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348 - C. Scarlata 2015
We present a Semi-Analytical Line Transfer model, SALT, to study the absorption and re-emission line profiles from expanding galactic envelopes. The envelopes are described as a superposition of shells with density and velocity varying with the distance from the center. We adopt the Sobolev approximation to describe the interaction between the photons escaping from each shell and the remaining of the envelope. We include the effect of multiple scatterings within each shell, properly accounting for the atomic structure of the scattering ions. We also account for the effect of a finite circular aperture on actual observations. For equal geometries and density distributions, our models reproduce the main features of the profiles generated with more complicated transfer codes. Also, our SALT line profiles nicely reproduce the typical asymmetric resonant absorption line profiles observed in star-forming/starburst galaxies whereas these absorption profiles cannot be reproduced with thin shells moving at a fixed outflow velocity. We show that scattered resonant emission fills in the resonant absorption profiles, with a strength that is different for each transition. Observationally, the effect of resonant filling depends on both the outflow geometry and the size of the outflow relative to the spectroscopic aperture. Neglecting these effects will lead to incorrect values of gas covering fraction and column density. When a fluorescent channel is available, the resonant profiles alone cannot be used to infer the presence of scattered re-emission. Conversely, the presence of emission lines of fluorescent transitions reveals that emission filling cannot be neglected.
111 - A.G. Bedregal 2013
We combine Hubble Space Telescope (HST) G102 & G141 NIR grism spectroscopy with HST/WFC3-UVIS, HST/WFC3-IR and Spitzer/IRAC[3.6mu m] photometry to assemble a sample of massive (log(M_star/M_sun) ~ 11) and quenched galaxies at z~1.5. Our sample of 41 galaxies is the largest with G102+G141 NIR spectroscopy for quenched sources at these redshifts. In contrast to the local Universe, z~1.5 quenched galaxies in the high-mass range have a wide range of stellar population properties. We find their SEDs are well fitted with exponentially decreasing SFHs, and short star-formation time-scales (tau<100Myr). Quenched galaxies also show a wide distribution in ages, between 1-4Gyr. In the (u-r)_0-versus-mass space quenched galaxies have a large spread in rest-frame color at a given mass. Most quenched galaxies populate the z~1.5 red-sequence (RS), but an important fraction of them (32%) have substantially bluer colors. Although with a large spread, we find that the quenched galaxies ON the RS have older median ages (3.1Gyr) than the quenched galaxies OFF the RS (1.5Gyr). We also show that a rejuvenated SED cannot reproduce the observed stacked spectra of (the bluer) quenched galaxies OFF the RS. We derive the upper limit on the fraction of massive galaxies ON the RS at z~1.5 to be <43%. We speculate that the young quenched galaxies OFF the RS are in a transition phase between vigorous star formation at z>2 and the z~1.5 RS. According to their estimated ages, the time required for quenched galaxies OFF the RS to join their counterparts ON the z~1.5 RS is of the order of ~1Gyr.
We investigate the physical and morphological properties of LBGs at z ~2.5 to ~3.5, to determine if and how they depend on the nature and strength of the Lyalpha emission. We selected U-dropout galaxies from the z-detected GOODS MUSIC catalog, by adapting the classical Lyman Break criteria on the GOODS filter set. We kept only those galaxies with spectroscopic confirmation, mainly from VIMOS and FORS public observations. Using the full multi-wavelength 14-bands photometry, we determined the physical properties of the galaxies, through a standard spectral energy distribution fitting with the updated Charlot & Bruzual (2009) templates. We also added other relevant observations, i.e. the 24mu m observations from Spitzer/MIPS and the 2 MSec Chandra X-ray observations. Finally, using non parametric diagnostics (Gini, Concentration, Asymmetry, M_20 and ellipticity), we characterized the rest-frame UV morphology of the galaxies. We then analyzed how these physical and morphological properties correlate with the presence of the Lyalpha line in the optical spectra. We find that, unlike at higher redshift, the dependence of physical properties on the Lyalpha line is milder: galaxies without Lyalpha in emission tend to be more massive and dustier than the rest of the sample, but all other parameters, ages, SFRs, X-ray emission as well as UV morphology do not depend strongly on the presence of the line emission. A simple scenario where all LBGs have intrinsically high Lyalpha emission, but where dust and neutral hydrogen content (which shape the final appearance of the Lyalpha) depend on the mass of the galaxies, is able to reproduce the majority of the observed properties at z~3. Some modification might be needed to account for the observed evolution of these properties with cosmic epoch, which is also discussed.
192 - K. Bundy 2009
The increasing abundance of passive red-sequence galaxies since z=1-2 is mirrored by a coincident rise in the number of galaxies with spheroidal morphologies. In this paper, however, we show that in detail the correspondence between galaxy morphology and color is not perfect, providing insight into the physical origin of this evolution. Using the COSMOS survey, we study a significant population of red sequence galaxies with disk-like morphologies. These passive disks typically have Sa-Sb morphological types with large bulges, but they are not confined to dense environments. They represent nearly one-half of all red-sequence galaxies and dominate at lower masses (log Mstar < 10) where they are increasingly disk-dominated. As a function of time, the abundance of passive disks with log Mstar < 11 increases, but not as fast as red-sequence spheroidals in the same mass range. At higher mass, the passive disk population has declined since z~1, likely because they transform into spheroidals. We estimate that as much as 60% of galaxies transitioning onto the red sequence evolve through a passive disk phase. The origin of passive disks therefore has broad implications for understanding how star formation shuts down. Because passive disks tend to be more bulge-dominated than their star-forming counterparts, a simple fading of blue disks does not fully explain their origin. We explore several more sophisticated explanations, including environmental effects, internal stabilization, and disk regrowth during gas-rich mergers. While previous work has sought to explain color and morphological transformations with a single process, these observations open the way to new insight by highlighting the fact that galaxy evolution may actually proceed through several separate stages.
We present a study of an extended Lyman-alpha (Lya) nebula located in a known overdensity at z~2.38. The data include multiwavelength photometry covering the rest-frame spectral range from 0.1 to 250um, and deep optical spectra of the sources associated with the extended emission. Two galaxies are associated with the Lya nebula. One of them is a dust enshrouded AGN, while the other is a powerful starburst, forming stars at >~600 Msol/yr. We detect the HeII emission line at 1640A in the spectrum of the obscured AGN, but detect no emission from other highly ionized metals (CIV or NV) as is expected from an AGN. One scenario that simultaneously reproduces the width of the detected emission lines, the lack of CIV emission, and the geometry of the emitting gas, is that the HeII and the Lya emission are the result of cooling gas that is being accreted on the dark matter halo of the two galaxies, Ly1 and Ly2. Given the complexity of the environment associated with our Lya nebula it is possible that various mechanisms of excitation are at work simultaneously.
We present the optical spectroscopic follow-up of 31 z=0.3 Lyman-alpha (Lya) emitters, previously identified by Deharveng et al. (2008). We find that 17% of the Lya emitters have line ratios that require the hard ionizing continuum produced by an AGN. The uniform dust screen geometry traditionally used in studies similar to ours is not able to simultaneously reproduce the observed high Lya/Halpha and Halpha/Hbeta line ratios. We consider different possibilities for the geometry of the dust around the emitting sources. We find that also a uniform mixture of sources and dust does not reproduce the observed line ratios. Instead, these are well reproduced by a clumpy dust screen. This more realistic treatment of the geometry results in extinction corrected (Lya/Halpha)_C values consistent with Case B recombination theory, whereas a uniform dust screen model would imply values (Lya/Halpha)_C higher than 8.7. Our analysis shows that there is no need to invoke ad-hoc multi phase media in which the Lya photons only scatter between the dusty clouds and eventually escape.

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