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232 - I. Ferreras 2015
Spectroscopic analyses of gravity-sensitive line strengths give growing evidence towards an excess of low-mass stars in massive early-type galaxies (ETGs). Such a scenario requires a bottom-heavy initial mass function (IMF). However, strong constraints can be imposed if we take into account galactic chemical enrichment. We extend the analysis of Weidner et al. and consider the functional form of bottom-heavy IMFs used in recent works, where the high-mass end slope is kept fixed to the Salpeter value, and a free parameter is introduced to describe the slope at stellar masses below some pivot mass scale (M<MP=0.5Msun). We find that no such time-independent parameterisation is capable to reproduce the full set of constraints in the stellar populations of massive ETGs - resting on the assumption that the analysis of gravity-sensitive line strengths leads to a mass fraction at birth in stars with mass M<0.5Msun above 60%. Most notably, the large amount of metal-poor gas locked in low-mass stars during the early, strong phases of star formation results in average stellar metallicities [M/H]<-0.6, well below the solar value. The conclusions are unchanged if either the low-mass end cutoff, or the pivot mass are left as free parameters, strengthening the case for a time-dependent IMF.
A significant fraction of massive stars in the Milky Way and other galaxies are located far from star clusters. It is known that some of these stars are runaways and therefore most likely were formed in embedded clusters and then ejected into the field because of dynamical few-body interactions or binary-supernova explosions. However, there exists a group of field O stars whose runaway status is difficult to prove via direct proper motion measurements or whose low space velocities and/or young ages appear to be incompatible with their large separation from known star clusters. The existence of this group led some authors to believe that field O stars can form in situ. In this paper, we examine the runaway status of the best candidates for isolated formation of massive stars in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds by searching for bow shocks around them, by using the new reduction of the Hipparcos data, and by searching for stellar systems from which they could originate within their lifetimes. We show that most of the known O stars thought to have formed in isolation are instead very likely runaways. We show also that the field must contain a population of O stars whose low space velocities and/or young ages are in apparent contradiction with the large separation of these stars from their parent clusters and/or the ages of these clusters. These stars (the descendants of runaway massive binaries) cannot be traced back to their parent clusters and therefore can be mistakenly considered as having formed in situ. We argue also that some field O stars could be detected in optical wavelengths only because they are runaways, while their cousins residing in the deeply embedded parent clusters might still remain totally obscured. The main conclusion of our study is that there is no significant evidence whatsoever in support of the in situ proposal on the origin of massive stars.
71 - C. Weidner 2009
We present a thorough literature study of the most-massive star, m_max, in several young star clusters in order to assess whether or not star clusters are populated from the stellar initial mass function (IMF) by random sampling over the mass range 0.01 < m < 150 M_sol without being constrained by the cluster mass, M_ecl. The data reveal a partition of the sample into lowest mass objects (M_ecl < 10^2 M_sol), moderate mass clusters (10^2 M_sol < M_ecl < 10^3 M_sol) and rich clusters above 10^3 M_sol. Additionally, there is a plateau of a constant maximal star mass (m_max ~ 25 M_sol) for clusters with masses between 10^3 M_sol and 4 10^3 M_sol. Statistical tests of this data set reveal that the hypothesis of random sampling from the IMF between 0.01 and 150 M_sol is highly unlikely for star clusters more massive than 10^2 M_sol with a probability of p ~ 2 10^-7 for the objects with M_ecl between 10^2 M_sol and 10^3 M_sol and p ~ 3 10^-9 for the more massive star clusters. Also, the spread of m_max values at a given M_ecl is smaller than expected from random sampling. We suggest that the basic physical process able to explain this dependence of stellar inventory of a star cluster on its mass may be the interplay between stellar feedback and the binding energy of the cluster-forming molecular cloud core. Given these results, it would follow that an integrated galactic initial mass function (IGIMF) sampled from such clusters would automatically be steeper in comparison to the IMF within individual star clusters.
Although the stellar initial mass function (IMF) has only been directly determined in star clusters it has been manifoldly applied on galaxy-wide scales. But taking the clustered nature of star formation into account the galaxy-wide IMF is constructed by adding all IMFs of all young star clusters leading to an integrated galactic initial mass function (IGIMF). The IGIMF is top-light compared to the canonical IMF in star clusters and steepens with decreasing total star formation rate (SFR). This discrepancy is marginal for large disk galaxies but becomes significant for SMC-type galaxies and less massive ones. We here construct IGIMF-based relations between the total FUV and NUV luminosities of galaxies and the underlying SFR. We make the prediction that the Halpha luminosity of star forming dwarf galaxies decreases faster with decreasing SFR than the UV luminosity. This turn-down of the Halpha-UV flux ratio should be evident below total SFRs of 10^-2 M_sun/yr.

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