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Hinge clumps are luminous knots of star formation near the base of tidal features in some interacting galaxies. We use archival Hubble Space Telescope UV/optical/IR images and Chandra X-ray maps along with GALEX UV, Spitzer IR, and ground-based optical/near-IR images to investigate the star forming properties in a sample of 12 hinge clumps in five interacting galaxies. The most extreme of these hinge clumps have star formation rates of 1 - 9 M(sun)/yr, comparable to or larger than the `overlap region of intense star formation between the two disks of the colliding galaxy system the Antennae. In the HST images, we have found remarkably large (~70 pc) and luminous (M(I) ~ 12.2 to -16.5) sources at the centers of these hinge clumps, sometimes embedded in a linear ridge of fainter star clusters. We have found strong X-ray emission from several of these hinge clumps. In most cases, this emission is well-resolved with Chandra and has a thermal X-ray spectrum, thus it is likely due to hot gas associated with the star formation. The ratio of the extinction-corrected diffuse X-ray luminosity to the mechanical energy rate (the X-ray production efficiency) for the hinge clumps is similar to that in the Antennae galaxies, but higher than those for regions in the normal spiral galaxy NGC 2403. Two of the hinge clumps have point-like X-ray emission much brighter than expected for hot gas; these sources are likely `ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) due to accretion disks around black holes. The most extreme of these sources, in Arp 240, has a hard X-ray spectrum and an absorbed X-ray luminosity of ~2 X 10^41 erg/s; more than expected by single high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), thus it may be either a collection of HMXBs or an intermediate-mass black hole (>=80 M(sun)). [ abridged ]
443 - Ryen C. Lapham 2013
We construct UV/optical/IR spectral energy distributions for 29 star forming regions in the interacting galaxy Arp 107, using GALEX UV, Sloan Digitized Sky Survey optical, and Spitzer infrared images. In an earlier study utilizing only the Spitzer data, we found a sequence in the mid-infrared colors of star-forming knots along the strong tidal arm in this system. In the current study, we find sequences in the UV/optical colors along the tidal arm that mirror those in the mid-infrared, with blue UV/optical colors found for regions that are red in the mid-infrared, and vice versa. With single-burst stellar population synthesis models, we find a sequence in the average stellar age along this arm, with younger stars preferentially located further out in the arm. Models that allow two populations of different ages and dust attenuations suggest that there may be both a young component and an older population present in these regions. Thus the observed color sequences may be better interpreted as a sequence in the relative proportion of young and old stars along the arm, with a larger fraction of young stars near the end. Comparison with star forming regions in other interacting galaxies shows that the Arp 107 regions are relatively quiescent, with less intense star formation than in many other systems.
We have conducted a statistical analysis of the ultra-luminous X-ray point sources (ULXs; L(X) >= 10^39 erg/s) in a sample of galaxies selected from the Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. We find a possible enhancement of a factor of ~2-4 in the number of ULXs per blue luminosity for the strongly interacting subset. Such an enhancement would be expected if ULX production is related to star formation, as interacting galaxies tend to have enhanced star formation rates on average. For most of the Arp galaxies in our sample, the total number of ULXs compared to the far-infrared luminosity is consistent with values found earlier for spiral galaxies. This suggests that for these galaxies, ULXs trace recent star formation. However, for the most infrared-luminous galaxies, we find a deficiency of ULXs compared to the infrared luminosity. For these very infrared-luminous galaxies, AGNs may contribute to powering the far-infrared; alternatively, ULXs may be highly obscured in the X-ray in these galaxies and therefore not detected by these Chandra observations. We determined local UV/optical colors within the galaxies in the vicinity of the candidate ULXs using GALEX UV and SDSS optical images. In most cases, the distributions of colors are similar to the global colors of interacting galaxies. However, the u - g and r - i colors at the ULX locations tend to be bluer on average than these global colors, suggesting that ULXs are preferentially found in regions with young stellar populations. In the Arp sample there is a possible enhancement of a factor of ~2 - 5 in the fraction of galactic nuclei that are X-ray bright compared to more normal spirals.
196 - Beverly J. Smith 2010
We compare the UV-optical colors of a well-defined set of optically-selected pre-merger interacting galaxy pairs with those of normal spirals. The shorter wavelength colors show a larger dispersion for the interacting galaxies than for the spirals. This result can best be explained by higher star formation rates on average in the interacting galaxies, combined with higher extinctions on average. This is consistent with earlier studies, that found that the star formation in interacting galaxies tends to be more centrally concentrated than in normal spirals, perhaps due to gas being driven into the center by the interaction. As noted in earlier studies, there is a large variation from galaxy to galaxy in the implied star formation rates of the interacting galaxies, with some galaxies having enhanced rates but others being fairly quiescent.
145 - Beverly J. Smith 2010
We have used the GALEX ultraviolet telescope to study stellar populations and star formation morphology in a well-defined sample of 42 nearby optically-selected pre-merger interacting galaxy pairs. Galaxy interactions were likely far more common in the early Universe than in the present, thus our study provides a nearby well-resolved comparison sample for high redshift studies. We have combined the GALEX NUV and FUV images with broadband optical maps from the Sloan Digitized Sky Survey to investigate the ages and extinctions of the tidal features and the disks. The distributions of the UV/optical colors of the tidal features and the main disks of the galaxies are similar, however, the tidal features are bluer on average in NUV - g when compared with their own parent disks, thus tails and bridges are often more prominent relative to the disks in UV images compared to optical maps. This effect is likely due to enhanced star formation in the tidal features compared to the disks rather than reduced extinction, however, lower metallicities may also play a role. We have identified a few new candidate tidal dwarf galaxies in this sample. Other interesting morphologies such as accretion tails and `beads on a string are also seen in these images. We also identify a possible `Taffy galaxy in our sample, which may have been produced by a head-on collision between two galaxies. In only a few cases are strong tidal features seen in HI maps but not in GALEX.
173 - Beverly J. Smith 2009
We have used the GALEX ultraviolet telescope to study stellar populations and star formation morphology in a well-defined sample of more than three dozen nearby optically-selected pre-merger interacting galaxy pairs. We have combined the GALEX NUV and FUV images with broadband optical maps from the Sloan Digitized Sky Survey to investigate the ages and extinctions of the tidal features and the disks. We have identified a few new candidate tidal dwarf galaxies in this sample, as well as other interesting morphologies such as accretion tails, `beads on a string, and `hinge clumps. In only a few cases are strong tidal features seen in HI maps but not in GALEX.
The key to understanding the physical processes that occur during galaxy interactions is dynamical modeling, and especially the detailed matching of numerical models to specific systems. To make modeling interacting galaxies more efficient, we have constructed the `Automatic Galaxy Collision (AGC) code, which requires less human intervention in finding good matches to data. We present some preliminary results from this code for the well-studied system Arp 284 (NGC 7714/5), and address questions of uniqueness of solutions.

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