reproduce the observed peculiarities, although they may be partly responsible for the unusual condensate properties. We also rule out unresolved multiplicity as a cause for the spectral peculiarities of 2MASS J1126-5003. Our analysis is supported by examination of Spitzer mid-infrared spectral data from Cushing et al. which show that bluer L dwarfs tend to have weaker 10 micron absorption, a feature tentatively associated with silicate oxide grains. With their unique spectral properties, blue L dwarfs like 2MASS J1126-5003 should prove useful in studying the formation and properties of condensates and condensate clouds in low temperature atmospheres.
50 - Dagny L. Looper 2007
We present the discovery of 11 new T dwarfs, found during the course of a photometric survey for mid-to-late T dwarfs in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog and from a proper motion selected sample of ultracool dwarfs in the 2MASS Working Database. Using the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility SpeX spectrograph, we obtained low-resolution (R~150) spectroscopy, allowing us to derive near-infrared spectral types of T2-T8. One of these new T dwarfs, 2MASS J13243559+6358284, was also discovered independently by Metchev et al., in prep. This object is spectroscopically peculiar and possibly a binary and/or very young (<300 Myr). We specifically attempted to model the spectrum of this source as a composite binary to reproduce its peculiar spectral characteristics. The latest-type object in our sample is a T8 dwarf, 2MASS J07290002-3954043, now one of the four latest-type T dwarfs known. All 11 T dwarfs are nearby given their spectrophotometric distance estimates, with 1 T dwarf within 10 pc and 8 additional T dwarfs within 25 pc, if single. These new additions increase the 25 pc census of T dwarfs by ~14%. Their proximity offers an excellent opportunity to probe for companions at closer separations than are possible for more distant T dwarfs.

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