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136 - Y. Gong , C. Henkel , S. Thorwirth 2015
Orion KL has served as a benchmark for spectral line searches throughout the (sub)millimeter regime. The main goal is to systematically study spectral characteristics of Orion KL in the 1.3 cm band. We carried out a spectral line survey (17.9 GHz to 26.2 GHz) with the Effelsberg-100 m telescope towards Orion KL. We find 261 spectral lines, yielding an average line density of about 32 spectral features per GHz above 3$sigma$. The identified lines include 164 radio recombination lines (RRLs) and 97 molecular lines. A total of 23 molecular transitions from species known to exist in Orion KL are detected for the first time in the interstellar medium. Non-metastable 15NH3 transitions are detected in Orion KL for the first time. Based on the velocity information of detected lines and the ALMA images, the spatial origins of molecular emission are constrained and discussed. A narrow feature is found in SO2 ($8_{1,7}-7_{2,6}$), possibly suggesting the presence of a maser line. Column densities and fractional abundances relative to H2 are estimated for 12 molecules with LTE methods. Rotational diagrams of non-metastable 14NH3 transitions with J=K+1 to J=K+4 yield different results; metastable 15NH3 is found to have a higher excitation temperature than non-metastable 15NH3, indicating that they may trace different regions. Elemental and isotopic abundance ratios are estimated: 12C/13C=63+-17, 14N/15N=100+-51, D/H=0.0083+-0.0045. The dispersion of the He/H ratios derived from H$alpha$/He$alpha$ pairs to H$delta$/He$delta$ pairs is very small, which is consistent with theoretical predictions that the departure coefficients bn factors for hydrogen and helium are nearly identical. Based on a non-LTE code neglecting excitation by the infrared radiation field and a likelihood analysis, we find that the denser regions have lower kinetic temperature, which favors an external heating of the Hot Core.
Based on measurements with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope, a multi-line study of molecular species is presented toward the south-western source of the gravitational lens system PKS 1830-211, which is by far the best known target to study molecular gas in absorption at intermediate redshift. Determining line parameters and optical depths and performing Large Velocity Gradient radiative transfer calculations, the aims of this study are (1) to evaluate physical parameters of the absorbing foreground gas at z~0.89, in particular its homogeneity, and (2) to monitor the spectroscopic time variability caused by fluctuations of the z~2.5 background continuum source. We find, that the gas is quite inhomogeneous with n(H2)~2 x 10^3 cm^-3 for most molecular species but with higher values for H2CO and lower ones for SO. Measuring the CS J=1-0 transition during a time interval of more than a decade, from 2001 to 2012, the peak absorption depth of the line remains approximately constant, while the line shape undergoes notable variations. Covering the time between 1996 and 2013, CS, HCO+, and CH3OH data indicate maximal integrated optical depths in ~2001 and 2011/2012. This is compatible with a ~10 yr periodicity, which, however, needs confirmation by substantially longer time monitoring. Comparing molecular abundances with those of different types of Galactic and nearby extragalactic clouds we find that the observed cloud complex does not correspond to one particular type but to a variety of cloud types with more diffuse and denser components as can be expected for an observed region with a transverse linear scale of several parsec and a likely larger depth along the line-of-sight. A tentative detection of Galactic absorption in the c-C3H2 1(10)-1(01) line at 18.343 GHz is also reported.
90 - Y. Gong , C. Henkel , S. Spezzano 2014
IRC +10216 is the prototypical carbon star exhibiting an extended molecular circumstellar envelope. Its spectral properties are therefore the template for an entire class of objects. The main goal is to systematically study the $lambda$ $sim$1.3 cm spectral line characteristics of IRC +10216. We carried out a spectral line survey with the Effelsberg-100 m telescope toward IRC +10216. It covers the frequency range between 17.8 GHz and 26.3 GHz (K-band). In the circumstellar shell of IRC +10216, we find 78 spectral lines, among which 12 remain unidentified. The identified lines are assigned to 18 different molecules and radicals. A total of 23 lines from species known to exist in this envelope are detected for the first time outside the Solar System and there are additional 20 lines first detected in IRC +10216. The potential orgin of U lines is also discussed. Assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), we then determine rotational temperatures and column densities of 17 detected molecules. Molecular abundances relative to H$_{2}$ are also estimated. A non-LTE analysis of NH$_{3}$ shows that the bulk of its emission arises from the inner envelope with a kinetic temperature of 70$pm$20 K. Evidence for NH$_{3}$ emitting gas with higher kinetic temperature is also obtained, and potential abundance differences between various $^{13}$C-bearing isotopologues of HC$_{5}$N are evaluated. Overall, the isotopic $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C ratio is estimated to be 49$pm$9. Finally, a comparison of detected molecules in the $lambda$ $sim$1.3 cm range with the dark cloud TMC-1 indicates that silicate-bearing molecules are more predominant in IRC +10216.
80 - C. Henkel , H. Asiri , Y. Ao 2014
Using the IRAM 30-m telescope, CN and CO isotopologues have been measured toward the central regions of the nearby starburst galaxy NGC253 and the prototypical ultraluminous infrared galaxy Mrk231. In NGC253, the 12C/13C ratio is 40+-10. Assuming that the ratio also holds for the CO emitting gas, this yields 16O/18O = 145+-36 and 16O/17O = 1290+-365 and a 32S/34S ratio close to that measured for the local interstellar medium (20-25). No indication for vibrationally excited CN is found. Peak line intensity ratios between NGC253 and Mrk231 are ~100 for 12C16O and 12C18O J=1-0, while the ratio for 13C16O J=1-0 is ~250. This and similar 13CO and C18O line intensities in the J=1-0 and 2-1 transitions of Mrk231 suggest 12C/13C ~ 100 and 16O/18O ~ 100, in agreement with values obtained for the less evolved ultraluminous merger Arp220. Also accounting for other extragalactic data, 12C/13C ratios appear to vary over a full order of magnitude, from >100 in ultraluminous high redshift galaxies to ~100 in more local such galaxies to ~40 in weaker starbursts not undergoing a large scale merger to 25 in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way. With 12C being predominantly synthesized in massive stars, while 13C is mostly ejected by longer lived lower mass stars at later times, this is qualitatively consistent with our results of decreasing carbon isotope ratios with time and rising metallicity. It is emphasized, however, that both infall of poorly processed material, initiating a nuclear starburst, as well as the ejecta from newly formed massive stars (in particular in case of a top-heavy stellar initial mass function) can raise the carbon isotope ratio for a limited amount of time.
Aims. To validate the Einstein equivalence principle (local position invariance) by limiting the fractional changes in the electron-to-proton mass ratio, mu = m_e/m_p, measured in Galactic plane objects. Methods. High resolution spectral observations of dark clouds in the inversion line of NH3(1,1) and pure rotational lines of other molecules (the so-called ammonia method) were performed at the Medicina 32-m and the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescopes to measure the radial velocity offsets, Delta RV = V_rot - V_inv, between the rotational and inversion transitions which have different sensitivities to the value of mu. Results. In our previous observations (2008-2010), a mean offset of <Delta RV> = 0.027+/-0.010 km/s [3 sigma confidence level (C.L.)] was measured. To test for possible hidden errors, we carried out additional observations of a sample of molecular cores in 2010-2013. As a result, a systematic error in the radial velocities of an amplitude ~0.02 km/s was revealed. The averaged offset between the radial velocities of the rotational transitions of HC3N(2-1), HC5N(9-8), HC7N(16-15), HC7N(21-20), and HC7N(23-22), and the inversion transition of NH3(1,1) <Delta RV> = 0.003+/-0.018 km/s (3 sigma C.L.). This value, when interpreted in terms of Delta mu/mu= (mu_obs - mu_lab)/mu_lab, constraints the mu-variation at the level of Delta mu/mu < 2*10^{-8} (3 sigma C.L.), which is the most stringent limit on the fractional changes in mu based on astronomical observations.
(Abridged) Aims. In the present part of our survey we search for ammonia emitters in the Aquila rift complex which trace the densest regions of molecular clouds. Methods. From a CO survey carried out with the Delingha 14-m telescope we selected ~150 targets for observations in other molecular lines. Here we describe the mapping observations in the NH3(1,1) and (2,2) inversion lines of the first 49 sources performed with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope. Results. The NH3(1,1) and (2,2) emission lines are detected in 12 and 7 sources, respectively. Among the newly discovered NH3 sources, our sample includes the following well-known clouds: the starless core L694-2, the Serpens cloud Cluster B, the Serpens dark cloud L572, the filamentary dark cloud L673, the isolated protostellar source B335, and the complex star-forming region Serpens South. Angular sizes between 40 and 80 (~0.04-0.08 pc) are observed for compact starless cores but as large as 9 (~0.5 pc) for filamentary dark clouds. The measured kinetic temperatures of the clouds lie between 9K and 18K. From NH3 excitation temperatures of 3-8K we determine H2 densities with typical values of ~(0.4-4) 10^4 cm^-3. The masses of the mapped cores range between ~0.05 and ~0.5M_solar. The relative ammonia abundance, X= [NH3]/[H2], varies from 10^-7 to 5 10^-7 with the mean <X> = (2.7+/-0.6) 10^-7 (estimated from spatially resolved cores assuming the filling factor eta = 1). In two clouds, we observe kinematically split NH3 profiles separated by ~1 km/s. The splitting is most likely due to bipolar molecular outflows for one of which we determine an acceleration of <~ 0.03 km/s/yr. A starless core with significant rotational energy is found to have a higher kinetic temperature than the other ones which is probably caused by magnetic energy dissipation.
With the 100-m telescope at Effelsberg, 19 ammonia (NH3) maser lines have been detected toward the prominent massive star forming region W51-IRS2. Eleven of these inversion lines, the (J,K) = (6,2), (5,3), (7,4), (8,5), (7,6), (7,7), (9,7), (10,7), (9,9), (10,9), and (12,12) transitions, are classified as masers for the first time in outer space. All detected masers are related to highly excited inversion doublets. The (5,4) maser originates from an inversion doublet 340 K above the ground state, while the (12,12) transition, at 1450 K, is the most highly excited NH3 maser line so far known. Strong variability is seen not only in ortho- but also in para-NH3 transitions. Bright narrow emission features are observed, for the first time, in (mostly) ortho-ammonia transitions, at V ~ 45 km/s, well separated from the quasi-thermal emission near 60 km/s. These features were absent 25 years ago and show a velocity drift of about +0.2 km/s/yr. The component is likely related to the SiO maser source in W51-IRS2 and a possible scenario explaining the velocity drift is outlined. The 57 km/s component of the (9,6) maser line is found to be strongly linearly polarized. Maser emission in the (J,K) to (J+1,K) inversion doublets is strictly forbidden by selection rules for electric dipole transitions in the ground vibrational state. However, such pairs (and even triplets with (J+2,K)) are common toward W51-IRS2. Similarities in line widths and velocities indicate that such groups of maser lines arise from the same regions, which can be explained by pumping through vibrational excitation. The large number of NH3 maser lines in W51-IRS2 is most likely related to the exceptionally high kinetic temperature and NH3 column density of this young massive star forming region.
The Hubble constant Ho describes not only the expansion of local space at redshift z ~ 0, but is also a fundamental parameter determining the evolution of the universe. Recent measurements of Ho anchored on Cepheid observations have reached a precision of several percent. However, this problem is so important that confirmation from several methods is needed to better constrain Ho and, with it, dark energy and the curvature of space. A particularly direct method involves the determination of distances to local galaxies far enough to be part of the Hubble flow through water vapor (H2O) masers orbiting nuclear supermassive black holes. The goal of this article is to describe the relevance of Ho with respect to fundamental cosmological questions and to summarize recent progress of the the `Megamaser Cosmology Project (MCP) related to the Hubble constant.
48 - Y. Ao , C. Henkel , J.A. Braatz 2011
We present the detection of the ammonia (NH3) (J,K) = (1,1) to (4,4) and (6,6) inversion lines toward the prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068, made with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). This is the first detection of ammonia in a Seyfert galaxy. The ortho-to-para-NH3 abundance ratio suggests that the molecule was formed in a warm medium of at least 20 K. For the NH3 column density and fractional abundance, we find (1.09pm0.23)times10^14 cm^-2 and (2.9pm0.6)times10^-8, respectively, from the inner 1.2 kpc of NGC 1068. The kinetic temperature can be constrained to 80pm20 K for the bulk of the molecular gas, while some fraction has an even higher temperature of 140pm30 K.
Very luminous extragalactic water masers, the megamasers, are associated with active galactic nuclei (AGN) in galaxies characterized by accretion disks, radio jets, and nuclear outflows. Weaker masers, the kilomasers, seem to be mostly related to star formation activity, although the possibility exists that some of these sources may belong to the weak tail of the AGN maser distribution. It is of particular importance to accurately locate the water maser emission to reveal its origin and shed light onto extragalactic star forming activity or to elucidate the highly obscured central regions of galaxies. We performed interferometric observations of three galaxies, NGC3556, Arp299, and NGC4151, where water emission was found. Statistical tools have been used to study the relation between OH and water maser emission in galaxies. The maser in NGC3556 is associated with a compact radio continuum source that is most likely a supernova remnant or radio supernova. In Arp299, the luminous water maser has been decomposed in three main emitting regions associated with the nuclear regions of the two main galaxies of the system, NGC3690 and IC694, and the region of overlap. In NGC4151, only one of the two previously observed maser components has been tentatively detected. This feature, if real, is associated with the galaxys central region. The only galaxy, so far, where luminous maser emission from two maser species, OH and H2O has been confidently detected is Arp299. Weaker masers from these two species do instead coexist in a number of objects. A larger number of objects searched for both maser species are, however, necessary to better assess these last two results.

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