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Context. Many ellipticals are surrounded by round stellar shells probably stemming from minor mergers. A new method for constraining gravitational potential in elliptical galaxies has recently been suggested. It uses the spectral line profiles of these shells to measure the circular velocity at the edge of the shell and the expansion velocity of the shell itself. MOND is an alternative to the dark matter framework aiming to solve the missing mass problem. Aims. We study how the circular and expansion velocities behave in MOND for large shells. Methods. The asymptotic behavior for infinitely large shells is derived analytically. The applicability of the asymptotic results for finitely sized shells is studied numerically on a grid of galaxies modeled with Sersic spheres. Results. Circular velocity settles asymptotically at a value determined by the baryonic mass of the galaxy forming the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation known for disk galaxies. Shell expansion velocity also becomes asymptotically constant. The expansion velocities of large shells form a multibranched analogy to the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation, together with the galactic baryonic masses. For many - but not all - shell galaxies, the asymptotic values of these two types of velocities are reached under the effective radius. If MOND is assumed to work in ellipticals, then the shell spectra allow many details of the history to be revealed about the formation of the shell system, including its age. The results pertaining to circular velocities apply to all elliptical galaxies, not only those with shells.
Tests of MOND in ellipticals are relatively rare because these galaxies often lack kinematic tracers in the regions where the MOND effects are significant. Stellar shells observed in many elliptical galaxies offer a promising way to constrain their gravitational field. Shells appear as glowing arcs around their host galaxy. They are observed up to ~100 kpc. The stars in axially symmetric shell systems move in nearly radial orbits. The radial distributions of shell locations and the spectra of stars in shells can be used to constrain the gravitational potential of their host galaxy. The symmetrical shell systems, being especially suitable for these studies, occur in approximately 3% of all early-type galaxies. Hence the shells substantially increase the number of ellipticals in which MOND can be tested up to large radii. In this paper, we review our work on shell galaxies in MOND. We summarize the paper B{i}lek et al. (2013), where we demonstrated the consistency of shell radii in an elliptical NGC 3923 with MOND, and the work B{i}lek et al. (2014), in which we predicted a giant (~200 kpc), as yet undiscovered shell of NGC 3923. We explain the shell identification method, which was used in these two papers. We further describe the expected shape of line profiles in shell spectra in MOND which is very special due to the direct relation of the gravitational field and baryonic matter distribution (B{i}lek et al., 2014, in preparation).
Context. The elliptical galaxy NGC 3923 is surrounded by numerous stellar shells that are concentric arcs centered on the galactic core. They are very likely a result of a minor merger and they consist of stars in nearly radial orbits. For a given potential, the shell radii at a given time after the merger can be calculated and compared to observations. The Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) is a theory that aims to solve the missing mass problem by modifying the laws of classical dynamics in the limit of small accelerations. Hernquist & Quinn(1987) claimed that the shell distribution of NGC 3923 contradicted MOND, but Milgrom(1988) found several substantial insufficiencies in their work. Aims. We test whether the observed shell distribution in NGC 3923 is consistent with MOND using the current observational knowledge of the shell number and positions and of the host galaxy surface brightness profile, which supersede the data available in the 1980s when the last (and negative) tests of MOND viability were performed on NGC 3923. Methods. Using the 3.6 um bandpass image of NGC 3923 from the Spitzer space telescope we construct the mass profile of the galaxy. The evolution of shell radii in MOND is then computed using analytical formulae. We use 27 currently observed shells and allow for their multi-generation formation, unlike the Hernquist & Quinn one-generation model that used the 18 shells known at the time. Results. Our model reproduces the observed shell radii with a maximum deviation of 5% for 25 out of 27 known shells while keeping a reasonable formation scenario. A multi-generation nature of the shell system, resulting from successive passages of the surviving core of the tidally disrupted dwarf galaxy, is one of key ingredients of our scenario supported by the extreme shell radial range. The 25 reproduced shells are interpreted as belonging to three generations.
Stellar shells observed in many giant elliptical and lenticular as well as a few spiral and dwarf galaxies, presumably result from galaxy mergers. Line-of-sight velocity distributions of the shells could, in principle, if measured with a sufficiently high S/N, constitute one of methods to constrain the gravitational potential of the host galaxy. Merrifield & Kuijken (1998) predicted a double-peaked line profile for stationary shells resulting from a nearly radial minor merger. In this paper, we aim at extending their analysis to a more realistic case of expanding shells, inherent to the merging process, whereas we assume the same type of merger and the same orbital geometry. We use analytical approach as well as test particle simulations to predict the line-of-sight velocity profile across the shell structure. Simulated line profiles are convolved with spectral PSFs to estimate the peak detectability. The resulting line-of-sight velocity distributions are more complex than previously predicted due to non-zero phase velocity of the shells. In principle, each of the Merrifield & Kuijken (1998) peaks splits into two, giving a quadruple-peaked line profile, which allows more precise determination of the potential of the host galaxy and, moreover, contains additional information. We find simple analytical expressions that connect the positions of the four peaks of the line profile and the mass distribution of the galaxy, namely the circular velocity at the given shell radius and the propagation velocity of the shell. The analytical expressions were applied to a test-particle simulation of a radial minor merger and the potential of the simulated host galaxy was successfully recovered. The shell kinematics can thus become an independent tool to determine the content and distribution of the dark matter in shell galaxies, up to ~100 kpc from the center of the host galaxy.
In recent years, with new ground-based and HST measurements of proper motions of the Magellanic Clouds being published, a need of a reanalysis of possible orbital history has arisen. As complementary to other studies, we present a partial examination of the parameter space -- aimed at exploring the uncertainties in the proper motions of both Clouds, taking into account the updated values of Galactic constants and Solar motion, which kinematically and dynamically influence the orbits of the satellites. In the chosen setup of the study, none of the binding scenarios of this pair could be neglected.
The model of a radial minor merger proposed by Quinn (1984), which successfully reproduces the observed regular shell systems in shell galaxies, is ideal for a test-particle simulation. We compare such a simulation with a self-consistent one. They agree very well in positions of the first generation of shells but potentially important effects -- dynamical friction and gradual decay of the dwarf galaxy -- are not present in the test-particle model, therefore we look for a proper way to include them.
We present an improved study of the expected shape of the line-of-sight velocity distribution in shell galaxies. We found a simple analytical expression connecting prominent and in principle observable characteristics of the line profile and mass-distribution of the galaxy. The prediction was compared with the results from a test-particle simulation of a radial merger.
Using N-body simulations of shell galaxies created in nearly radial minor mergers, we investigate the error of collision dating, resulting from the neglect of dynamical friction and of gradual disruption of the cannibalized dwarf.
With the goal to refine modelling of shell galaxies and the use of shells to probe the merger history, we develop a new method for implementing dynamical friction in test-particle simulations of radial minor mergers. The friction is combined with a gradual decay of the dwarf galaxy. The coupling of both effects can considerably redistribute positions and luminosities of shells; neglecting them can lead to significant errors in attempts to date the merger.
128 - Nicola Bennert 2008
To study the relevance of mergers for the fueling of QSOs, we are currently conducting an HST imaging campaign of a sample of QSO host galaxies classified as ellipticals in the literature. Here, we present results from a study of the first five QSO host galaxies imaged with HST/ACS. For the majority of objects, strong signs of interactions such as tidal tails, shells, and other fine structure are revealed. We estimate the nature and age of the merger by comparing the images with numerical simulations. The merger ages range between a few hundred Myr up to a Gyr. These timescales are comparable to starburst ages in the QSO hosts previously inferred from Keck spectroscopy, but longer than theoretical estimates of AGN duty cycles. A possible scenario emerging from our results is that most QSO host galaxies experienced mergers with accompanying starbursts but that the activity is triggered with a delay of several hundreds Myr after the merger. To probe whether there is indeed a causal connection between the merger and the QSO activity, we study a control sample of inactive ellipticals. Our preliminary results do not reveal comparable fine structure.

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