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Topological superconductors supporting Majorana Fermions with non-abelian statistics are presently a subject of intense theoretical and experimental effort. It has been proposed that the observation of a half-frequency or a fractional Josephson effect is a more reliable test for topological superconductivity than the search for end zero modes. Low-energy end modes can occur accidentally due to impurities. In fact, the fractional Josephson effect has been observed for the semiconductor nanowire system. Here we consider the ac Josephson effect in a conventional s-wave superconductor-normal metal-superconductor junction at a finite voltage. Using a Floquet-Keldysh treatment of the finite voltage junction, we show that the power dissipated from the junction, which measures the ac Josephson effect, can show a peak at half (or even incommensurate fractions) of the Josephson frequency. A similar conclusion is shown to hold for the Shapiro step measurement. The ac fractional Josephson peak can also be understood simply in terms of Landau-Zener processes associated with the Andreev bound state spectrum of the junction.
Periodically driven systems, which can be described by Floquet theory, have been proposed to show characteristic behavior that is distinct from static Hamiltonians. Floquet theory proposes to describe such periodically driven systems in terms of states that are indexed by a photon number in addition to the usual Hilbert space of the system. We propose a way to measure directly this additional Floquet degree of freedom by the measurement of the DC conductance of a single channel quantum point contact. Specifically, we show that a single channel wire augmented with a grating structure when irradiated with microwave radiation can show a DC conductance above the limit of one conductance quantum set by the Landauer formula. Another interesting feature of the proposed system is that being non-adiabatic in character, it can be used to pump a strong gate-voltage dependent photo-current even with linearly polarized radiation.

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