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149 - Bradly Alicea 2014
How do we assign value to economic transactions? To answer this question, we must consider whether the value of objects is inherent, is a product of social interaction, or involves other mechanisms. Economic theory predicts that there is an optimal price for any market transaction, and can be observed during auctions or other bidding processes. However, there are also social, cultural, and cognitive components to the assignation of value, which can be observed in both human and non-human Primate societies. While behaviors related to these factors are embedded in market interactions, they also involve a biological substrate for the assignation of value (valuation). To synthesize this diversity of perspectives, we will propose that the process of valuation can be modeled computationally and conceived of as a set of interrelated cultural evolutionary, cognitive, and neural processes. To do this, contextual geometric structures (CGS) will be placed in an agent-based context (minimal and compositional markets). Objects in the form of computational propositions can be acquired and exchanged, which will determine the value of both singletons and linked propositions. Expected results of this model will be evaluated in terms of their contribution to understanding human economic phenomena. The paper will focus on computational representations and how they correspond to real-world concepts. The implications for evolutionary economics and our contemporary understanding of valuation and market dynamics will also be discussed.
167 - Bradly Alicea 2013
The analysis of eight molecular datasets involving human and teleost examples along with morphological samples from several groups of Neotropical electric fish (Order: Gymnotiformes) were used in this thesis to test the dynamics of both intraspecific variation and interspecific diversity. In terms of investigating molecular interspecific diversity among humans, two experimental exercises were performed. A cladistic exchange experiment tested for the extent of discontinuity and interbreeding between H. sapiens and neanderthal populations. As part of the same question, another experimental exercise tested the amount of molecular variance resulting from simulations which treated neanderthals as being either a local population of modern humans or as a distinct subspecies. Finally, comparisons of hominid populations over time with fish species helped to define what constitutes taxonomically relevant differences between morphological populations as expressed among both trait size ranges and through growth patterns that begin during ontogeny. Compared to the subdivision found within selected teleost species, H. sapiens molecular data exhibited little variation and discontinuity between geographical regions. Results of the two experimental exercises concluded that neanderthals exhibit taxonomic distance from modern H. sapiens. However, this distance was not so great as to exclude the possibility of interbreeding between the two subspecific groups. Finally, a series of characters were analyzed among species of Neotropical electric fish. These analyses were compared with hominid examples to determine what constituted taxonomically relevant differences between populations as expressed among specific morphometric traits that develop during the juvenile phase.
184 - Bradly Alicea 2013
A semi-supervised model of peer review is introduced that is intended to overcome the bias and incompleteness of traditional peer review. Traditional approaches are reliant on human biases, while consensus decision-making is constrained by sparse information. Here, the architecture for one potential improvement (a semi-supervised, human-assisted classifier) to the traditional approach will be introduced and evaluated. To evaluate the potential advantages of such a system, hypothetical receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for both approaches will be assessed. This will provide more specific indications of how automation would be beneficial in the manuscript evaluation process. In conclusion, the implications for such a system on measurements of scientific impact and improving the quality of open submission repositories will be discussed.
167 - Bradly Alicea 2013
Cell functional diversity is a significant determinant on how biological processes unfold. Most accounts of diversity involve a search for sequence or expression differences. Perhaps there are more subtle mechanisms at work. Using the metaphor of information processing and decision-making might provide a clearer view of these subtleties. Understanding adaptive and transformative processes (such as cellular reprogramming) as a series of simple decisions allows us to use a technique called cellular signal detection theory (cellular SDT) to detect potential bias in mechanisms that favor one outcome over another. We can apply method of detecting cellular reprogramming bias to cellular reprogramming and other complex molecular processes. To demonstrate scope of this method, we will critically examine differences between cell phenotypes reprogrammed to muscle fiber and neuron phenotypes. In cases where the signature of phenotypic bias is cryptic, signatures of genomic bias (pre-existing and induced) may provide an alternative. The examination of these alternates will be explored using data from a series of fibroblast cell lines before cellular reprogramming (pre-existing) and differences between fractions of cellular RNA for individual genes after drug treatment (induced). In conclusion, the usefulness and limitations of this method and associated analogies will be discussed.
105 - Bradly Alicea 2013
This paper will introduce a theory of emergent animal social complexity using various results from computational models and empirical results. These results will be organized into a vertical model of social complexity. This will support the perspective that social complexity is in essence an emergent phenomenon while helping to answer two interrelated questions. The first of these involves how behavior is integrated at units of analysis larger than the individual organism. The second involves placing aggregate social events into the context of processes occurring within individual organisms over time (e.g. genomic and physiological processes). By using a complex systems perspective, five principles of social complexity can be identified. These principles suggest that lower-level mechanisms give rise to high-level mechanisms, ultimately resulting in metastable networks of social relations. These network structures then constrain lower-level phenomena ranging from transient, collective social groups to physiological regulatory mechanisms within individual organisms. In conclusion, the broader implications and drawbacks of applying the theory to a diversity of natural populations will be discussed.
131 - Bradly Alicea 2013
Cell type (e.g. pluripotent cell, fibroblast) is the end result of many complex processes that unfold due to evolutionary, developmental, and transformational stimuli. A cells phenotype and the discrete, a priori states that define various cell subtypes (e.g. skin fibroblast, embryonic stem cell) are ultimately part of a continuum that may predict changes and systematic variation in cell subtypes. These features can be both observable in existing cellular states and hypothetical (e.g. unobserved). In this paper, a series of approaches will be used to approximate the continuous diversity of gene expression across a series of pluripotent, totipotent, and fibroblast cellular subtypes. We will use a series of previously-collected datasets and analyze them using three complementary approaches: the computation of distances based on the subsampling of diversity, assessing the separability of individual genes for a specific cell line both within and between cell types, and a hierarchical soft classification technique that will assign a membership value for specific genes in specific cell types given a number of different criteria. These approaches will allow us to assess the observed gene-expression diversity in these datasets, as well as assess how well a priori cell types characterize their constituent populations. In conclusion, the application of these findings to a broader biological context will be discussed.
231 - Bradly Alicea 2011
The relationship between physiological systems and modern electromechanical technologies is fast becoming intimate with high degrees of complex interaction. It can be argued that muscular function, limb movements, and touch perception serve supervisory functions for movement control in motion and touch-based (e.g. manipulable) devices/interfaces and human-machine interfaces in general. To get at this hypothesis requires the use of novel techniques and analyses which demonstrate the multifaceted and regulatory role of adaptive physiological processes in these interactions. Neuromechanics is an approach that unifies the role of physiological function, motor performance, and environmental effects in determining human performance. A neuromechanical perspective will be used to explain the effect of environmental fluctuations on supervisory mechanisms, which leads to adaptive physiological responses. Three experiments are presented using two different types of virtual environment that allowed for selective switching between two sets of environmental forces. This switching was done in various ways to maximize the variety of results. Electromyography (EMG) and kinematic information contributed to the development of human performance-related measures. Both descriptive and specialized analyses were conducted: peak amplitude analysis, loop trace analysis, and the analysis of unmatched muscle power. Results presented here provide a window into performance under a range of conditions. These analyses also demonstrated myriad consequences for force-related fluctuations on dynamic physiological regulation. The findings presented here could be applied to the dynamic control of touch-based and movement-sensitive human-machine systems. In particular, the design of systems such as human-robotic systems, touch screen devices, and rehabilitative technologies could benefit from this research.
55 - Bradly Alicea 2011
In this paper, I will attempt to establish a framework for representation in virtual worlds that may allow for input data from many different scales and virtual physics to be merged. For example, a typical virtual environment must effectively handle user input, sensor data, and virtual world physics all in real- time. Merging all of these data into a single interactive system requires that we adapt approaches from topological methods such as n-dimensional relativistic representation. A number of hypothetical examples will be provided throughout the paper to clarify technical challenges that need to be overcome to realize this vision. The long-term goal of this work is that truly invariant representations will ultimately result from establishing formal, inclusive relationships between these different domains. Using this framework, incomplete information in one or more domains can be compensated for by parallelism and mappings within the virtual world representation. To introduce this approach, I will review recent developments in embodiment, virtual world technology, and neuroscience relevant to the control of virtual worlds. The next step will be to borrow ideas from fields such as brain science, applied mathematics, and cosmology to give proper perspective to this approach. A simple demonstration will then be given using an intuitive example of physical relativism. Finally, future directions for the application of this method will be considered.
140 - Bradly Alicea 2011
One popular assumption regarding biological systems is that traits have evolved to be optimized with respect to function. This is a standard goal in evolutionary computation, and while not always embraced in the biological sciences, is an underlying assumption of what happens when fitness is maximized. The implication of this is that a signaling pathway or phylogeny should show evidence of minimizing the number of steps required to produce a biochemical product or phenotypic adaptation. In this paper, it will be shown that a principle of maximum intermediate steps may also characterize complex biological systems, especially those in which extreme historical contingency or a combination of mutation and recombination are key features. The contribution to existing literature is two-fold: demonstrating both the potential for non-optimality in engineered systems with lifelike attributes, and the underpinnings of non-optimality in naturalistic contexts. This will be demonstrated by using the Rube Goldberg Machine (RGM) analogy. Mechanical RGMs will be introduced, and their relationship to conceptual biological RGMs. Exemplars of these biological RGMs and their evolution (e.g. introduction of mutations and recombination-like
101 - Bradly Alicea 2009
Recent developments in hybrid biological-technological systems (hybrid bionic systems) has made clear the need for evaluating ergonomic fit in such systems, especially as users first become adjusted to using such systems. This training is accompanied by physiological adaptation, and can be thought of computationally as a relative degree of matching between prosthetic devices, physiology, and behavior. Achieving performance augmentation involves two features of performance: a specific form of learning, memory, and mechanotransduction called sensorimotor learning, and physiological adaptation to novel physical information imposed by the augmented environment of hybrid bionic systems. A method borrowed from environmental medicine involving perturbing the environment for a range of internal physiological conditions was used to induce sensorimotor learning and memory associated physiological changes. In addition, features of the adult phenotype were considered as a mitigator of learning-related adaptations. Using a series of statistical tests and techniques, the results demonstrate than three forms of regulation are at work related to morphological, neural, and muscular control. A discussion of the conceptual relationship between homeostasis and adaptation will then be discussed in addition to potential applications to performance augmentation strategies.

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