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108 - C. Alard 2013
The cosmological simulations indicates that the dark matter haloes have specific self similar properties. However the halo similarity is affected by the baryonic feedback, the momentum injected by the supernovae re-shape the dark matter core and transform it to a flat density core, with a scale length imposed by the baryonic feedback. Additionally the baryon feedback impose also an equilibrium condition, which when coupled with the imposed baryonic scale length induce a new type of similarity. The new self similar solution implies that the acceleration generated by dark matter is scale free, which in turns implies that the baryonic acceleration at a reference radius is also scale free. Constant dark matter and baryonic accelerations at a reference radius have effectively been observed for a large class of different galaxies, which is in support of this approach. The new self similar properties implies that the total acceleration at larger distances is scale free, the transition between the dark matter and baryons dominated regime occurs at a constant acceleration, and the maximum of the velocity curve which defines the amplitude of the velocity curve at larger distances is proportional to $M^{frac{1}{4}}$. These results demonstrates that in this self similar model, cold dark matter is consistent with the basics of MOND phenomenology for the galaxies. In agreement with the observation the coincidence between the self similar model and MOND is expected to break at the scale of clusters of galaxies. Some numerical experiments shows that the behavior of the density near the origin is closely approximated by a Einasto profile.
250 - C. Alard 2012
This papers explores the self similar solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system and their relation to the gravitational collapse of dynamically cold systems. Analytic solutions are derived for power law potential in one dimension, and extensions of these solutions in three dimensions are proposed. Next the self similarity of the collapse of cold dynamical systems is investigated numerically. The fold system in phase space is consistent with analytic self similar solutions, the solutions present all the proper self-similar scalings. An additional point is the appearance of an $x^{-(1/2)}$ law at the center of the system for initial conditions with power law index larger than $-(1/2)$. It is found that the first appearance of the $x^{-(1/2)}$ law corresponds to the formation of a singularity very close to the center. Finally the general properties of self similar multi dimensional solutions near equilibrium are investigated. Smooth and continuous self similar solutions have power law behavior at equilibrium. However cold initial conditions result in discontinuous phase space solutions, and the smoothed phase space density looses its auto similar properties. This problem is easily solved by observing that the probability distribution of the phase space density $P$ is identical except for scaling parameters to the probability distribution of the smoothed phase space density $P_S$. As a consequence $P_S$ inherit the self similar properties of $P$. This particular property is at the origin of the universal power law observed in numerical simulation for ${rho}/{sigma^3}$. The self similar properties of $P_S$ implies that other quantities should have also an universal power law behavior with predictable exponents. This hypothesis is tested using a numerical model of the phase space density of cold dark matter halos, an excellent agreement is obtained.
210 - C. Alard 2010
This paper presents a principal components analysis of rotation curves from a sample of low surface brightness galaxies. The physical meaning of the principal components is investigated, and related to the intrinsic properties of the galaxies. The rotation curves are re-scaled using the optical disk scale, the resulting principal component decomposition demonstrates that the whole sample is properly approximated using two components. The ratio of the second to the first component is related to the halo steepness in the central region, is correlated to the gas fraction in the galaxy, and is un-correlated to other parameters. As a consequence the gas fraction appear as a fundamental variable with respect to the galaxies rotation curves, and its correlation with the halo steepness is especially important. Since the gas fraction is related to the degree of galaxy evolution, it is very likely that the steepness of the halo at the center is a consequence of galaxy evolution. More evolved galaxies have shallower central profile and statistically less gas, most likely as a consequence of more star formation and supernovae. The differences in evolution, gas fractions and halo central steepness of the galaxies could be due to the influence of different environments.
72 - C. Alard 2010
In gravitational lensing the average colors of the images are not identical to the average color of the source. The highly non-linear mapping of gravitational lensing does not preserve the color balance of the source, and this mapping is different for each image. The color distortion of the images is illustrated using HST images of the lens SL2SJ02140. It is shown that in this lens the color of the images is variable, reflecting the variable color of the source. The average color of the images in SL2SJ02140 are interpreted as a variable amplification of different sources regions with different colors. The variation of the average image colors affects the measurements of the photometric redshift of the images. This is especially true for SL2SJ02140 where the color variations due to the non-linear mapping of the lens simulates pseudo redshifts variations.

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