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We show that if X is a toric scheme over a regular ring containing a field then the direct limit of the K-groups of X taken over any infinite sequence of nontrivial dilations is homotopy invariant. This theorem was known in characteristic 0. The affine case of our result was conjectured by Gubeladze.
We study the 0-th stable A^1-homotopy sheaf of a smooth proper variety over a field k assumed to be infinite, perfect and to have characteristic unequal to 2. We provide an explicit description of this sheaf in terms of the theory of (twisted) Chow-Witt groups as defined by Barge-Morel and developed by Fasel. We study the notion of rational point up to stable A^1-homotopy, defined in terms of the stable A^1-homotopy sheaf of groups mentioned above. We show that, for a smooth proper k-variety X, existence of a rational point up to stable A^1-homotopy is equivalent to existence of a 0-cycle of degree 1.
We give conditions for the Mayer-Vietoris property to hold for the algebraic K-theory of blow-up squares of toric varieties in any characteristic, using the theory of monoid schemes. These conditions are used to relate algebraic K-theory to topological cyclic homology in characteristic p. To achieve our goals, we develop for monoid schemes many notions from classical algebraic geometry, such as separated and proper maps.
We prove that existence of a k-rational point can be detected by the stable A^1-homotopy category of S^1-spectra, or even a rationalized variant of this category.
Let $R$ be the homogeneous coordinate ring of a smooth projective variety $X$ over a field $k$ of characteristic~0. We calculate the $K$-theory of $R$ in terms of the geometry of the projective embedding of $X$. In particular, if $X$ is a curve then we calculate $K_0(R)$ and $K_1(R)$, and prove that $K_{-1}(R)=oplus H^1(C,cO(n))$. The formula for $K_0(R)$ involves the Zariski cohomology of twisted Kahler differentials on the variety.
The goal of this paper is to present proofs of two results of Markus Rost: the Chain Lemma and the Norm Principle. These are the final steps needed to complete the publishable verification of the Bloch-Kato conjecture, that the norm residue maps are isomorphisms between Milnor K-theory $K_n^M(k)/p$ and etale cohomology $H^n(k,mu_p^n)$ for every prime p, every n and every field k containing 1/p. Our proofs of these two results are based on Rosts 1998 preprints, his web site and Rosts lectures at the Institute for Advanced Study in 1999-2000 and 2005.

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