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We present a direct comparison between the observed star formation rate functions (SFRF) and the state-of-the-art predictions of semi-analytic models (SAM) of galaxy formation and evolution. We use the PACS Evolutionary Probe Survey (PEP) and Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) data-sets in the COSMOS and GOODS-South fields, combined with broad-band photometry from UV to sub-mm, to obtain total (IR+UV) instantaneous star formation rates (SFRs) for individual Herschel galaxies up to z~4, subtracted of possible active galactic nucleus (AGN) contamination. The comparison with model predictions shows that SAMs broadly reproduce the observed SFRFs up to z~2, when the observational errors on the SFR are taken into account. However, all the models seem to under-predict the bright-end of the SFRF at z>2. The cause of this underprediction could lie in an improper modelling of several model ingredients, like too strong (AGN or stellar) feedback in the brighter objects or too low fall-back of gas, caused by weak feedback and outflows at earlier epochs.
We study a sample of Herschel-PACS selected galaxies within the GOODS-South and the COSMOS fields in the framework of the PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) project. Starting from the rich multi-wavelength photometric data-sets available in both fields, we perform a broad-band Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) decomposition to disentangle the possible active galactic nucleus (AGN) contribution from that related to the host galaxy. We find that 37 per cent of the Herschel-selected sample shows signatures of nuclear activity at the 99 per cent confidence level. The probability to reveal AGN activity increases for bright ($L_{rm 1-1000} > 10^{11} rm L_{odot}$) star-forming galaxies at $z>0.3$, becoming about 80 per cent for the brightest ($L_{rm 1-1000} > 10^{12} rm L_{odot}$) infrared (IR) galaxies at $z geq 1$. Finally, we reconstruct the AGN bolometric luminosity function and the super-massive black hole growth rate across cosmic time up to $z sim 3$ from a Far-Infrared (FIR) perspective. This work shows general agreement with most of the panchromatic estimates from the literature, with the global black hole growth peaking at $z sim 2$ and reproducing the observed local black hole mass density with consistent values of the radiative efficiency $epsilon_{rm rad}$ ($sim$0.07).
This is the first paper of a series aiming at investigating galaxy formation and evolution in the giant-void class of the Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) models that best fits current cosmological observations. Here we investigate the Luminosity Function (LF) methodology, and how its estimates would be affected by a change on the cosmological model assumed in its computation. Are the current observational constraints on the allowed Cosmology enough to yield robust LF results? We use the far-infrared source catalogues built on the observations performed with the Herschel/PACS instrument, and selected as part of the PACS evolutionary probe (PEP) survey. Schechter profiles are obtained in redshift bins up to z approximately 4, assuming comoving volumes in both the standard model, that is, Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker metric with a perfect fluid energy-momentum tensor, and non-homogeneous LTB dust models, parametrized to fit the current combination of results stemming from the observations of supernovae Ia, the cosmic microwave background, and baryonic acoustic oscillations. We find that the luminosity functions computed assuming both the standard model and LTB void models show in general good agreement. However, the faint-end slope in the void models shows a significant departure from the standard model up to redshift 0.4. We demonstrate that this result is not artificially caused by the used LF estimator which turns out to be robust under the differences in matter-energy density profiles of the models. The differences found in the LF slopes at the faint end are due to variation in the luminosities of the sources, which depend on the geometrical part of the model. It follows that either the standard model is over-estimating the number density of faint sources or the void models are under-estimating it.
Using new homogeneous LFs in the FUV and in the FIR Herschel/PEP and Herschel/HerMES, we study the evolution of the dust attenuation with redshift. With this information in hand, we are able to estimate the redshift evolution of the total (FUV + FIR) star formation rate density SFRD_TOT. By integrating SFRD_TOT, we follow the mass building and analyze the redshift evolution of the stellar mass density (SMD). This letter aims at providing a complete view of star formation from the local universe to z = 4 and, using assumptions on earlier star formation history, compares this evolution to what was known before in an attempt to draw a homogeneous picture of the global evolution of star formation in galaxies. The main conclusions of this letter are: 1) the dust attenuation A_FUV is found to increase from z = 0 to z sim 1.2 and then starts to decrease up to our last data point at z = 3.6; 2) the estimated SFRD confirms published results up to z = 2. At z > 2, we observe either a plateau or a small increase up to z = 3 and then a likely decrease up to z = 3.6; 3) the peak of A_FUV is delayed with respect to the plateau of SFRD_TOT and a likely origin might be found in the evolution of the bright ends of the FUV and FIR LFs; 4) using assumptions (namely exponential rise and linear rise with time) for the evolution of the star formation density from z = 3.6 to z_form = 10, we integrate SFRD_TOT and find a good agreement with the published SMDs.
We exploit the deep and extended far infrared data sets (at 70, 100 and 160 um) of the Herschel GTO PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) Survey, in combination with the HERschel Multi tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) data at 250, 350 and 500 um, to derive the evolution of the restframe 35 um, 60 um, 90 um, and total infrared (IR) luminosity functions (LFs) up to z~4. We detect very strong luminosity evolution for the total IR LF combined with a density evolution. In agreement with previous findings, the IR luminosity density increases steeply to z~1, then flattens between z~1 and z~3 to decrease at z greater than 3. Galaxies with different SEDs, masses and sSFRs evolve in very different ways and this large and deep statistical sample is the first one allowing us to separately study the different evolutionary behaviours of the individual IR populations contributing to the IR luminosity density. Galaxies occupying the well established SFR/stellar mass main sequence (MS) are found to dominate both the total IR LF and luminosity density at all redshifts, with the contribution from off MS sources (0.6 dex above MS) being nearly constant (~20% of the total IR luminosity density) and showing no significant signs of increase with increasing z over the whole 0.8<z<2.2 range. Sources with mass in the 10< log(M/Msun) <11 range are found to dominate the total IR LF, with more massive galaxies prevailing at the bright end of the high-z LF. A two-fold evolutionary scheme for IR galaxies is envisaged: on the one hand, a starburst-dominated phase in which the SMBH grows and is obscured by dust, is followed by an AGN dominated phase, then evolving toward a local elliptical. On the other hand, moderately starforming galaxies containing a low-luminosity AGN have various properties suggesting they are good candidates for systems in a transition phase preceding the formation of steady spiral galaxies.
We have studied the evolution of high redshift quiescent galaxies over an effective area of ~1.7 deg^2 in the COSMOS field. Galaxies have been divided according to their star-formation activity and the evolution of the different populations has been investigated in detail. We have studied an IRAC (mag_3.6 < 22.0) selected sample of ~18000 galaxies at z > 1.4 with multi-wavelength coverage. We have derived accurate photometric redshifts (sigma=0.06) and other important physical parameters through a SED-fitting procedure. We have divided our sample into actively star-forming, intermediate and quiescent galaxies depending on their specific star formation rate. We have computed the galaxy stellar mass function of the total sample and the different populations at z=1.4-3.0. We have studied the properties of high redshift quiescent galaxies finding that they are old (1-4 Gyr), massive (log(M/M_sun)~10.65), weakly star forming stellar populations with low dust extinction (E(B-V) < 0.15) and small e-folding time scales (tau ~ 0.1-0.3 Gyr). We observe a significant evolution of the quiescent stellar mass function from 2.5 < z < 3.0 to 1.4 < z < 1.6, increasing by ~ 1 dex in this redshift interval. We find that z ~ 1.5 is an epoch of transition of the GSMF. The fraction of star-forming galaxies decreases from 60% to 20% from z ~ 2.5-3.0 to z ~ 1.4-1.6 for log(M/M_sun) > 11, while the quiescent population increases from 10% to 50% at the same redshift and mass intervals. We compare the fraction of quiescent galaxies derived with that predicted by theoretical models and find that the Kitzbichler & White (2007) model is the one that better reproduces the data. Finally, we calculate the stellar mass density of the star-forming and quiescent populations finding that there is already a significant number of quiescent galaxies at z > 2.5 (rho~6.0 MsunMpc^-3).
104 - C. Gruppioni 2011
We present a new backward evolution model for galaxies and AGNs in the infrared (IR). What is new in this model is the separate study of the evolutionary properties of the different IR populations (i.e. spiral galaxies, starburst galaxies, low-luminosity AGNs, unobscured type 1 AGNs and obscured type 2 AGNs) defined through a detailed analysis of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of large samples of IR selected sources. The evolutionary parameters have been constrained by means of all the available observables from surveys in the mid- and far-IR (source counts, redshift and luminosity distributions, luminosity functions). By decomposing the SEDs representative of the three AGN classes into three distinct components (a stellar component emitting most of its power in the optical/near-IR, an AGN component due to hot dust heated by the central black hole peaking in the mid-IR, and a starburst component dominating the far-IR spectrum) we have disentangled the AGN contribution to the monochromatic and total IR luminosity emitted by the different populations considered in our model from that due to star-formation activity. We have then obtained an estimate of the total IR luminosity density (and star-formation density - SFD - produced by IR galaxies) and the first ever estimate of the black hole mass accretion density (BHAR) from the IR. The derived evolution of the BHAR is in agreement with estimates from X-rays, though the BHAR values we derive from IR are slightly higher than the X-ray ones. Finally, we have simulated source counts, redshift distributions and SFD and BHAR that we expect to obtain with the future cosmological Surveys in the mid-/far-IR that will be performed with JWST-MIRI and SPICA-SAFARI.
We present the broad-band Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of the largest available highly (72%) complete spectroscopic sample of mid-infrared (MIR) selected galaxies and AGN at intermediate redshift. The sample contains 203 extragalactic sources from the 15-micron survey in the ELAIS-SWIRE field S1, all with measured spectroscopic redshift. Most of these sources have full multi-wavelength coverage from the far-UV to the far-infrared and lie in the redshift range 0.1<z<1.3. Due to its size, this sample allows us for the first time to characterise the spectral properties of the sources responsible for the strong evolution observed in the MIR. Based on SED-fitting technique we have classified the MIR sources, identifying AGN signatures in about 50% of them. This fraction is significantly higher than that derived from optical spectroscopy (~29%) and is due in particular to the identification of AGN activity in objects spectroscopically classified as galaxies. It is likely that in most of our objects, the AGN is either obscured or of low-luminosity, and thus it does not dominate the energetic output at any wavelength, except in the MIR, showing up just in the range where the host galaxy SED has a minimum. The fraction of AGN strongly depends on the flux density, with that derived through the SED-fitting being about 20% at S(15)~0.5-1 mJy and gradually increasing up to 100% at S(15)>10 mJy, while that obtained from optical spectroscopy never being >30%, even at the higher flux densities. The results of this work will be very useful for updating all the models aimed at interpreting the deep infrared survey data and, in particular, for constraining the nature and the role of dust-obscured systems in the intermediate/high-redshift Universe.

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