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103 - E. Ibar , D. Sobral , P.N. Best 2013
We describe the far-infrared (FIR; rest-frame 8--1000mu m) properties of a sample of 443 Halpha-selected star-forming galaxies in the COSMOS and UDS fields detected by the HiZELS imaging survey. Sources are identified using narrow-band filters in combination with broad-band photometry to uniformly select Halpha (and [OII] if available) emitters in a narrow redshift slice at z = 1.47+/-0.02. We use a stacking approach in Spitzer, Herschel (from PEP and HerMES surveys) and AzTEC images to describe their typical FIR properties. We find that HiZELS galaxies with observed Halpha luminosities of ~ 10^{8.1-9.1} Lo have bolometric FIR luminosities of typical LIRGs, L_FIR ~ 10^{11.48+/-0.05} Lo. Combining the Halpha and FIR luminosities, we derive median SFR = 32+/-5 Mo/yr and Halpha extinctions of A(Halpha) = 1.0+/-0.2 mag. Perhaps surprisingly, little difference is seen in typical HiZELS extinction levels compared to local star-forming galaxies. We confirm previous empirical stellar mass (M*) to A(Halpha) relations and the little or no evolution up to z = 1.47. For HiZELS galaxies, we provide an empirical parametrisation of the SFR as a function of (u-z)_rest colours and 3.6mu m photometry. We find that the observed Halpha luminosity is a dominant SFR tracer when (u-z)_rest ~< 0.9 mag or when 3.6mu m photometry > 22 mag (Vega) or when M* < 10^9.7 Mo. We do not find any correlation between the [OII]/Halpha and FIR luminosity, suggesting that this emission line ratio does not trace the extinction of the most obscured star-forming regions. The luminosity-limited HiZELS sample tends to lie above of the so-called `main sequence for star-forming galaxies, especially at low M*. This work suggests that obscured star formation is linked to the assembly of M*, with deeper potential wells in massive galaxies providing dense, heavily obscured environments in which stars can form rapidly.
155 - D. Sobral 2009
New results are presented, as part of the Hi-z Emission Line Survey (HiZELS), from the largest area survey to date (1.4 sq.deg) for Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) at z~9. The survey, which is primarily targeting H-alpha emitters at z<3, uses the Wide Field CAMera on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope and a custom narrow-band filter in the J band and reaches a Lyman-alpha luminosity limit of ~10^43.8 erg/s over a co-moving volume of 1.12x10^6 Mpc^3 at z=8.96+-0.06. Only 2 candidates were found out of 1517 line emitters and those were rejected as LAEs after follow-up observations. The limit on the space density of bright LAEs is improved by 3 orders of magnitude, consistent with suppression of the bright end of the Lyman-alpha luminosity function beyond z~6. Combined with upper limits from smaller but deeper surveys, this rules out some of the most extreme models for high-redshift LAEs. The potential contamination of future narrow-band Lyman-alpha surveys at z>7 by Galactic brown dwarf stars is also examined, leading to the conclusion that such contamination may well be significant for searches at 7.7<z<8.0, 9.1<z<9.5 and 11.7 < z < 12.2.
92 - D. Sobral 2009
New results from a large survey of H-alpha emission-line galaxies at z=0.84 using WFCAM/UKIRT and a custom narrow-band filter in the J band are presented as part of the HiZELS survey. Reaching an effective flux limit of 1e-16 erg/s/cm^2 in a comoving volume of 1.8e5 Mpc^3, this represents the largest and deepest survey of its kind ever done at z~1. There are 1517 potential line emitters detected across 1.4 sq.deg of the COSMOS and UKIDSS UDS fields, of which 743 are selected as H-alpha emitters. These are used to calculate the H-alpha luminosity function, which is well-fitted by a Schechter function with phi*=10^(-1.92+-0.10) Mpc^-3, L*=10^(42.26+-0.05)erg/s, and alpha=-1.65+-0.15. The integrated star formation rate density (SFRD) at z=0.845 is 0.15+-0.01 M_sun/yr/Mpc^3. The results robustly confirm a strong evolution of SFRD from the present day out to z~1 and then flattening to z~2, using a single star-formation indicator. Out to z~1, both the characteristic luminosity and space density of the H-alpha emitters increase significantly; at higher redshifts, L* continues to increase, but phi* decreases. The z=0.84 H-alpha emitters are mostly disk galaxies (82+-3%), while 28+-4% of the sample show signs of merger activity and contribute ~20% to the total SFRD. Irregulars and mergers dominate the H-alpha luminosity function above L*, while disks are dominant at fainter luminosities. These results demonstrate that it is the evolution of normal disk galaxies that drives the strong increase in the SFRD from the current epoch to z~1, although the continued strong evolution of L* beyond z=1 suggests an increasing importance of merger activity at higher redshifts.

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