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We perform multi-plane ray-tracing using the GLAMER gravitational lensing code within high-resolution light-cones extracted from the CoDECS simulations: a suite of cosmological runs featuring a coupling between Dark Energy and Cold Dark Matter. We show that the presence of the coupling is evident not only in the redshift evolution of the normalisation of the convergence power spectrum, but also in differences in non-linear structure formation with respect to {Lambda}CDM. Using a tomographic approach under the assumption of a {Lambda}CDM cosmology, we demonstrate that weak lensing measurements would result in a {sigma}8 value that changes with the source redshift if the true underlying cosmology is a coupled Dark Energy one. This provides a generic null test for these types of models. We also find that different models of coupled Dark Energy can show either an enhanced or a suppressed correlation between convergence maps with differing source redshifts as compared to {Lambda}CDM. This would provide a direct way to discriminate between different possible realisations of the coupled Dark Energy scenario. Finally, we discuss the impact of the coupling on several lensing observables for different source redshifts and angular scales with realistic source redshift distributions for current ground-based and future space-based lensing surveys.
117 - Carlo Giocoli 2013
We study how well halo properties of galaxy clusters, like mass and concentration, are recovered using lensing data. In order to generate a large sample of systems at different redshifts we use the code MOKA. We measure halo mass and concentration using weak lensing data alone (WL), fitting to an NFW profile the reduced tangential shear profile, or by combining weak and strong lensing data, by adding information about the size of the Einstein radius (WL+SL). For different redshifts, we measure the mass and the concentration biases and find that these are mainly caused by the random orientation of the halo ellipsoid with respect to the line-of-sight. Since our simulations account for the presence of a bright central galaxy, we perform mass and concentration measurements using a generalized NFW profile which allows for a free inner slope. This reduces both the mass and the concentration biases. We discuss how the mass function and the concentration mass relation change when using WL and WL+SL estimates. We investigate how selection effects impact the measured concentration-mass relation showing that strong lens clusters may have a concentration 20-30% higher than the average, at fixed mass, considering also the particular case of strong lensing selected samples of relaxed clusters. Finally, we notice that selecting a sample of relaxed galaxy clusters, as is done in some cluster surveys, explain the concentration-mass relation biases.
We present a study of the substructure finder dependence of subhalo clustering in the Aquarius Simulation. We run 11 different subhalo finders on the haloes of the Aquarius Simulation and we study their differences in the density profile, mass fraction and 2-point correlation function of subhaloes in haloes. We also study the mass and vmax dependence of subhalo clustering. As the Aquarius Simulation has been run at different resolutions, we study the convergence with higher resolutions. We find that the agreement between finders is at around the 10% level inside R200 and at intermediate resolutions when a mass threshold is applied, and better than 5% when vmax is restricted instead of mass. However, some discrepancies appear in the highest resolution, underlined by an observed resolution dependence of subhalo clustering. This dependence is stronger for the smallest subhaloes, which are more clustered in the highest resolution, due to the detection of subhaloes within subhaloes (the sub-subhalo term). This effect modifies the mass dependence of clustering in the highest resolutions. We discuss implications of our results for models of subhalo clustering and their relation with galaxy clustering.
97 - Carlo Giocoli 2009
We present a new algorithm for identifying the substructure within simulated dark matter haloes. The method is an extension of that proposed by Tormen et al. (2004) and Giocoli et al. (2008a), which identifies a subhalo as a group of self-bound particles that prior to being accreted by the main progenitor of the host halo belonged to one and the same progenitor halo (hereafter satellite). However, this definition does not account for the fact that these satellite haloes themselves may also have substructure, which thus gives rise to sub-subhaloes, etc. Our new algorithm identifies substructures at all levels of this hierarchy, and we use it to determine the mass function of all substructure (counting sub-haloes, sub-subhaloes, etc.). On average, haloes which formed more recently tend to have a larger mass fraction in substructure and to be less concentrated than average haloes of the same mass. We provide quantitative fits to these correlations. Even though our algorithm is very different from that of Gao et al. (2004), we too find that the subhalo mass function per unit mass at redshift z = 0 is universal. This universality extends to any redshift only if one accounts for the fact that host haloes of a given mass are less concentrated at higher redshifts, and concentration and substructure abundance are anti-correlated. This universality allows a simple parametrization of the subhalo mass function integrated over all host halo masses, at any given time. We provide analytic fits to this function which should be useful in halo model analyses which equate galaxies with halo substructure when interpreting clustering in large sky surveys. Finally, we discuss systematic differences in the subhalo mass function that arise from different definitions of (host) halo mass.

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