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86 - A. Obreja 2014
Using cosmological galaxy simulations from the MaGICC project, we study the evolution of the stellar masses, star formation rates and gas phase abundances of star forming galaxies. We derive the stellar masses and star formation rates using observational relations based on spectral energy distributions by applying the new radiative transfer code GRASIL-3D to our simulated galaxies. The simulations match well the evolution of the stellar mass-halo mass relation, have a star forming main sequence that maintains a constant slope out to redshift z $sim$ 2, and populate projections of the stellar mass - star formation - metallicity plane, similar to observed star forming disc galaxies. We discuss small differences between these projections in observational data and in simulations, and the possible causes for the discrepancies. The light-weighted stellar masses are in good agreement with the simulation values, the differences between the two varying between 0.06 dex and 0.20 dex. We also find a good agreement between the star formation rate tracer and the true (time-averaged) simulation star formation rates. Regardless if we use mass- or light-weighted quantities, our simulations indicate that bursty star formation cycles can account for the scatter in the star forming main sequence.
We contend that a single power law halo mass distribution is appropriate for direct matching to the stellar masses of observed Local Group dwarf galaxies, allowing the determination of the slope of the stellar mass-halo mass relation for low mass galaxies. Errors in halo masses are well defined as the Poisson noise of simulated local group realisations, which we determine using constrained local universe simulations (CLUES). For the stellar mass range 10$^7$<M*<10$^8$M$_odot$, for which we likely have a complete census of observed galaxies, we find that the stellar mass-halo mass relation follows a power law with slope of 3.1, significantly steeper than most values in the literature. The steep relation between stellar and halo masses indicates that Local Group dwarf galaxies are hosted by dark matter halos with a small range of mass. Our methodology is robust down to the stellar mass to which the census of observed Local Group galaxies is complete, but the significant uncertainty in the currently measured slope of the stellar-to halo mass relation will decrease dramatically if the Local Group completeness limit was $10^{6.5}$M$odot$ or below, highlighting the importance of pushing such limit to lower masses and larger volumes.
Using cosmological galaxy formation simulations from the MaGICC project, spanning more than three magnitudes in stellar mass (~10^7-3x10^{10} Msun), we trace the baryonic cycle of infalling gas from the virial radius through to its participation in the star formation process. An emphasis is placed upon the temporal history of chemical enrichment during its passage through the corona and CGM. We derive the distributions of time between gas crossing the virial radius and being accreted to the star forming region (which allows mixing within the corona), as well as the time between gas being accreted to the star forming region and then forming stars (which allows mixing within the disc). Significant numbers of stars are formed from gas that cycles back through the hot halo after first accreting to the star forming region. Gas entering high mass galaxies is pre-enriched in low mass proto-galaxies prior to entering the virial radius of the central progenitor, with only small amounts of primordial gas accreted, even at high redshift (z~5). After entering the virial radius, significant further enrichment occurs prior to the accretion of the gas to the star forming region, with gas that is feeding the star forming region surpassing 0.1Z by z=0. Mixing with halo gas, itself enriched via galactic fountains, is thus crucial in determining the metallicity at which gas is accreted to the disc. The lowest mass simulation (Mvir~2x10^{10}Msun, with M*~10^7Msun), by contrast, accretes primordial gas through the virial radius and onto the disc at all times. Much like the classical analytical solutions to the `G-dwarf problem, overproduction of low-metallicity stars is ameliorated by the inefficiency of star formation. Finally, gas outflow/metal removal rates from star forming regions as a function of galactic mass are presented.
We examine the properties and evolution of a simulated polar disc galaxy. This galaxy is comprised of two orthogonal discs, one of which contains old stars (old stellar disc), and the other, containing both younger stars and the cold gas (polar disc) of the galaxy. By exploring the shape of the inner region of the dark matter halo, we are able to confirm that the halo shape is a oblate ellipsoid flattened in the direction of the polar disc. We also note that there is a twist in the shape profile, where the innermost 3 kpc of the halo flattens in the direction perpendicular to the old disc, and then aligns with the polar disc out until the virial radius. This result is then compared to the halo shape inferred from the circular velocities of the two discs. We also use the temporal information of the simulation to track the systems evolution, and identify the processes which give rise to this unusual galaxy type. We confirm the proposal that the polar disc galaxy is the result of the last major merger, where the angular moment of the interaction is orthogonal to the angle of the infalling gas. This merger is followed by the resumption of coherent gas infall. We emphasise that the disc is rapidly restored after the major merger and that after this event the galaxy begins to tilt. A significant proportion of the infalling gas comes from filaments. This infalling gas from the filament gives the gas its angular momentum, and, in the case of the polar disc galaxy, the direction of the gas filament does not change before or after the last major merger.
Within a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation, we form a disc galaxy with sub- components which can be assigned to a thin stellar disc, thick disk, and a low mass stellar halo via a chemical decomposition. The thin and thick disc populations so selected are distinct in their ages, kinematics, and metallicities. Thin disc stars are young (<6.6 Gyr), possess low velocity dispersion ({sigma}U,V,W = 41, 31, 25 km/s), high [Fe/H], and low [O/Fe]. The thick disc stars are old (6.6<age<9.8 Gyrs), lag the thin disc by sim21 km/s, possess higher velocity dispersion ({sigma}U,V,W = 49, 44, 35 km/s), relatively low [Fe/H] and high [O/Fe]. The halo component comprises less than 4% of stars in the solar annulus of the simulation, has low metallicity, a velocity ellipsoid defined by ({sigma}U,V,W = 62, 46, 45 km/s) and is formed primarily in-situ during an early merger epoch. Gas-rich mergers during this epoch play a major role in fuelling the formation of the old disc stars (the thick disc). This is consistent with studies which show that cold accretion is the main source of a disc galaxys baryons. Our simulation initially forms a relatively short (scalelength sim1.7 kpc at z=1) and kinematically hot disc, primarily from gas accreted during the galaxys merger epoch. Far from being a competing formation scenario, migration is crucial for reconciling the short, hot, discs which form at high redshift in {Lambda}CDM, with the properties of the thick disc at z=0. The thick disc, as defined by its abundances maintains its relatively short scale-length at z = 0 (2.31 kpc) compared with the total disc scale-length of 2.73 kpc. The inside-out nature of disc growth is imprinted the evolution of abundances such that the metal poor {alpha}-young population has a larger scale-length (4.07 kpc) than the more chemically evolved metal rich {alpha}-young population (2.74 kpc).
We examine the chemical properties of 5 cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of an M33-like disc galaxy which have been shown to be consistent with the morphological characteristics and bulk scaling relations expected of late-type spirals. These simulations are part of the Making Galaxies In a Cosmological Context (MaGICC) Project, in which stellar feedback is tuned to match the stellar mass -- halo mass relationship. Each realisation employed identical initial conditions and assembly histories, but differed from one another in their underlying baryonic physics prescriptions, including (a) the efficiency with which each supernova energy couples to the ISM, (b) the impact of feedback associated with massive star radiation pressure, (c) the role of the minimum shut-off time for radiative cooling of Type II SNe remnants, (d) the treatment of metal diffusion, and (e) varying the IMF. Our analysis focusses on the resulting stellar metallicity distribution functions (MDFs) in each simulated (analogous) `solar neighbourhood and central `bulge region. We compare the simulated MDFs skewness, kurtosis, and dispersion (inter-quartile, inter-decile, inter-centile, and inter-tenth-percentile regions) with that of the empirical solar neighbourhood MDF and Local Group dwarfs. We find that the MDFs of the simulated discs are more negatively skewed, with higher kurtosis, than those observed locally. We can trace this difference to the simulations tight and correlated age-metallicity relations (compared with that of the Milky Way), suggesting that these relations within `dwarf discs might be steeper than in L* discs and/or the degree of stellar orbital re-distribution and migration inferred locally has not been captured in their entirety, at the resolution of our simulations. The important role of metal diffusion in ameliorating the over-production of extremely metal-poor stars is highlighted.
We use the same physical model to simulate four galaxies that match the relation between stellar and total mass, over a mass range that includes the vast majority of disc galaxies. The resultant galaxies, part of the Making Galaxies in a Cosmological Context (MaGICC) program, also match observed relations between luminosity, rotation velocity, size, colour, star formation rate, HI mass, baryonic mass, and metallicity. Radiation from massive stars and supernova energy regulate star formation and drive outflows, balancing the complex interplay between cooling gas, star formation, large scale outflows, and recycling of gas in a manner which correctly scales with the mass of the galaxy. Outflows also play a key role in simulating galaxies with exponential surface brightness profiles, flat rotation curves and dark matter cores. Our study implies that large scale outflows are the primary driver of the dependence of disc galaxy properties on mass. We show that the amount of outflows invoked in our model is required to meet the constraints provided by observations of OVI absorption lines in the circum-galactic-media of local galaxies.
Encoded within the morphological structure of galaxies are clues related to their formation and evolutionary history. Recent advances pertaining to the statistics of galaxy morphology include sophisticated measures of concentration (C), asymmetry (A), and clumpiness (S). In this study, these three parameters (CAS) have been applied to a suite of simulated galaxies and compared with observational results inferred from a sample of nearby galaxies. The simulations span a range of late-type systems, with masses between ~1e10 Msun and ~1e12 Msun, and employ star formation density thresholds between 0.1 cm^-3 and 100 cm^-3. We have found that the simulated galaxies possess comparable concentrations to their real counterparts. However, the results of the CAS analysis revealed that the simulated galaxies are generally more asymmetric, and that the range of clumpiness values extends beyond the range of those observed. Strong correlations were obtained between the three CAS parameters and colour (B-V), consistent with observed galaxies. Furthermore, the simulated galaxies possess strong links between their CAS parameters and Hubble type, mostly in-line with their real counterparts.

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