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Dr. Chengjie Wu and Dr. Chong Chen provided computation resource and helped in the code programming, however they believe they did not contribute to the scientific part therefore consider not to be listed as authors. Thus authors agree to replace the manuscript with updated author list.
The ferromagnetic Ising spins are modeled on a recursive lattice constructed from random-angled rhombus units with stochastic configurations, to study the magnetic properties of the bulk Fe-based metallic glass. The integration of spins on the structural glass model well represents the magnetic moments in the glassy metal. The model is exactly solved by the recursive calculation technique. The magnetization of the amorphous Ising spins, i.e. the glassy metallic magnet is investigated by our modeling and calculation on a theoretical base. The results show that the glassy metallic magnets has a lower Curie temperature, weaker magnetization, and higher entropy comparing to the regular ferromagnet in crystal form. These findings can be understood with the randomness of the amorphous system, and agrees well with others experimental observations.
Controlling the decoherence induced by the interaction of quantum system with its environment is a fundamental challenge in quantum technology. Utilizing Floquet theory, we explore the constructive role of temporal periodic driving in suppressing decoherence of a spin-1/2 particle coupled to a spin bath. It is revealed that, accompanying the formation of a Floquet bound state in the quasienergy spectrum of the whole system including the system and its environment, the dissipation of the spin system can be inhibited and the system tends to coherently synchronize with the driving. It can be seen as an analog to the decoherence suppression induced by the structured environment in spatially periodic photonic crystal setting. Comparing with other decoherence control schemes, our protocol is robust against the fluctuation of control parameters and easy to realize in practice. It suggests a promising perspective of periodic driving in decoherence control.
Babar Collaboration announced two new excited charmed baryons $Xi_c(3055)^+$ and $Xi_c(3123)^+$. We study their strong decays assuming they are D-wave states. Some assignments are excluded by comparing our numerical results with the experimental values of the total widths of $Xi_c(3055)^+$ and $Xi_c(3123)^+$. We also suggest some possible decay modes, which will be helpful to determine the properties of $Xi_c(3055)^+$ and $Xi_c(3123)^+$.
There has been important experimental progress in the sector of heavy baryons in the past several years. We study the strong decays of the S-wave, P-wave, D-wave and radially excited charmed baryons using the $^3P_0$ model. After comparing the calcul ated decay pattern and total width with the available data, we discuss the possible internal structure and quantum numbers of those charmed baryons observed recently.

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