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240 - Z. Wang 2015
The magnetar 4U~0142+61 has been well studied at optical and infrared wavelengths and is known to have a complicated broad-band spectrum over the wavelength range. Here we report the result from our linear imaging polarimetry of the magnetar at optical $I$-band. From the polarimetric observation carried out with the 8.2-m Subaru telescope, we determine the degree of linear polarization $P=1.0pm$3.4%, or $Pleq$5.6% (90% confidence level). Considering models suggested for optical emission from magnetars, we discuss the implications of our result. The upper limit measurement indicates that different from radio pulsars, magnetars probably would not have strongly polarized optical emission if the emission arises from their magnetosphere as suggested.
121 - L. C. Wang , L. J. Li , Z. W. Ma 2015
A new method for the determination of the Alfven wave energy generated during magnetic reconnection is introduced and used to analyze the results from two-dimensional MHD simulations. It is found that the regions with strong Alfven wave perturbations almost coincide with that where both magnetic-field lines and flow-stream lines are bent, suggesting that this method is reliable for identifying Alfven waves. The magnetic energy during magnetic reconnection is mainly transformed into the thermal energy. The conversion rate to Alfven wave energy from the magnetic energy is strongly correlated to the magnetic reconnection rate. The maximum conversion rate at the time with the peak reconnection rate is found to be only about 4% for the cases with the plasma beta=0.01,0.1, and 1.0.
107 - J. Karel , F. Bernardi , C. Wang 2015
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) were used to probe the oxidation state and element specific magnetic moments of Mn in Heusler compounds with different crystallographic structure. The results were compared with theoretical calculations, and it was found that in full Heusler alloys, Mn is metallic (oxidation state near 0) on both sublattices. The magnetic moment is large and localized when octahedrally coordinated by the main group element, consistent with previous theoretical work, and reduced when the main group coordination is tetrahedral. By contrast, in the half Heusler compounds the magnetic moment of the Mn atoms is large and the oxidation state is +1 or +2. The magnetic and electronic properties of Mn in full and half Heusler compounds are strongly dependent on the structure and sublattice, a fact that can be exploited to design new materials.
113 - Y. N. Fang , S. W. Li , L. C. Wang 2014
The proximity effect (PE) between superconductor and confined electrons can induce the effective pairing phenomena of electrons in nanowire or quantum dot (QD). Through interpreting the PE as an exchange of virtually quasi-excitation in a largely gapped superconductor, we found that there exists another induced dynamic process. Unlike the effective pairing that mixes the QD electron states coherently, this extra process leads to dephasing of the QD. In a case study, the dephasing time is inversely proportional to the Coulomb interaction strength between two electrons in the QD. Further theoretical investigations imply that this dephasing effect can decrease the quality of the zero temperature mesoscopic electron transportation measurements by lowering and broadening the corresponding differential conductance peaks.
There has been intense interest in filtration and separation properties of graphene-based materials that can have well-defined nanometer pores and exhibit low frictional water flow inside them. Here we investigate molecular permeation through graphene oxide laminates. They are vacuum-tight in the dry state but, if immersed in water, act as molecular sieves blocking all solutes with hydrated radii larger than 4.5A. Smaller ions permeate through the membranes with little impedance, many orders of magnitude faster than the diffusion mechanism can account for. We explain this behavior by a network of nanocapillaries that open up in the hydrated state and accept only species that fit in. The ultrafast separation of small salts is attributed to an ion sponge effect that results in highly concentrated salt solutions inside graphene capillaries.
265 - C. Wang , Y. Avishai (1 2013
Two-dimensional electron gas in the integer quantum Hall regime is investigated numerically by studying the dynamics of an electron hopping on a square lattice subject to a perpendicular magnetic field and random on-site energy with white noise distribution. Focusing on the lowest Landau band we establish an anti-levitation scenario of the extended states: As either the disorder strength $W$ increases or the magnetic field strength $B$ decreases, the energies of the extended states move below the Landau energies pertaining to a clean system. Moreover, for strong enough disorder, there is a disorder dependent critical magnetic field $B_c(W)$ below which there are no extended states at all. A general phase diagram in the $W-1/B$ plane is suggested with a line separating domains of localized and delocalized states.
239 - K. Zhao , Z. Deng , X. C. Wang 2013
Diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) have received much attention due to its potential applications to spintronics devices. A prototypical system (Ga,Mn)As has been widely studied since 1990s. The simultaneous spin and charge doping via hetero-valence (Ga3+,Mn2+) substitution, however, resulted in severely limited solubility without availability of bulk specimens. Previously we synthesized a new diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor of bulk Li(Zn,Mn)As with Tc up to 50K, where isovalent (Zn,Mn) spin doping was separated from charge control via Li concentrations. Here we report the synthesis of a new diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ba1-xKx)(Zn1-yMny)2As2, isostructural to iron 122 system, where holes are doped via (Ba2+, K1+), while spins via (Zn2+,Mn2+) substitutions. Bulk samples with x=0.1-0.3 and y=0.05-0.15 exhibit ferromagnetic order with TC up to 180K, comparable to that of record high Tc for Ga(MnAs), significantly enhanced than Li(Zn,Mn)As. Moreover the (Ba,K)(Zn,Mn)2As2 shares the same 122 crystal structure with semiconducting BaZn2As2, antiferromagnetic BaMn2As2, and superconducting (Ba,K)Fe2As2, which makes them promising to the development of multilayer functional devices.
680 - K. Zhao , Q. Q. Liu , X. C. Wang 2011
Single crystalline CaFe2As2 and (Ca1-xNax)Fe2As2 polycrystals (0 < x < 0.66) are synthesized and characterized using structural, magnetic, electronic transport, and heat capacity measurements. These measurements show that the structural/magnetic phas e transition in CaFe2As2 at 165 K is monotonically suppressed by the Na doping and that superconductivity can be realized over a wide doping region. For 0.3 < x < 0.36, the magnetic susceptibilities indicate the possible coexistence of the spin density wave (SDW) and superconductivity. Superconducting phases corresponding to the Na doping level in (Ca1-xNax)Fe2As2 for nominal x = 0.36, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.66, with Tc = 17 K, 19 K, 22 K, 33 K, and 33 K, respectively, are identified. The effects of the magnetic field on the superconductivity transitions for x = 0.66 samples with high upper critical fields Hc2 approx 103 T are studied, and a phase diagram of the SDW and superconductivity as a function of the doping level is thus presented.
158 - Z. Lin , X. Y. Jia , C. Wang 2011
Diatomic molecules (e.g., O$_2$) in intense laser field exhibit a peculiar suppressed ionization behavior compared to their companion atoms. Several physical models have been proposed to account for this suppression while no consensus has been achieved. In this letter, we aim to clarify the underlying mechanisms behind this molecular ionization suppression. Experimental data recorded at midinfrared laser wavelength and its comparison with that at near-infrared wavelength revealed a peculiar wavelength and intensity dependence of the suppressed ionization of O$_2$ with respect to its companion atom of Xe, while N$_2$ behaves like a structureless atom. It is found that the S-matrix theory calculation can reproduce well the experimental observations and unambiguously identifies the significant role of two-center interference effect in the ionization suppression of O$_2$.
We use neutron scattering to determine spin excitations in single crystals of nonsuperconducting Li1-xFeAs throughout the Brillouin zone. Although angle resolved photoemission experiments and local density approximation calculations suggest poor Fermi surface nesting conditions for antiferromagnetic(AF) order, spin excitations in Li1-xFeAs occur at the AF wave vectors Q = (1, 0) at low energies, but move to wave vectors Q = (pm 0.5, pm0.5) near the zone boundary with a total magnetic bandwidth comparable to that of BaFe2As2. These results reveal that AF spin excitations still dominate the low-energy physics of these materials and suggest both itinerancy and strong electron-electron correlations are essential to understand the measured magnetic excitations.

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