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We make a time-dependent characterization of pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) surrounding some of the highest spin-down pulsars that have not yet been detected at TeV. Our aim is assessing their possible level of magnetization. We analyze the nebulae driven by J2022+3842 in G76.9+1.0, J0540-6919 in N158A (the Crab twin), J1400--6325 in G310.6--1.6, and J1124--5916 in G292.0+0.18, none of which have been found at TeV energies. For comparison we refer to published models of G54.1+0.3, the Crab nebula, and develop a model for N157B in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We conclude that further observations of N158A could lead to its detection at VHE. According to our model, a FIR energy density of 5 eV cm$^{-3}$ could already lead to a detection in H.E.S.S. (assuming no other IC target field) within 50 hours of exposure and just the CMB inverse Compton contribution would produce VHE photons at the CTA sensitivity. We also propose models for G76.9+1.0, G310.6--1.6 and G292.0+1.8 which suggest their TeV detection in a moderate exposure for the latter two with the current generation of Cherenkov telescopes. We analyze the possibility that these PWNe are highly magnetized, where the low number of particles explains the residual detection in X-rays and their lack of detection at TeV energies.
195 - A. Papitto , D. F. Torres , N. Rea 2014
Rotation-powered millisecond radio pulsars have been spun up to their present spin period by a $10^8$ - $10^9$ yr long X-ray-bright phase of accretion of matter and angular momentum in a low-to-intermediate mass binary system. Recently, the discovery of transitional pulsars that alternate cyclically between accretion and rotation-powered states on time scales of a few years or shorter, has demonstrated this evolutionary scenario. Here, we present a thorough statistical analysis of the spin distributions of the various classes of millisecond pulsars to assess the evolution of their spin period between the different stages. Accreting sources that showed oscillations exclusively during thermonuclear type I X-ray bursts (nuclear-powered millisecond pulsars) are found to be significantly faster than rotation-powered sources, while accreting sources that possess a magnetosphere and show coherent pulsations (accreting millisecond pulsars) are not. On the other hand, if accreting millisecond pulsars and eclipsing rotation-powered millisecond pulsars form a common class of transitional pulsars, these are shown to have a spin distribution intermediate between the faster nuclear-powered millisecond pulsars and the slower non-eclipsing rotation-powered millisecond pulsars. We interpret these findings in terms of a spin-down due to the decreasing mass-accretion rate during the latest stages of the accretion phase, and in terms of the different orbital evolutionary channels mapped by the various classes of pulsars. We summarize possible instrumental selection effects, showing that even if an unbiased sample of pulsars is still lacking, their influence on the results of the presented analysis is reduced by recent improvements in instrumentation and searching techniques.
XSS J12270-4859 is the only low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) with a proposed persistent gamma-ray counterpart in the Fermi-LAT domain, 2FGL 1227.7-4853. Here, we present the results of the analysis of recent INTEGRAL observations, aimed at assessing the long-term variability of the hard X-ray emission, and thus the stability of the accretion state. We confirm that the source behaves as a persistent hard X-ray emitter between 2003 and 2012. We propose that XSS J12270-4859 hosts a neutron star in a propeller state, a state we investigate in detail, developing a theoretical model to reproduce the associated X-ray and gamma-ray properties. This model can be understood as being of a more general nature, representing a viable alternative by which LMXBs can appear as gamma-ray sources. In particular, this may apply to the case of millisecond pulsars performing a transition from a state powered by the rotation of their magnetic field, to a state powered by matter in-fall, such as that recently observed from the transitional pulsar PSR J1023+0038. While the surface magnetic field of a typical NS in a LMXB is lower by more than four orders of magnitude than the much more intense fields of neutron stars accompanying high-mass binaries, the radius at which the matter in-flow is truncated in a NS-LMXB system is much lower. The magnetic field at the magnetospheric interface is then orders of magnitude larger at this interface, and as consequence, so is the power to accelerate electrons. We demonstrate that the cooling of the accelerated electron population takes place mainly through synchrotron interaction with the magnetic field permeating the interface, and through inverse Compton losses due to the interaction between the electrons and the synchrotron photons they emit. We found that self-synchrotron Compton processes can explain the high energy phenomenology of XSS J12270-4859.
We investigate the time-dependent behavior of Crab-like pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) generating a set of models using 4 different initial spin-down luminosities ($L_0 ={1,0.1,0.01,0.001} times L_{0, {rm Crab}}$), 8 values of magnetic fraction ($eta =$ 0.001, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99, and 0.999, i.e., from fully particle dominated to fully magnetically dominated nebulae), and 3 distinctive ages: 940, 3000, and 9000 years. We find that the self-synchrotron Compton (SSC) contribution is irrelevant for $L_{SD}$=0.1, 1, and 10% of the Crab power, disregarding the age and the magnetic fraction. SSC only becomes relevant for highly energetic ($sim 70%$ of the Crab), particle dominated nebulae at low ages (of less than a few kyr), located in a FIR background with relatively low energy density. Since no pulsar other than Crab is known to have these features, these results clarify why the Crab Nebula, and only it, is SSC dominated. No young PWN would be detectable at TeV energies if the pulsars spin-down power is 0.1% Crab or lower. For 1% of the Crab spin-down, only particle dominated nebulae can be detected by H.E.S.S.-like telescopes when young enough (with details depending on the precise injection and environmental parameters). Above 10% of the Crabs power, all PWNe are detectable by H.E.S.S.-like telescopes if they are particle dominated, no matter the age. The impact of the magnetic fraction on the final SED is varied and important, generating order of magnitude variations in the luminosity output for systems that are otherwise the same (equal $P$, $dot P$, injection, and environment).
The very high energy (VHE; >100 GeV) source HESS J0632+057 has been recently confirmed as a gamma-ray binary, a subclass of the high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) population, through the detection of an orbital period of 321 days. We performed a deep search for the emission of HESS J0632+057 in the GeV energy range using data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). The analysis was challenging due to the source being located in close proximity to the bright gamma-ray pulsar PSR J0633+0632 and lying in a crowded region of the Galactic plane where there is prominent diffuse emission. We formulated a Bayesian block algorithm adapted to work with weighted photon counts, in order to define the off-pulse phases of PSR J0633+0632. A detailed spectral-spatial model of a 5 deg circular region centred on the known location of HESS J0632+057 was generated to accurately model the LAT data. No significant emission from the location of HESS J0632+057 was detected in the 0.1-100 GeV energy range integrating over ~3.5 years of data; with a 95% flux upper limit of F_{0.1-100 GeV} < 3 x 10-8 ph cm-2 s-1. A search for emission over different phases of the orbit also yielded no significant detection. A search for source emission on shorter timescales (days--months) did not yield any significant detections. We also report the results of a search for radio pulsations using the 100-m Green Bank Telescope (GBT). No periodic signals or individual dispersed bursts of a likely astronomical origin were detected. We estimated the flux density limit of < 90/40 mu Jy at 2/9 GHz. The LAT flux upper limits combined with the detection of HESS J0632+057 in the 136-400 TeV energy band by the MAGIC collaboration imply that the VHE spectrum must turn over at energies <136 GeV placing constraints on any theoretical models invoked to explain the gamma-ray emission.
124 - J. Li , S. Zhang , D. F. Torres 2012
IGR J18179-1621 is a hard X-ray binary transient discovered recently by INTEGRAL. Here we report on detailed timing and spectral analysis on IGR J18179-1621 in X-rays based on available INTEGRAL and Swift data. From the INTEGRAL analysis, IGR J18179-1621 is detected with a significance of 21.6 sigma in the 18-40 keV band by ISGRI and 15.3 sigma in the 3-25 keV band by JEM-X, between 2012-02-29 and 2012-03-01. We analyze two quasisimultaneous Swift ToO observations. A clear 11.82 seconds pulsation is detected above the white noise at a confidence level larger than 99.99%. The pulse fraction is estimated as 22+/-8% in 0.2-10 keV. No sign of pulsation is detected by INTEGRAL/ISGRI in the 18-40 keV band. With Swift and INTEGRAL spectra combined in soft and hard X-rays, IGR J18179-1621 could be fitted by an absorbed power law with a high energy cutoff plus a Gaussian absorption line centered at 21.5 keV. An additional absorption intrinsic to the source is found, while the absorption line is evidence for most probably originated from cyclotron resonant scattering and suggests a magnetic field in the emitting region of sim 2.4 times 10^12 Gauss.
118 - N. Rea 2011
We report on Chandra observations of the TeV emitting High Mass X-ray Binary LS 5039, for a total exposure of ~70ks, using the ACIS-S camera in Continuos Clocking mode to search for a possible X-ray pulsar in this system. We did not find any periodic or quasi-periodic signal in the 0.3-0.4 and 0.75-0.9 orbital phases, and in a frequency range of 0.005-175 Hz. We derived an average pulsed fraction 3sigma upper limit for the presence of a periodic signal of ~15% (depending on the frequency and the energy band), the deepest limit ever reached for this object. If the X-ray emission of LS 5039 is due (at least in part) to a rotational powered pulsar, the latter is either spinning faster than ~5.6 ms, or having a beam pointing away from our line of sight, or contributing to ~15% of the total X-ray emission of the system in the orbital phases we observed.
98 - N. Rea 2010
We report on a 95ks Chandra observation of the TeV emitting High Mass X-ray Binary LSI +61 303, using the ACIS-S camera in Continuos Clocking mode to search for a possible X-ray pulsar in this system. The observation was performed while the compact object was passing from phase 0.94 to 0.98 in its orbit around the Be companion star (hence close to the apastron passage). We did not find any periodic or quasi-periodic signal (at this orbital phase) in a frequency range of 0.005-175 Hz. We derived an average pulsed fraction 3 sigma upper limit for the presence of a periodic signal of ~10% (although this limit is strongly dependent on the frequency and the energy band), the deepest limit ever reached for this object. Furthermore, the source appears highly variable in flux and spectrum even in this very small orbital phase range, in particular we detect two flares, lasting thousands of seconds, with a very hard X-ray spectrum with respect to the average source spectral distribution. The X-ray pulsed fraction limits we derived are lower than the pulsed fraction of any isolated rotational-powered pulsar, in particular having a TeV counterpart. In this scenario most of the X-ray emission of LSI +61 303 should necessarily come from the interwind or inner-pulsar wind zone shock rather than from the magnetosphere of the putative pulsar. Furthermore, we did not find evidence for the previously suggested extended X-ray emission (abridged).

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